[gba] Public Release Of Gpsp2x! Dynarec'd And All!

JimmySlam posted on Mar 15 2007 at 06:08 PM said:
THe FPS counter is wrong, is tells you the frames in an accurrate way.
I have tried to play Gradius Advance i get 43 FPS but is unplayable .. is like 8 FPS...

Somebody can fix that? If somebody can compile it i will have a look to the code and fix it and send it back for compilation... I just cant compile it...I am not good at that. :S

I had the same problem at first...

As had been said, make sure you hit select when you exit lcd tweaker so your overclock settings are effective.

Second, auto frameskip doesn't work. Set it to manual, then frameskip at 1 or 2 depending on the speed of the game (most things work at 1 I think, but you may even have to go to 3 for some games).
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ste_167 posted on Mar 15 2007 at 10:16 PM said:
ZodTTD's onto it already and knows what he's doing!

I think he is goint oto do virtualization .. that means he is not going to use this code much... cause this is emulation something completly different that what he wants really... and I wouldnt know how to improve the code i could fix the fps only...
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JimmySlam posted on Mar 15 2007 at 11:10 PM said:
ste_167 posted on Mar 15 2007 at 10:16 PM said:
ZodTTD's onto it already and knows what he's doing!

I think he is goint oto do virtualization .. that means he is not going to use this code much... cause this is emulation something completly different that what he wants really... and I wouldnt know how to improve the code i could fix the fps only...
He says there is another update of bug fixes coming soon...I thought? Also auto framskip will always skip with the maximum you tell it. Try manual and 1 or 2.
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ninja sauce posted on Mar 15 2007 at 11:46 AM said:
another vote for an enhanced menu system - i think it gives projects so much more character to have a look and feel to them rather than just the textual screen...pico menu would work though. i would like that.

great work again though...a few more whistles and bells and we're off.


Don't forget Picodrive has those awesome menu transparencies now. I was using .9 and the latest separately for Genesis and Sega CD until they added those... because I'm ridiculous.
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The gameboy advance was one of the systems that I desired tos ee emulated on the GP2X, and you certainly managed to make it possible. Thanks.
Wow, the new 9007 seems way more compatible than previous releases! Even baldurs gate : dark alliance works now, and golden sun :-)

Thanks a bunch and keep up the extremely good work, Zodttd!
Has anyone got Super Mario Advance to work ? Just goes to a black screen on mine and nothing happens, been dying to see if this one runs well
psj: Yes it runs, and runs very well too! :)
You might have a bad bios. You need the file gba_bios.bin and it must be the correct GBA dump.
New version 9008 : http://www.spookysoftsite.com/gpsp_v9008.zip

New in v9008:
- Updated the way autoframeskip works. Should be better now. Still has a max frameskip value.
- Added a slight performance increase to the dynarec.
- Added sync() to make sure files such as savestates and in-game saves are saved properly to the GP2X.
Well thx zodttd for these great updates !!!
Just to mention the crash occurs again with this 9007 version. I've tested with Mario Advance 3 : Yoshi's Island and Zelda Minish Cap, each @250, @240 & @230.
chaos engineer posted on Mar 15 2007 at 05:04 PM said:
I do not have much time to test it out, so can someone help me? how fast is the emu? is it time to switch from psp to gp2x for gba emulation?

ok, tested it, not as fast as the psp version I'd say. What do you think? That does not mean that I do not appreciate this port. I really had a good time with this emu.
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9008 works great!
I've been playing 'Summon Night' (U), Full speed!
I'll check the settings when I get home, But I think I played Summon Night using Auto Frameskip 3. Worked fine so I didn't change it to manual :)
Another thing: I played for about 5 hours straight, No crashes or stalls! ;)

Games I've tried so far: (Settings: 260Mhz, Custom ram timings, Manual Frameskip 1, 2 or 3)

Kill Switch
Slow. (I expected it, Kill Switch is in 3D...)

Summon Night
Plays great, No lag!
Sounds pretty good too, Audio buffer is set at 2048.

The Sims - Bustin' Out
(Not my kinda game :P)
Plays fine with sound, Full speed for me.

Great work!

Claym99 posted on Mar 15 2007 at 09:27 AM said:
What do all the things in Ram settings mean? Which settings would be the best?

i think it will depend on your unit. but don't be afraid to play with them...i've noticed that there's a sweet spot for mine where the performance drastically improves. the funny thing is, sometimes higher settings are better for some of them. this leads me to believe that it's more of an issue to get the cpu and ram in a good rhythm then to just lower all the latencies, because if the ram is waiting for a certain cycle and misses it it, maybe it has to wait that whole number of cycles again? i'm not sure but it "feels" that way so far. maybe someone can clarify. also, craigix's ram timings seem to work well. not sure what those are specifically, but maybe someone that's implemented them can post them?

again, my message to clay and everyone else is to play around with the cpu/ram/lcd timings, going one forward & one back, etc...because the results you get may be counterintuitive.

you've done some amazing work here, zod. i don't have much to add in terms of beta testing since i doubt i've played anything that hasn't already been brought up. like many others i think a menu renovation would be awesome, but if it doesn't happen, the current one is still usable and your efforts overall are much appreciated. i also like the idea of passing command line options to the program at startup, unfortunately that doesn't help much with the in-game menus, but it might make merging the code a little easier, if some of the params were gp2x only, and some psp only, etc. who knows. just keep up the great work, thanks!
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Am I doing something wrong?

Here is how I have my directory set up:


This has the gpsp directory with roms and bios in it, is that correct?

But I also have src file in it, is that source code? Should also mention that I am still running on 2.0. The problem I am having is that everytime I go to load a rom I just get a black screen. Think its a bios problem?
scarface posted on Mar 25 2007 at 05:53 PM said:
Am I doing something wrong?

Here is how I have my directory set up:


This has the gpsp directory with roms and bios in it, is that correct?

But I also have src file in it, is that source code? Should also mention that I am still running on 2.0. The problem I am having is that everytime I go to load a rom I just get a black screen. Think its a bios problem?

Hmm. I don't think having an extra directory would cause that.

Make sure you have the (U) release, And not (E).
I have roms that give me a black screen, Like the (E) version of Pokemon Emerald.
Try making a new folder and copying over a clean install of gpsp, I was getting a blackscreen whenever I tried to launch a rom, I deleted my config files (After making backups) and it worked!


Another thing: I've found that the max speed that my gp2x is stable at is 290Mhz (Stalls at 300Mhz)
I had my ram timings tweaked, And it was working fine, And then I increased a ram timing setting, And I started getting a black screen whenever I tried to run a rom.
I deleted my 'cpuspeed' config file in the gpsp dir and it fixed it.

Hope this helps,
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You beat me to it. It's in the archive and works great, got wakeboarding unleashed and driver 2 working fullspeed w/o sound at 230 Mhz. And were those "no image available" pictures like that earlier today, I could've sworn they were just black with yellow writing.