You can find the hexen wad file by typing
abandonware hexen stare gry
into google. Is it ok to say that? I don't want to get anyone into trouble. It says it's abandonware but I'll not provide a direct link just in case. Feel free to edit my post if I'm on shakey ground.
For people still waiting: It was a bit of a slog getting things up and running, a lot of guess work and trawling through threads on here, but I got there in the end with most things, still no joy with the snes emulator, but I understand that's running really slow so I'm not too bothered. Chuffed to bits so far. The battery life is a bit shoddy, hopefully that will be ironed out with future firmware updates. The only thing that puts me off is the joystick, I've tried turning it until I'm blue in the face but it's still quite stiff, maybe it just needs to be broken in and I'll get used to it too, would have much prefered a joypad kind of thing. I see the top comes off, a vectrex style joystick attatchment would be good to put on there I think. If gph could manufacture replacement tops in different styles, that would be nice. Bar all that, the thing screams potential. xvid has been fine for me, no synch problems so far, I encode with cbr lame mp3 at 128kbps if that makes a difference. I've only watched like 5 minutes though, so I don't know how long it takes to go out of synch.
I'm in awe of the screen, if anything the backlight is too bright and washes out the colour a little, and you have to tilt it slightly forward from the comftable playing angle. I suppose that's because the light shines up from the bottom, would it make a difference if you could turn the light down slightly via firmware?
The speakers are quite tinny, which is to be expected, only noticable when listening to music really, but mp3's sound great through headphones.
No cd, no big deal, it's all on the net, but the case was a bit of a dissapoinment as I was expecting the official gp2x snazzy hard case, nobody told me, I must have just assumed, and got a gp32 wallet deal.
So, 9 out of 10 so far, might sound a bit high in light of what I've just said but the good really outweighs the bad, or temporary setbacks. Despite the few niggles, I'm really happy with it, you won't be dissapointed.
Edit: Oh yeah, and trying to get windows xp to recognise it as an usb mass storage device was a nightmare, I gave up in the end as luckily my sisters camera had an sd slot. So maybe get yourself a card reader or something similair, I imagine this will all be fixed soon.