Honestly, the posting "rules" around here are, while not necessarily wrong, are way more strict than any board I have ever been on. The confusion about failed searches and when it's OK to bring up a subject versus reviving an old one etc. are just beyond me. Being a mod for a message board, all I an say is I am kinda glad we don't have 4000+ people using our forum all the time. The only time we have ever intervened and closed or removed a topic is when things became vulgar or threatening etc. Otherwise we let people say what they need to say, we feel having one big angry thread is better than 20 small closed angry threads.
I suspect however, then once we get our Pandora's in hand, things will calm down and be much less stressful, especially for the mods. Complaints will be few if any, and it will be back to the earlier days of some new person asking if they can run Windows 7 and run Crysis.