Game Gadget

Site's still riddled with crap, and malware. ;)


GameGadget meme, lol.
Does the Malware run on the Pandora?

Seriously, what have these guys done?

We made a lot of mistakes when we made the Pandora, it was a big learning curve... but this seems like nothing to what these guys did.

I remember posting when the first information about it became public and everyone was hyped up, that I doubt we'll see many classic games legally available for that system... especially not from Nintendo.

I would've been happy if someone would manage to pull through such a legal emulation shop, but I had high doubts it would work...

Seems like it turned out even worse than I thought... I hoped the would at least have some game licenses (except for the usual MegaDrive ones...)
Oh, look!

Someone updated the server and now we got tons of deprecated-messages on :)

Someone should turn off the warnings in PHP there ;)
How do things like the JXD and Yinlips handhelds hold up to the Pandora? It seems to me that almost every emulation based device that's currently available usually falls short of the mark against the Pando. The Neogeo looks sexy but the rumours are hinting at a price tag in the 100s for something that is only confirmed to play Neogeo roms. The Caanoo looks alright but you have to file the bezel out to be able to see the full screen area (or did they fix that) and that analogue nubbin was an odd choice, it's also dead. This thing looked like rotten pumpernickel from the beginning to me, those buttons look like they're made from jolly ranchers for a start. Why is it that nobody but OP and the big boys can get controls right? (actually that's not true in the case of Microsoft, they have yet to make a d-pad that can be used properly by human hands).
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Well, I haven't personally used any of these systems, but as far as I read here in the threads, the JXD and Yinlips handhelds don't have very good controls.

This seems to be an issue with most of Chinese gaming systems - poor DPad and controls (though the Dingoo was okay).

I think the reason for this is probably that none of the developers of these systems are classic gamers.

They see that emulation sells well, they see that Android sells well and they combine both into a device, trying to be as cheap as possible.

From what I heard, the stock emulators on the chinese devices also aren't pretty good, replacing them with the standard Android ones improves them, but PSX still seems much much better on the Pandora.

The GP2X had bad controls as well - for the very same reason.

When we paid GPH a visit, we found out, that none of them actually plays games... they only used the controls for quick testing (works!) and navigating...

The big companies know that good controls are needed for a gaming console and me and the rest of the OP team are actually gamers who wanted a proper system to play.

Part of the reason the Pandora exists WAS the horrible control stick on the gp2x, BTW ;)

So yeah, basically, it seems you got the following options:

* Big companies: Good controls, locked down system, good price (except if you're looking for emulators)

* Chinese gaming devices: Bad controls, partly open system, very good price.

* Pandora: Good controls, open system, higher price (small company).
I just was in my local Cash Converters, they got a boxed Game Gadget in there for £29

Someone didn't keep that long before shifting it eh
I understood that these guys had rights to distribute Neo-Geo roms too, so expect the NeoGeo handheld to be all the unsold gamegadgets in new cases.

Did we already establish that? Sometimes with all the weird happenings with these other consoles I forget.
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I do prefer the neogeoX to the game gadget shell... if it truely a rebranded dingoo guts i would more than likely get one (well if it werent for the gcw zero)

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About the caanoo joystick, I think it is a nice one.

When I first got it, I was worried it could be a cheap one, as it jiggles a little when idle (this giggle does not couse response).

It also felt it would not last.

So far (almost an year) I have been wrong. I play daily and it is holding fine.

It does not feel super quality as my logytech joypad or an xbox joy, but them, It is a lot easier to pull analog responses from it then on the higher ones.

So, at the end, I plays better then the main stream ones when on an analog game. I´m surprised.
29£ for a second hand unit? depending on its state it might be an interesting buy...
I thought the same thing ... might buy it up just as a standby handheld, one to take on those trips where you may well en counter loss/break/theft
I understood that these guys had rights to distribute Neo-Geo roms too, so expect the NeoGeo handheld to be all the unsold gamegadgets in new cases.

Did we already establish that? Sometimes with all the weird happenings with these other consoles I forget.
I don't think it was estabished for certain, no, though I wouldn't be *especially* surprised if that were the case. That said, I also wouldn't be surprised if it were the same bad-emulator-on-ARM-SoC as the Mega Drive handhelds and home plug-and-play units that they've also previously sold.

Bear in mind, Blaze has these licenses, as I understand it, due to being licensees of AtGames, who make the hardware that these guys sell. That means that the GameGadget, had it not gone so obviously sour, would almost certainly have gotten, aside from the Mega Drive games: A selection of Master System and Game Gear titles, some NeoGeo games, and some Atari 2600 software. I doubt that there would have been anything else after those, as these cover the entirety of the pre-installed software that AtGames makes available on its devices - in fact, if you look up AtGames' output, I can practically guarantee that you'll find a complete list of what would have been made available for the GameGadget.
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am not sure. I heard a lot about its bad case quality.

Owning a caanoo, which I had a chance to give a complete go before buying, I think of it as a great quality. I´m happy with it.

It attends my needs.

Gamegadget seems to sell for similar price.

Time will tell.

On the ouya thread, some people are stating people are "bashing" the thing, while people are only raising great discussion facts for a far far away future ´if real´ thing.

Gamegadget didn´t see this good will, it was heavily bashed from the start, there seems to be people who´s only purpose is to launch a hate-crusade for everything that is not made exactly for them. How come they have all this free time in hand?

I heard of gamegadget users that are actually happy with it. Some people that sees it as attending their needs, and others that see great potential on it.
Gamegadget didn´t see this good will, it was heavily bashed from the start
They did have some good will from the start, though - it's just that they brought their reputation upon themselves... At one point, they had a positive review on Amazon UK, and it was removed because this singular positive review was actually written by their own company (the rest are from burned users).

They hyped the device and its "iTunes, but for retro games" approach a lot, and made a great many statements bigging up the machine as something it was not ("the first British console since the days of the Spectrum", I think they said, which is untrue if you're looking at the days of the Spectrum themselves - there were multiple British consoles and computers after the Spectrum), before failing to allow the consoles to work on their launch day (bear in mind, users must activate them), and, to the best of my knowledge, they're STILL failing to provide users with the promised purchasable games. For a device that was sold on the promise of plentiful legal, licensed ROM-image purchases, I can see how they've invited bad will.

It's what happens when a company promises something that it can't deliver, no matter the company.

EDIT: There's a hilariously sarcastic new review of it, here. :lol:
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Blaze do make (or license) terrible handhelds, I bought the mastersystem one for a friend and it crashed all the time, it was cheap and nasty. They are definitely just trying to ride the retro gaming wave and make a buck off of some suckers, I'm totally disappointed to hear that they have something to do with the neogeo x.