Final Nintendo Killer

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The only atari console I played was Atari ST. That saying, I wouldn't mind Atari coming back into the market as long as Sega did (which will never happen). But we can all dream.
Maybe Atari and Sega should going together. That way they would be able to get back into the market.
Nintendo won't be out of the market for a long time and they've invested so much into getting new ideas for consoles.
Yeah. I definitely agree sega should team up with one of the companies to make a console most preferably nintendo. If nintendo lose money they have nothing to fall on whereas microsoft can just ask Bill for some more money and sony have the other markets they compete in to fall on. A sega/nintendo console would be good because they'd have the franchises to make good games and would also be able to put out something very competive in the console market.
Ganepark32 will you accept money to stop posting on this site?reading this thread,i just realized i can't stand reading your posts,if you would just write a reply here with your paypal account and that can your last post,thank you.
hmmmm, let me think bout u just gimme the money and fuck off urself? No? didnt think so. I have every right to post here if i want and u cant stop me. And if u want to fight bout it, then just bring it a hole.
edit: so u can keep ur money and add a roof to ur cardboard box.
Ok settle people you have to respect each other opinions and can try to change them with decent arguments and no flaming thats what the internet is about right? hm maybe not, maybe its about flaming :p

PS: It's Nintendo who would never merge with anyone, and I think Sega is doing just fine at the moment. Microsoft should release a handheld to make it even more interesting :)
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 29 2005 at 04:00 PM said:
maybe u dont think those games sucked but when u've played games that are so much better than those on other consoles and they arent on par then they do suck. im not saying the ps1 is bad. Im a bit like mr twit. i never really found any games that i wanted to play to the end (except from crash bandicoot for some reason). ofcourse n64 didnt have as many games as ps1 but the quality of the games that were released on the n64 were on a totally different level to that of the ps1's games. I still have my ps1 so if anyone has any decent games suggestions of wat i should play on it that would be good. Oh and finty, im sooooo hurt by ur comment that im gonna have to go cry and tell my momma. Not. All u are is a grown man who has so much spare time on his hands that all he can think of doing is slagging of kids. Grow up would ya.
edit: and before u start im not starting a war. im simply stating a fact that finty should grow up.

You're not stating any facts at all. You're only stating oppinions. bad ones at that.

And please, don't make me bust out my pic with the 20+ game consoles in it again... I have a PS1 (two of them actually) and I have an N64, and most of other systems you can think of, do you think I didn't make it a point to get the top games for each system? Well I did, I own Mario 64, OoT, majoras mask, Conkers and Banjo one and two. I also own Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo 1 and 2, Final Fantasy VII... I have played and finished every one of those games (well except GT 2 100%... had to get back to daily life at some point!), and they are ALL VERY high quality games, and I loved all of them. I could sit here and rate them or put them in some kind of order but I wont bother... what I will say is that those N64 games you listed do NOT make the PSX games you listed 'suck' by comparison... that is just bull. I can't think of any one thing that makes all those N64 games just SO much better than those PSX games... You talk about how you have also owned so many other systems made by other companies than Nintendo, well whatever, you are still biased bigtime on Nintendos side. Yeah you have you're oppinions well whatever, you're one of the few who feel that way. Look at every single magazine and internet review of the said games... these reviews were written by people who play games for a living, and probably have access to any game they want to play, and play games accross all systems, very rarely do these people come across as biased when I read these reviews... and do you see any of them writing these fantastic reviews of those N64 games and then turning around and saying "damn... after playing Mario 64... MGS just SUCKS by comparison!!" or "damn this Gran Turismo game is cool but why waste my time when I could be playing more Banjo!". No. No one who's played any or all of those games would sit here and say that the N64 games are just SO much better than those PSX games (no one but a ball licking Nintendo fanboy)... if that was the case, if the N64 really had games that were just SO much better, then the N64 would have done a lot better don't you think? ALL of those games mentioned got FANTASTIC reviews, and all of those games have huge fanbases, and sold millions of copies... The N64 games weren't all "on a different level than the PSX games" Please... you are biased and bordering on delusional to possibly fool yourself into thinking that games like MGS or Gran Turismo sucked, compared to ANYTHING. No one feels the same way you do... no one except the Nintendo fanboys... so how could we NOT group you with them? I don't care HOW many systems you own, you are the true definition of FANBOY. And even though oppinions by the very nature of oppinions can't really be right or wrong... your's are just so far off base that I dont see how you could consider them anything BUT wrong....
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While opinions cannot exactly be wrong the data by which people reach those opinions can be horribly distorted. People in this thread feel strongly about things even when confronted with information and facts that contradict the things they've believed for years, screaming obscenities and calling names isnt going to change that.

