Game Maker Program

The game making software that Farox posted was the one I was talking about in my post. Apparently ED's used that software before and (at the time) it was good, but a bit limited and slowed down to 10 FPS if you had music in the game. I'd quote him, but I'd have to find the post first.

EDIT: Found it! Topic is Here.

Yeah, I created a working Pinball engine and my entry for the Crap Games Competition for the gp2x years ago with it.

Basically, it was good - but the gp2x version went down to 10fps once you included music :)
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Alibobar said:
^ well, they don't have the sourcecode on the website. Only a cross-platform .zip which I bet is full of executables.

It does look like what the OP is looking for.
Go to the downloads section at the bottom there is a direct download link to the source code :)
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Alibobar said:
^ ah! ok, never mind what I said then :P

Start compiling ;)
Something tells me u dont expect that to happen
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Alpha2 said:
As someone with absolutely no skill with code beyond old HTML I prefer a "maker" program because at the very least even if it generates code, it's atleast possible to get working code quickly that you can learn to edit later. When you look at the games possible in something like Little Big Planet on PS3 which requires almost no coding at all aside from flipping a bunch of toggles and property settings it makes you wonder why more people arent trying to build similar game making tools.

ttoaly agree with you and i want ogre but witha full suite for modeling-scripting-worldedit ,this would be the best thing to hope for on the pandora ,with so many tutorials already out there for ogre and premade scripts ready to tweek and a vast 3d world to create what more would you want.

my new task is to get ogre running in ubuntu then finding the best software to work alongside it(plugins) for gui based use ,it would be nice to have an all in one ,but mabe the modelng could be done in something like 3dsmax and exported if theres nothing else like it for linux that can also be ported to pandora ,my idea would be to build on the desktop and edit the smaller things on the pandora when time is thin.
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The old Fenix DIV2 enviroment (the real gamemaker, I think there where 2000 and professional), was pretty
good to start off... It had everything needed for development for games up to 256 colors.
There was a character editor which came with humanoid modells, some predefined textures and many animation possibilitys.
Further an adjustable explosion generator, an Image Editor that needed some time to get used to.
Theoretical you had everything needed for some serious fenix development in one app.
I even run it today using Dosbox when working on fenix/ bennu games but only for fpg editing,
because Dosbox crashes when trying to execute a build. I doubt it will run on the Pandora in Dosbox, but I will give it a try for sure, when my unit arives.

Oh, has the Bennu runtime already been ported to Pandora?
You can use the Amiga-version of SEUCK (Shoot'Em Up Construction Kit) in UAE4All. ;)
Farox said:
Another option.... :)
Game Editor

if someone wanna try a port for Pandora...


If someone could port this engine, or make it output Pandora executables (actually this would make more sense :P ), would be neat. Pretty please? ^_^

Haven't used it yet, but the demos look awesome. And Gluon looks cool too... but seems to be in an earlier stage of development compared to Game Editor. Regardless, being able to create games in a simpler way using these engines would be great for a reduced team or a single person, to focus on content, gameplay and asset creation. Or at the very least, quick prototyping if you're a more hardcore developer.
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And now we see GP2X version of Fenix games running on the Pandora!
So no real need to port it, just run it through this :)
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