Easyrpg (Rpg Maker Interpreter) Ported!


can't be longer than 2 months right?
Oct 20, 2003
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Promising, but it has been like that for years. There's been a PSP and a GP2x Port as well, but it never got as far enough as to smoothly play top/"normal" rpg maker titles.

And no, I can't speak spanish.

And yes, this is probably the guy that got the very first MP pandora out of Craig's garage, with serial number *1.
Wonder if we'll see Sandbox on the pandora, I know there was some mention of it a long while back, it looks awesome and it's supposed to be pretty easy to knock up a game on it so hopefully we'll get a port for the pandora. For those who don't know what Sandbox is there link is HERE some of the videos look great and if we could use it on the pandora I'd certainly have a go at making a game for sure :)
They are aiming to get the Gluon Player on every platform you can imagine; their vision explicitly includes the Touch Book, which uses the same OMAP SoC as the Pandora and runs on Angstrom, so it should be a short hop from that to the Pandora. The Gluon Creator (for making games) is not so widely targeted, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it on Pandora eventually.
The video is the the old player branch, now very outdated. New player branch lacks map rendering yet, so it's not nice to grab videos if nothing visible happens :). The new player can do most of the sprite effects (zoom, rotate, change hue, opacity...), with or without OpenGL acceleration. The new player API features RGSS style (C++, Not Ruby) and tons of fixes and design disasters solved.

Old player can load some basic RPG Maker 200x map event commands (event movement, partial display message, etc.), lacking battle scene and buggy.

If somebody wants to code something for it, please drop me a line.
Tempel said:
They are aiming to get the Gluon Player on every platform you can imagine; their vision explicitly includes the Touch Book, which uses the same OMAP SoC as the Pandora and runs on Angstrom, so it should be a short hop from that to the Pandora. The Gluon Creator (for making games) is not so widely targeted, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it on Pandora eventually.
Hopefully this will be the case, I have looked around for a likely 'pandor-able' (I like that phrase I may have to copyright it) game making software and the Gluon Project seems to be one of the better candidates.
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