Free Gpcinema After April?

baked chunk

Still Fresh
Mar 24, 2004
Portland, OR
Visit site
Ok, ok. i know that you're thinking im full of crap but when i went to joygp this poped up

Many thanks for purchasing GP Cinema!!! Entware decided to sell GP Cinema till the End of April.

GamePark announced that GP Cinema be supplied as a free-ware in GP32's European Launching. If you want GP Cinema for free, you'd better wait till GP32's European Launching.

Till the End of April, you can buy GP Cinema for Mileages as now. The way of charging Entware Mileages are;

1. You can do at [Mileages charging station] section in Entware site by PayPal payment. Otherwise you can send money directly to our PayPal account
In this case, please mark your Entware User ID. (1000 mileages = U$0.87)

2. You can buy Mileages from

3. You can buy Mileages from

4. You can buy Mileages from Shybuya Game Store too.

After receiving notification from Liksang, Discoazul or Shibuya, We'll give you mileages.


im not sure if it real but if it is.. fuck yeah :)
This is handy... I've already bought it, but lost the .fpz in a harddrive failure. Now I'll be able to buy more SMCs and put movies on them... so more than 1 movie a trip,.
MojoJojo posted on Mar 24 2004 at 10:18 AM said:
This is handy... I've already bought it, but lost the .fpz in a harddrive failure. Now I'll be able to buy more SMCs and put movies on them... so more than 1 movie a trip,.
You know you can just redownload them by going onto the site if you've already brought them don't you?

This is great news, although I am glad I brought it when I did-even though I've only ever watched family guy on it:)
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Mark posted on Mar 24 2004 at 11:50 AM said:
MojoJojo posted on Mar 24 2004 at 10:18 AM said:
This is handy... I've already bought it, but lost the .fpz in a harddrive failure. Now I'll be able to buy more SMCs and put movies on them... so more than 1 movie a trip,.
You know you can just redownload them by going onto the site if you've already brought them don't you?
Fairly sure you can only redownload during a certain period (like two weeks after first downloaded), Will check at home when not on a messed up browser.
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no, you can redownload gpcinema all the time... please dont say you didnt know that makes me think that youre a noob :o ;)

only games like pinball dreams have temporal redownload time
Nice. I've bought it already, but to not have to do so again if my current GP goes deadways will be very nice :D

In the mean time, no resentment that I did pay for it; 6 months of watching movies on a handheld is well worth a fiver.
Coool... This will definatly reduce Piracy / People asking for links where to download it for free Warez etc..
Steve-O posted on Mar 24 2004 at 01:08 PM said:
Coool... This will definatly reduce Piracy / People asking for links where to download it for free Warez etc..
True....but they still won't be making money from it....At least it's legal now though.
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Grinder X posted on Mar 24 2004 at 09:46 AM said:
Oh yes!
I was right to wait for GPcinema to come out for free!
Haha! In your asses all of you who said it would not!
I'm still gona buy it, for the second time now as i had it for my first gp. It's worth the money anyway you look at it, even for a week of watching stuff id say. You should still buy it now, dont be such a stig!
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w00t.. can watch simpsons at college soon XD

Where are you getting your simpsons episodes from? Do you have software for ripping from a DVD or something or are you using non-legal methods? The only reason I didn't buy gpCinema was because I couldn't find anything worth watching on it.
oh my god.

i was gonna wait till now to buy it but i decided i'd buy it this morning so i've just spent a tenner on something i could of got for free soon.

CRAP! but a well i've got gpcinema now