Fake Lik-sang Refund????


Jun 20, 2006
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Hi All,

I just got this refund email supposedly from Lik-sang. Now, while I had signed up for announcements about the GP2X before I actually got one; I've never done any business with them before. Then I got this email stating that I have a 9,99 US credit coming to me. The body of the text reads:

[begin copy]

Dear valued customer,

Your Login/Email is: morpheus384@------.com
Your password is: ********

As of today, Lik-Sang.com will not be in the position to accept any new orders and will cancel and refund all existing orders that have already been placed. Furthermore, Lik-Sang is working closely with banks and PayPal to refund any store credits held by the company, and the customer support department is taking care of any open transactions such as pending RMAs or repairs and shipping related matters. The staff of Lik-Sang will make sure that nobody will get hurt in the crossfire of this ordeal. To read the full article please visit: http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3901

Our records indicates you can retrieve an additional $ 9,99 USD refund in your PayPal account. In order to successfully retrieve the refund please confirm your existing PayPal account on this page. Please notice that the confirmation of your PayPal account is needed to have this refund send into your PayPal account.

If your PayPal account is no longer active on this (morpheus384@-----.com) address you will have to create a free PayPal account at: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_registration-run to retrieve this refund. Once your account is created and activated please confirm your account information at the above page.

We feel very sorry for any inconvenience and trying to make all refunds to take place as soon as possible.

Team Lik-Sang

[end copy]

The top and bottom links appear to be legitimate.

By clicking the bolded "On this page" it brings you to:


which appears to be a paypal verification screen prompting me to sign in to my Paypal account.

Notice that the url states ljk-sang in the header.

I'm assuming that this is a fisher just trying to leach my paypal login/password.

Anyone else get one of these? If its a fake, as I think it is, people should be warned.
craigix posted on Oct 31 2006 at 02:45 AM said:
I wonder how they got your email address?

That's what originally made me think it was a legitimate mistake.

However Ive learned to look at paypal log in screens very carefully; as I usually get 1-2 fishers per month claiming to be paypal themselves sending me a notice of an intrusion, or a new email added/payment made etc etc, then the hyperlink takes you to a dummy site with a login which "on the surface" looks authentic until you look at the details.

If its a fake, and again I could be wrong, then somebodys got access to Lik Sang's mailing list. That would be very bad.

I was just wondering if anyone had recieved a legitimate refund notification, and if it was anything like this.
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you could email likSang by their normal email address and ask them. That's what I always do when I dont trust an email.
loki666 posted on Oct 31 2006 at 03:05 AM said:
report this to paypal, they will take action to shut down the web site
forward to spoof@paypal.com

No luck contacting Lik Sang. Trying to login to the site bounces me to the closing announcement. Likewise using the contact via email buttons does the same after entering subject fields. I'll forward it to spoof at Payal. If its legit it wont harm anything, and if it isnt, then at least it will protect others.
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oh wait, I hadn't checked out that link... yeah that's definitely a scam. Well done for spotting it :) Wonder how many people didn't.
Well, I got the same eMail, just checked it and tried it.

First, it says your password is wrong.
On your second try, they say the payment has been completed and redirect you INTO your PayPal Account.

So they fish it with the first try and then let you use it to login onto real PayPal so that you think it is a real site.

I immediately changed the password after that ;)

BTW: ljk-sang.com is registered by:
40 Mountain View
Mullaghgarrow, Kinawley
United Kingdom

Definately not Lik-Sang ;)
EvilDragon posted on Oct 31 2006 at 11:41 AM said:
Well, I got the same eMail, just checked it and tried it.

First, it says your password is wrong.
On your second try, they say the payment has been completed and redirect you INTO your PayPal Account.

So they fish it with the first try and then let you use it to login onto real PayPal so that you think it is a real site.

I immediately changed the password after that ;)

BTW: ljk-sang.com is registered by:
40 Mountain View
Mullaghgarrow, Kinawley
United Kingdom

Definately not Lik-Sang ;)
Yeah, i did the same. Afer i entered my password (and i was sure i entered it right) they asked me again for it. I changed my PW after that.
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EvilDragon posted on Oct 31 2006 at 12:41 PM said:
BTW: ljk-sang.com is registered by:
40 Mountain View
Mullaghgarrow, Kinawley
United Kingdom

A british woman for christ's sake?!
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EvilDragon posted on Oct 31 2006 at 11:41 AM said:
Mullaghgarrow, Kinawley
are those real words?
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Wrong page, only here to get your paypal account...
They must use the fact that lik sang is dead.
Samba Pa Ti posted on Oct 31 2006 at 02:11 PM said:
in ireland maybe

Northern Ireland actually. Technically under British rule and in the UK but part of the island of Ireland.
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Oct 31 2006 at 05:49 PM said:
lol, someone should pay this scamming bitch a visit. Is there anything you can do with local authorities?
lol I bet that shes not a scammer at all :p, they just used her address.
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