Felt Compelled


Still Fresh
Jul 29, 2009
So, I don't have many posts, and truth be told I'd like to start fresh as though this were my first. I mention post count because at times it has seemed a gauge as to involvement in the OP project and community in general. Now while I hesitate to support this sometimes unjustified assumption, I must admit that in my case it is a good indicator in that I have very little background in this homebrew handheld community. Even with the Pandora, I didn't know exactly what I was getting into (community, excitement, tenuous doubt-wise etc.)I just ordered it because I was into the concept and wanted to support such an ambitious undertaking. As well as get an awesome piece of kit to boot ;)

Anyway, I'll stop blabbing and get to my point, and that is that when I saw DaveC, Skeezix and Zodttd had gotten pandoras it of course triggered serious anticipation, but more than that I realized how many people it really took to make this whole thing come together, from official team members to freelancers, to forum moderators, volunteers and people of all sorts. I was suddenly keenly aware that I owe all of those people a sincere Thank You. From MWeston, to DaveC, Skeezix, Pickle, DJWillis, Squidge, Craigx, Vimacs, cpasjuste, to Zod (go psx4pandora!), to Ari64, Gruso (awesome job keeping us all posted) and all those people I know must exist but never really put names or 'faces' to, so to speak. I admit it has been a crazy ride since I got on board, though the time was never an issue for me in particular. Despite the setbacks, etc. I am glad to see this project coming together and want to say Thanks to all those who allowed this whole thing come to this point. I know, I know, we're not "there" yet, but hey...a shout out is definitely in order......

The only time post count ever comes into question is when the poster is being critical. If a user with 1 post says "that screen looks worse than my PSP" (or whatever), it's hard to tell if they are genuinely concerned and want to help, or if they're just an idiot with an invisible agenda. If someone with a thousand posts says the same thing, it's reasonable to assume they've invested themselves enough in the community that the only reason to say so would be to help make it better. Usually, some exceptions apply. :P
Otherwise, if I encounter anyone who thinks post count means anything, I'll just point to my post count and remind them I'm an idiot. :P
Seriously, I've got, what, a billion or so by now? And 90% of them contain at least one bad joke.
Anywho, welcome again. I trust you'll be assimilated eventually, and then you will know everything that we know.
evnon said:
Thanks to all those who allowed this whole thing come to this point. I know, I know, we're not "there" yet, but hey...a shout out is definitely in order......


Indeed, indeed! *opens the door and shouts out* THANKS!!!
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Trevsweb said:
Dunny said:
evnon said:

No problem, my pleasure I'm sure.


sometimes post counts can be deceptive. ;) love ya really

I never even noticed the post-count until I saw somebody 'celebrating' their x000th post somewhere. I haven't looked at it since.
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I wonder if all high post count users start out like this guy? ;)
It'd be interesting to see the first posts of people like mali or butterman or some others that I can't think of right now :P
My first posts supposedly look like my latest. 90% spam 10% useful, so I'm around 300 real posts :D
My first post was trying to find a justification for buying a GP2X before accidentally stumbling upon the monstrosity that was then known as the Pandora :D
So I decided to get one of those instead of the GP2X. Oh what a fool I was! Had I but known! :P
Eh, if I'd known how long it would take, I probably would have waited anyway. I wouldn't have convinced some others about how awesome a thing it was, because it's really not fair for them to wait for my excitement.
Ive been around since 04 owning each new console i dont even think im over a hundred posts yet lol.
[Facepalm]My first post involved Gamcube emulation... in the Wiz section[/facepalm]

I'm glad to see you're on the right track, Evnon, welcome!
evnon said:
MWeston, to DaveC, Skeezix, Pickle, DJWillis, Squidge, Craigx, Vimacs, cpasjuste, to Zod (go psx4pandora!), to Ari64, Gruso (awesome job keeping us all posted) and all those people I know must exist but never really put names or 'faces' to, so to speak. I admit it has been a crazy ride since I got on board, though the time was never an issue for me in particular. Despite the setbacks, etc. I am glad to see this project coming together and want to say Thanks to all those who allowed this whole thing come to this point. I know, I know, we're not "there" yet, but hey...a shout out is definitely in order......


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