About To Buy Gpcinema..pleasse Advise!


Apr 7, 2004
West midlands, UK
I have now recieved my mileages from Lik-Sang (thanks everyone who helped by responding to my last thread) however, I am not entirely sure how the downloading process works. I am currently at work, with a bad internet connection and have read many posts at JoyGP of people who have tried to download it, fail then not get the 2nd chance. Does it give you a time limit to download? or send it to you through e-mail? Also, if it is simply a matter of downloading the file, why is it not being illegally distributed left right and centre? I mean, I got no problem paying the tiny amount for a program I have heard so many great things about, but if it can be illegally sent from one to another, why do people wait around for the european launch for it for free? Anyways my main problem, should I wait till i get home (will i only get the one chance to get it) or can i download it now at work and say, e-mail it to myself at home?

Thanks to all again.


Ghostbusters - SMS32
Rampage - SMS32
DivX Free Player
Smash TV - Opensnes
Space Harrier - PCEngine
Bomberman - PCEgine
Doom 3
BOR - Megaman MOD
Well, there's almost no piracy because the games are encrypted, so it will work only on your GP.

I think you should wait to be home to get it, I'm not sure but I think it's wiser.
Ok, now when I click confirm to download it it tells me that My GP32 isn't registered? how does it know anything about my gp32? I have registered it but do i have to register something with my JoyGP account or what???
Dont wanna miss out on GPCinema so please advise

you need tp register with joygp.

This is seperate from registering with gamepark itself.

Once you have registered and paid, you can donwload the prog as many times as you want. It needs registration so hte prog is encrypted to your GP32 only...!

Dont worry. If you ever loose your prog, go to jot GP and login and re-download the prog again....!

as for PIRACY... the best thing that happend is the fact that nearly all gp users are against it.. in some form anyway...!

But i already have registered. I got PCLink and registered properly when i first got my gp32 with english.gamepark.com
Will it be ok to just, when i get home, re download everything, re-register and then get gpcinema? Or will there be a problem with the fact that I have already done it once?
:D Yeah it is so why bother going through all this trouble and paying when you could be a little patient and get the free one which will probably be better than the current one and might be an FXE so you can launch it in unofficial firmwares!
It will not be free in a couple of days at all. Entware declared that they would sell GPCinema until the end of april (1 Statement) meaning that after then it will no longer be on sale.

They then went onto say it will be free with the European Launch (Statement 2) meaning that between May 1st and the European Launch (If it happens, and god knows when it will) it will not be avaliable!!!

I am going on holiday soon and wish to take a few films on my smcs for the plane journey / whilst im there.

Can someone please advise.. is windups an alternative firmware that will not work with the registration at JoyGP? or will it work fine? I dont quite understand how to/what is changing your firmware and wether or not it is different from just having a diff. shell.

Just try it.
It won't do any harm if it doesn't work.
I couldn't get it to work at first because I had forgotten to press start on pc link.

Anyone want a gbax cd and who was it who wanted it before?
ok registering your gp32 to get it to work on the original gp32 site is much diffrent than registering with joygp. joygp will get some info on your gp32 so that once you download a file from them it is encrypted to work only on your gp32. This way you can't share it with a friend or email it to some one else and have it work. That is how they evoid piracy and that is also why you must register for the second time.

As for the bios or 'shell' as you called it. I am not positive on this one but from what I have heard if you modify this it might mess up things between your gp32 and joygp and not allow you to register properly or not allow you to use software you have purchased.
1. Register at JoyGP (You should have done that, or you couldn't have bought milages)
2. Goto download section
3. Download Auth Wizard
4. Boot into original FW: Try holding select on start, and you should get a menu. Select fw157++
5. Press select until Pc-Link is shown on GP32
6. Press start
7. Connect cable
8. Run the Auth Wizard you got off JoyGP
9. Go and download GpCinema
