Gamepark Newbie


Certified Guru
Sep 10, 2004
Middle of Nowhere, USA
If a mod could sticky this, I'd appreciate it. :)

Before you post in I Need Help... head over to Gamepark newbie.

Gameparknewbie has information on the GP32, GPx2, and the XGP, and it is consistently updated so the all info is current (I hope :P ). There are many useful guides that cover everything from flashing firmware to encoding video or music for your GP32. AND it features very friendly, easy-to-use FAQs for each console.

Don't get flamed, get informed.

Update Log:

Mar 27, 2006
-Added/Revised specs for XGP and XGPmini
-Added new images of XGP and XGPmini

Mar 20, 2006
-Lots of movement in the XGP section. More soon!

Mar 11, 2006
-Added link to gpspout BLU+
-Added images of XGP and XGP mini

Jan 19, 2006
-GP2X multimedia section done & several revisions

Jan 13, 2006
-Slightly updated GP2X intro, commercial games, and programs section
-GP2X Emulation section completed (to this point)

Dec 18, 2005
-Added Heretic32 and Hexen32 to GP32 Homebrew section

Nov 22, 2005
-New e-mail address
-Added new photo to GP2X images

Nov 5, 2005
-Added new images of GP2X carry case and box

Oct 30, 2005
-GP2X FAQ updated and revisions

Oct 26, 2005
-Added The Minigame Project to GP32 Homebrew section
-Updated GP2X Specifications

Oct 18, 2005
-Added new images of GP2X and its official case
-Removed direct link to e-mail (many, many viruses)

Oct 9, 2005
-Huge new GP2X FAQ
-Added Guides/Special section to GP2X
-Added Programs sections for GP2X
-Rewrote Introduction

Oct 8, 2005
-Added oSNES Reesy ver. to GP32 emulation section
-Added image to GP2X Images section

Oct 4, 2005
-Modified Links sections
-Added image to GP2X Images section

Sep 11, 2005
-Changed "GPx2" to "GP2X"
-Added to GP2X FAQ

Aug 25, 2005
-Added GPFM to Multimedia and Lacuna to Homebrew

Aug 18, 2005
-Added link to Whizzbang's Homebrew guide, updated Trigger fix w/ Fade's broken prong fix

Aug 17, 2005
-GPx2 FAQ updated with widescreen question & DaveC's screenshots image in GP32 'Emulation' section.
-Added 'Images' section to GPx2 section

Aug 16, 2005
-New 'Getting Started' guide added.
-Codec packs/gpCinema problems covered in GP32 FAQ (still more to do)
-Lots of new XGP info in the FAQ, Intro rewritten, image added to splash screen.

Aug 15, 2005
-XGP images (direct from Gamepark :-) added to 'Images'
-answered XGP design question in FAQ

Aug 12, 2005
-Added Fishbong's 'Ultimate Ministick Fix' to Guides/Special.
-Swapped link and text color--more readable now.
-Corrections and more games in Homebrew section.

Aug 11, 2005
-Pea and WarmFluffy's sites added
-Added Mr.Munk's clockspeed question to the faq along with a glass screen question.. still more to do.
-Added question about GPx2 case color to FAQ.

Aug 10, 2005
Hey it just came to my mind, you should add the ministick fix to your site:

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shinneri posted on Aug 12 2005 at 09:24 AM said:
other than that keep up the good work!
I swapped the link and text colors. Tell me what you think.

much easier on my eyes! since the nav text goes black on mouse-over the default of off-white isn't as much of an issue. thanks!!!
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Quiest posted on Aug 12 2005 at 05:11 AM said:
Hey it just came to my mind, you should add the ministick fix to your site:

Got the okay from Fishbong, and it is now added. :)

starpause posted on Aug 12 2005 at 12:18 PM said:
much easier on my eyes! since the nav text goes black on mouse-over the default of off-white isn't as much of an issue. thanks!!!
Good. :)
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very nice. I wish there was something like this when I first found out about the GP32. Would have saved me loads of time.
Indeed a very helpful web site. It's well written and well-organized. *bookmarked* Thanks for the resource!
This is a very good Idea, but I must add mention that there are 2 different Slubman firmwares, a BLU one and a BLU+ one...

Add the program GPFM under "Multimedia".

Lacuna should be added into the homebrew section...

And other stuff.
Alex. posted on Aug 24 2005 at 03:44 PM said:
Indeed a very helpful web site. It's well written and well-organized. *bookmarked* Thanks for the resource!
Glad it helped. :)

Hanz™ posted on Aug 24 2005 at 05:14 PM said:
This is a very good Idea, but I must add mention that there are 2 different Slubman firmwares, a BLU one and a BLU+ one...
Hmm.. I didn't mention that? Maybe I forgot. I'll check.

Hanz™ posted on Aug 24 2005 at 05:14 PM said:
Add the program GPFM under "Multimedia".

Lacuna should be added into the homebrew section...

And other stuff.
I'll add those two, but I wasn't really looking to create a complete database of GP32 games/apps on my site. I was just looking to point people in the right direction with a few of the best. Then they can search for themself or look at Whizzbang's cool homebrew guide, which I link to.
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crazypeter posted on Oct 3 2005 at 05:27 PM said:
:) Thank you thank you thank you...I'm new and this is what us noobs need!
Smiles from Peter :D
Glad to help! :D

I'm currently putting together a GP2X FAQ similar to my awesome GP32 one. Should be up in a day or two. :)
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i gotta say this is a great site (and a helpful one) good job :) (oh when are you gonna get more xgp pics?)
Goemon4 posted on Oct 5 2005 at 05:00 PM said:
oh when are you gonna get more xgp pics?
Thanks. :D

Umm.. Not sure if I'll get new XGP pictures or not. Gamepark must have just sent them to the first address they found on a Gamepark site, which happened to be me, but, if I get more, I'll surely inform everyone. And, if Hando or ED get them, they surely would, too. ;)
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The link seems to be broken...

And the minute I make this post, it starts working again... typical. :rolleyes: