Ugh, can we keep it simple please?
1. Whoever asks for a game first get the game.
2. Don't vaguely "half-ask" for a game.
3. Don't worry about other people's feelings, it makes things complicated.
4. If you don't follow the rules, I'm not going to give you any games!
Fae gets the copy of Teslagrad because she asked for it first (you're breaking rule #3, but I'll forgive you this time).
rygD, please keep it simple. If you want a game say so, otherwise please don't post, or be very clear that you don't want it.
Fae if you want to give the key to rydG you could do that, but I don't want to know about it,
and I suggest you don't do that, because it's not "keeping it simple".
Also I have a spare copy of Saint's Row IV if anyone wants it.