I vote we call this thread a complete washout and go friggin' eat pie.
I hear wat ur saying bast. But here's the thing:- At the moment, those PS1 games all have sequels like mario and zelda. But wat I am saying is there are better games out their than MGS and GT. Fact, MGS isn't as good as Resi Evil 4. Fact. GT4 may have the graphics but its not the best racing game out there. And ok those games, back on the PS1, had no competition from the N64 cause games like them on the N64 existed. Wat i said was a load of crap but i accept that but the point im trying to make is that both consoles had majorly good games. Whereas the PS1 didnt have things like mario and zelda, it had MGS, GT, and FF which the N64 didnt have. Yes the PS1 had a more extended library of games but do u actually see any game for the ps1 selling for more than a tenner? No. Everywhere I have checked sell ps1 games for bout a fiver whereas most of the N64 games are over a tenner. This must mean that most shops would rate N64 more highly than PS1. Go check ur local gamestation if u wanna see the truth.
edit:(ok bad example with the mario and zelda sequels. they were always going to happen)
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 30 2005 at 08:14 AM said:
But wat I am saying is there are better games out their than MGS and GT. Fact, MGS isn't as good as Resi Evil 4. Fact. GT4 may have the graphics but its not the best racing game out there.

OMG okay it seemed you read what I said but then... WTF??? No dude, these ARE - NOT - FACTS. The only fact was the first line and that I agree to, of COURSE... TEN F"ING YEARS LATER, there are better games than MGS and GT. The rest of that is just you're oppinion. And as so many have already done, I'm sure there'd be people who would love to disagree with you... again.

Ganepark32 posted on Mar 30 2005 at 08:14 AM said:
Yes the PS1 had a more extended library of games but do u actually see any game for the ps1 selling for more than a tenner? No. Everywhere I have checked sell ps1 games for bout a fiver whereas most of the N64 games are over a tenner. This must mean that most shops would rate N64 more highly than PS1. Go check ur local gamestation if u wanna see the truth.

Did you ever even stop to consider the REAL reason that many PSX games, even the best ones, do sell for a bit less than the best of the N64 crop, is not because they rate N64 games higher, but rather, is because of the relative RARITY of said games?? Now here are some REAL facts. The PSX sold tens of millions of units. Many of the best PSX games, like MGS, also sold tens of millions of copies.. more user base means more copies sold of given games on average... that only makes sense... Now the N64 never came close to the PSX in terms of numbers of systems sold, and as a result of there being many less N64 owners than PSX owners, many less copies of even the best of the N64 games were made and sold compared to the average PSX hit game. So it only makes perfect sense that many of the best N64 games are rare, relative to the best of the PSX library. And before you try to argue with YOUR 'facts' keep in mind, I spend a year and a half of my life not just CHECKING my local gamestation, but actually WORKING for my local Gamestop store as a store manager. Seeing this stuff first hand. And I can recal from memory a perfect example...

I know for a fact that we had at almost any given time, SEVERAL copies of Metal Gear Solid available, and yes it sold for a bargain price... I think $10-15. But, the whole time I was there, I saw maybe 2 or 3 copies of Conkers Bad Fur Day come thru our store.. I remember this in particular because I was keeping an eye out to buy a copy for myself... and waiting for the price to come down... yes it was a pricey game even though it was used and old... about $30-35. Not because it made Metal Gear Acid suck by comparison, but because it is just a much more rare game (heh... it's a Rare-made game... heh I made a funny :p ). By comparison, we also had at any given time, several copies of Mario 64... Probably the highest selling N64 game, though i dont know that for a fact. Anyways, that game also sold for about $10 or $15, right on par with MGS.

Then there's also the fact that many of the best PSX games ended up being rereleased as part of the PSX's 'Greatest Hits' lineup, at which point they always dropped to $20 for a NEW copy... and of course, the price for a used copy of those games would drop accordingly. I can't say I recally if very many, or indeed if any, new N64 games ever got rereleased or offered for such a low price new, unless it was a clearance sale.

You want another example of why your logic of N64-games-selling-for-more-means-they-are-better-games is wrong? Okay, take Dragonball GT for the PSX. For the longest time, that game had a BUYBACK price of $50 at Gamestop, and a SALE price of $75. SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS! MORE than ANY used N64 game we had for sale let me tell you. Have you ever PLAYED Dragonball GT?? It is UTTER CRAP of a game!!! But by your logic, it must be rated better than any N64 game ever sold :p that game only went down in price when it had a Greatest Hits re-release.

now how's that for FACTS?
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Ganepark32 posted on Mar 30 2005 at 09:14 AM said:
Fact, MGS isn't as good as Resi Evil 4. Fact. GT4 may have the graphics but its not the best racing game out there.
You can't state your opinion as fact.

And the reason N64 games go for more is because it didn't sell as much, making the games less likely to turn up in in you mates cupboard. I dunno, I'd say that is a bad thing.
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finty posted on Mar 30 2005 at 08:44 AM said:
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 30 2005 at 09:14 AM said:
Fact, MGS isn't as good as Resi Evil 4. Fact. GT4 may have the graphics but its not the best racing game out there.
You can't state your opinion as fact.

