Games that have actually spooked you..?

Yeah, I think paranoia effects or really creepy sound effects can make games even more frightening.
Eternal Darkness on GameCube had some wonderful sanity/paranoia tricks to try to spook the player.

Good timing :)
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Haunting Ground on PS2.

Seriously having to hide under the bed while the monster looks for you is extremely unnerving. The whole game is super creeepy ...
Speaking of which...Vampire Rain: Altered Species was such a crappy game, but it sure scared the bejebus out of me.

Weird game too, as it was half stealth-half survival horror.
I was spooked by just how crap V-rally 3 was on the ps2.I adored v-rally 2.what a letdown.I think i actually threw the game disc on the ground.Spooky HUH?
Luigis mansion because of the music actually scary ? Fine Enternal Darkness not because of the game but because I was going to take it out to show my friend and it was gone still haven't found it