baked chunk
Still Fresh
Ok, ok. i know that you're thinking im full of crap but when i went to joygp this poped up
Many thanks for purchasing GP Cinema!!! Entware decided to sell GP Cinema till the End of April.
GamePark announced that GP Cinema be supplied as a free-ware in GP32's European Launching. If you want GP Cinema for free, you'd better wait till GP32's European Launching.
Till the End of April, you can buy GP Cinema for Mileages as now. The way of charging Entware Mileages are;
1. You can do at [Mileages charging station] section in Entware site by PayPal payment. Otherwise you can send money directly to our PayPal account
In this case, please mark your Entware User ID. (1000 mileages = U$0.87)
2. You can buy Mileages from
3. You can buy Mileages from
4. You can buy Mileages from Shybuya Game Store too.
After receiving notification from Liksang, Discoazul or Shibuya, We'll give you mileages.
im not sure if it real but if it is.. fuck yeah
Many thanks for purchasing GP Cinema!!! Entware decided to sell GP Cinema till the End of April.
GamePark announced that GP Cinema be supplied as a free-ware in GP32's European Launching. If you want GP Cinema for free, you'd better wait till GP32's European Launching.
Till the End of April, you can buy GP Cinema for Mileages as now. The way of charging Entware Mileages are;
1. You can do at [Mileages charging station] section in Entware site by PayPal payment. Otherwise you can send money directly to our PayPal account
In this case, please mark your Entware User ID. (1000 mileages = U$0.87)
2. You can buy Mileages from
3. You can buy Mileages from
4. You can buy Mileages from Shybuya Game Store too.
After receiving notification from Liksang, Discoazul or Shibuya, We'll give you mileages.
im not sure if it real but if it is.. fuck yeah