What Game Am I Going To Show Off The Pandora With?

ya, i dunno how legal it is really

but I guess....if its ur wiiconsole....
and u bought it....

then u might aswell go extract those roms

(just dont tell anyoby, it might be not that legal after all lol)
KRH said:
God Ginrai said:
Seriously? (About the extraction part)
Wii Vc uses ROMs that are actually usable with standard EMUs, Go Figure.

I can't find anything about extracting VC ROMs, I think you have it confused with injecting ROMs into VC. If you can provide me with a link that would prove otherwise, then please do so.

-God Ginrai
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if u want i can give u the nzb-file for downloadin it from usenet :P
I just saw it there

but i'm not sure bout the legal matter
I found something specifically for extracting the Donkey Kong Country 2 VC rom, but I think it might be able extract others. It appears to take files in the .app format. Unfortunately the Sin and Punishment VC rom I just... uh... acquired is in wad format. I found another program that looks like it may be a VC wad extractor, but I'm not sure. I don't have a wii and know pretty much nothing about the hacking/homebrew scene. Surely there is someone who is familiar with this stuff on this forum...

Edit: mmkay, I think I got sin and punishment extracted and working with mupen64plus. The problem is, it's still in japanese. There are a whole bunch of .T64 files which I'm guessing are textures, so it looks like Nintendo used a method similar to the unofficial english patch, i.e. using english textures...
I would want to show off an 480p or 720i (if that's possible) hd video running on a nice looking media player, while on skype. if it can do that, i'm more than sold. I'll recommend it to all my friends. a lot of my friend have the custom fw psp and don't see a need for an beefed up handheld, only to run the retro games the psp runs nearly perfectly.
I'd say to woo 'em with some of the last PS1 games made, which are the ones that squeezed most from the console.

My multi-genre list of shiny games would be:

-Vagrant Story
-Metal Gear Solid
-Soul Blade and/or Tekken 3
-Spyro 3
-Syphon Filter
-Wipeout/Ridge Racer4/Gran Turismo2
-Colony Wars: Red Sun

Man, I'm imagining these all filtered-up and prettied....
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike, Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure, or Marvel VS Capcom. Brilliant and chaotic fighting masterpieces.
Full speed Shadow of the Beast for Amiga. Then, maybe some Rakugaki Showtime! If all else fails Ridge Racer R4.
MagicPants said:
Just something I've been wondering. I suppose it would have to be ported natively to the hardware so we're probably talking about open source here rather than emulation.

The most bang for the buck ports I can think of are Free Civ, Battle for Wesnoth, and that open source rpg maker that's compatible with rpg maker 2000. But none of those are really “wow” factor games. I suppose there are going to be some good death match shooters, but I can't really see playing death match against people on a PC, still they are likely to be impressive.

So what game am I going to show off the Pandora with?
I don't know, what game are you going to show off the Pandora with?
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Legend of the Dragoon for PSX, definetly. Other than that, a PC port for Max Payne (just a dream, they'd probably ave to go through hell and back trying to tone down the graphics... if it were possible I would die happy)
Perhaps Scorched3D is a possibility.
It's open source and has a Linux port, and it's quite pretty.
Plus, it's not strictly a realtime game, so if the graphics slow down a bit it shouldn't cause any gameplay issues...
Lou said:
Legend of the Dragoon for PSX, definetly. Other than that, a PC port for Max Payne (just a dream, they'd probably ave to go through hell and back trying to tone down the graphics... if it were possible I would die happy)
Graphically, I'd guess it'd be possible. The biggest problem, is, as ever, that ports require source code, and for Max Payne, there isn't any, making a port all but impossible. Sorry about that.
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