And the reason N64 games go for more is because it didn't sell as much, making the games less likely to turn up in in you mates cupboard. I dunno, I'd say that is a bad thing.

LOL finty just posted exactly what I said but in oh about 300 less sentences ROFL.
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Hows about this:- Where as Dragonball GT sold for $75 over where u are, over here Conkers Bad Fur Day sold for £70 which is a hell of a lot more than wat DB GT sold for. OK my facts are based on opinion but wat i was saying was nothing was competing with MGS and GT for several years and I said that. And yes maybe people would disagree with the GT4 part but Resi Evil 4 although a totally different game is better than MGS3. Marginally. I see wat ur saying with CBFD but nowadays it still sell for £40 over here which is a lot more than any ps1 game. But here's the thing. U base ur opinions on how much the PS1 sold. Well heres something. Without games the PS1 wouldnt have sold. Without a console to play the games, the games wouldnt have sold. Basically wat u have said is that because the PS1 sold 10 million units that MGS sold tens of millions of copies. Quite frankly u saying that i would rate DB Gt highly is a load of bollocks. Every DB game i have ever played was utter crap. But how u go on about MGS its like its the only decent game u've ever played. Ill grant u the fact that MGS was good. All I was saying was yes back then they were some of the best games out but there were better games than them. Thats all. K?

There is no point in even arguing with you as you clearly don't understand. Bast said games prices have nothing to do with how good they are, and you say he is wrong because you hate DBZ? LOL

Also you can't base facts on opinions. Retard.
I'm going on about MGS because in MY oppinion, it is one of the best games I have ever played. It still holds up well. In the last year, I have actually played thru MGS again TWICE... the first time was when I bought the PS one with the 5" screen and was bringing that to work... then later I bought MGS Twin Snakes for the Gamecube and played thru it again. I like the game that much. But if it makes you feel any better, I also have played thru Mario 64 twice also in the last year or so, once when I first got the N64 emulator on my Xbox, and again when I bought a DS. Because I like it that much.

And I"m not putting down Conkers or saying that just because it sells for a lot has nothing to do with it being a good game... I do think this is also a great game and definately one of the top N64 games, I would easily put it on my personal top 5 list of games for the N64, and it is one of my favorite games out of all systems. I can definately understand why this game still sells for a lot, and I do think that it's not just because the game may be rare, but also because it is a highly rated and highly desirable game. So it makes sense that it sells for a lot of money still. I was just presenting to you that the one reason you are giving for why a used game may sell for more or less than another does not always apply... there can be many factors that determine why a used game sells for low or high and it's not very accurate to say that "because they sell for more they must be better games". Not all good games sell for a lot and not all expensive games are good, and one game selling for more than another does NOT mean it's a better game.
I agree with that but if u want a high quality game for any console or PC you have to be willing to pay a high price. Thats wat im trying to say. For example, over here Half Life 2 costed £45 instead of £40 and yeah u could buy it for £40 but it wouldnt be a better deal as with the £45 one u got extras with the games.
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 30 2005 at 11:28 AM said:
I agree with that but if u want a high quality game for any console or PC you have to be willing to pay a high price. Thats wat im trying to say. For example, over here Half Life 2 costed £45 instead of £40 and yeah u could buy it for £40 but it wouldnt be a better deal as with the £45 one u got extras with the games.

Lol, you aren't making yourself look any better

Bast is not talking about new games

he is talking about pre owned games

And also, Halflife 2 is expensive at retail because of development costs that need to be recouperated

N64 games were expensive because the carts cost a bomb to produce, which is why you never got demo carts with magazines, because they cost 3 times the cover price to produce

and if you were wondering, i also like nintendo with a large biased, but unlike you I am not a complete retard with a penchant for disregarding both the truth and what other people have said

And also, A-hole has to be the greates insult ever..............for a 5 year old
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no Gane is a frickin retard. Obviously you don't live in the states. You can go to any GameStop in the states and get any N64 game, EXCEPT FOR NINTENDO RELEASED GAMES, and get them for $1-$5, sometimes $8 or $9. And you will pay the same for playstation games as well. I bought GoldenEye for $5 at Gamestop, does that make it a shit game, no its a great game. I bought Castlevania for $2 at the same Gamestop and recently i bought Starfox 64 for $4.95 and its a good game. Final Fantasy 7 can still be bought brand new for $10 at Wal-Mart, does that make it shit? NO, its OOOOLLLDDDD and not as rare. You need to think about what your saying before you argue with people. Like myself, i'm sure there are other collectors on this site that know alot more than you. You should listen instead of posting disillusioned replies.

EDIT: I see your from Scotland so i'm sure the cost of games is different, but the cost of games does not determine if it is a good game necessarily. It's the rarity of the game that usually determines cost. For example. I have Star Wars Jedi Arena for the 2600, a rarer game than lets say Pitfall, I could go to a local store and pay $5 for Jedi but pay .50 cents for Pitfall, but I assure you Pitfall is a far better game.
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