Games You Have Played Until Daybreak


Certified Guru
Apr 4, 2003
England, UK
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There's a lot of top games threads, but in this one I'm talking about games you've played for a large amount of time. 6-8 hours straight, or until the sun is shining through the window and you need some sleep -after- breakfast.

I don't care how sad it is, it's enjoyable although slightly inconvenient in a school/University context. Thank goodness for summer holidays etc. :)

In my case I've played Morrowind for something like that amount of time, getting my character over the island completely without using transports and walking over mountains ridiculously. Luckily the gaming spree cleared about three dungeons in a row :)

Half Life 2 is another contender although I'm at a lan at the weekend and have courses all week so I won't be able to - if I had the free time though, I never get tired of the game.

Finally Mario 64 is so addictive because of all the worlds you unlock - get bored of one world, just move onto another. And even if the main stars are boring you can opt to collect 100 coins or the red coins.

Remember, games that you've actually played at length in one continuous sitting. And if you haven't ever done that, fair play, it's probably just not your personality / ability to survive without sleep. Anyone else want to contribute?
I did a 12 hour gaming session when I first got Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. And 4+ hour sessions are not uncommon with me.
if we are counting multiplayer then:

goldeneye on an N64

whilst playing the original pokemon games and midtown madness on a pc.

it was a mates 14th or 13th birthday, the weekend that pokemon had come out, we arrived at his house after lunch, mid afternoonish and played until about eleven the next morning, stopping only to eat and change batteries on the gameboys.

happy days
Diablo done it once, was gonna do it with Mage and Warrior but then a little something called coursework arised ;)

Also I love completing Broken Sword 1 and 2 in a one night sitting! :D

Pokemon Red.

Dungeon Keeper

probably many more

ahh yes:
Full Throttle

I like my point and clicks ;)
Of later games I've played Freelancer to dawn -or pretty close to anyway. Close enough to be VERY unfit for work that same morning.

I've done the same thing with Evil Genious recently... Unfortunately I found the game was becoming annoying at some point, and haven't returned to it since.

Back in the day I've played Warloards through the night with one of my friends - but only at sleepovers, since there wouldn't be any chance that you would be allowed to play at night "normally" by you parents.
Hmmm - never had a computer game I've played like that, except Dizzy on the Spectrum...!

Used to play Advanced Heroquest (the board game) through the night at me mate's house though...
Sega Rally
Virtua Fighter
Die Hard Arcade
Tomb Raider (1, 2 and 3)
Fifa 98
Chu Chu Rocket
Battlefield 1942
Mario 64
Zelda OoT

And way too many others to list. Once I get into a game I find it hard to put down.

played for 36 hours straight on a 56k dial up 4-5 years ago

my arse went to sleep and needed assistance to straighten up.

loo+toast+coffee breaks during level loads

ahhh them were the days P233mhz with voodoo 1

needless to say i got addicted.

-when i got broadband put in for a weeks vacation from work-
Multiplayer... why not? I forgot some.

Diablo 2, on got ridiculously addictive. Especially ... can't remember the name, but high level players basically take a group of newbies through the game extremely fast just so the newbies are marked as having completed it. Completing the game takes some time but it's all done in one sitting. Killing Diablo over and over for XP and goodies ... ah.

Pokemon was another, I was supposed to have gotten it for my birthday but I found it early and had played it for about 20 hours or so before my birthday arrived the next week. I played it regularly, it was original and fun at the time. The sequels were crap though.

Mario Sunshine affected me as much as Mario 64 in that I played it for quite a long time, pretty much most of last Christmas break. I remember simultaneously drinking some really cheap blue vodka mix and trying to navigate the obstacle courses... which is just asking for it. It was really fun though, even if I was up until 6am trying to beat them.
Secret of Mana, more than seven hours coop with a good friend.

There's also a German role playing game (pen&paper) called "Das schwarze Auge".... played it a whole weekend long, and when I say a whole weekend, I mean starting friday afternoon and thinking about stopping sunday night :D

Then there are various LANs, although I hardly get to play anymore because I am the whole catering team :D It's fun to cok on LANs, even if you fuck up people won't notice it :D

KOTOR and Diablo 2 are two other games that like to occupy me... not to mention Painkiller. I also completed Eternal Darkness two times in one night once.