Encoding Troubles!


The Awesome Guru
Dec 28, 2003
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Yeah, i've been using virtualdub, and after an hour or two, i actually got a AVI file to work and shiz, but the weird thing is the framerate and such is horrible and such, and it's 98 megs for 320x240
I encoded with XviD, but i'd rather use DivX, how do i encode DivX5.1 movie to DivX 4.12?

*note: i trying to convert an OGM file, i know howto turn it into a perfect AVI and such too :D*
Im not sure about you source type.. Are you using cinema or moviepark???

If MP i have loads of different .Vcfs if you need em just say

GP Cinima

I can get it to AVI just fine, it's the compression and annoying 90 megs for 24 minuets and bad framerate *it's an anime*
mmmm, I have settings for anime that whoops a 130mb to about 18-20??? Divx 4.12 though??

Any help to you???

well most of the 351MB is the soundtrack, the Japanese, English, Directors comments, ansd then the subtitles

But the 24minuet episode is Divx5.1 so i dun howto do it to divx4.12
if its japanese sound and you dont speak the language then kill the quality, I do all the time for my fan sub Ghost in the shell standalone complex (Do you know how many episodes there are in total as I only have 1-12)?

Can Vdub, not read the source as Divx5.1 and then re-compress it to 4.12???

Ive just had a quick peek at vdub on my beast at work and I have both divx formats in the list, but I have no divx 5 files to check, sorry....

If you want any numbers or anything just post again m8 :eek:)

bah it has options for dif languages in the veiwer i use *th eogm file actually has 3 dif sound things for english japanese and directors comments*

and i duno, all i see in list is DivX5 codec shit, n 4.12
^^^^^ lol :eek:)

Deanos crying for all the people who have had to do this! (Sorry, shouldnt laugh)
But both on my cruddy laptop (233 win98) and My work beast (XP 2.6) I didnt have to bother with that long page of PC stuff! lol Im so sorry, but there is deffinately a pack that installs them both with no probs, If your still having trouble thunder post and I can try and send you the pack,or would it work if i just sent you the codec (Or is a divx codec an installer)????

Once yuo have both codecs on VDUB thunder post whatever you need, codecs, .vcfs, if its legal then its yours :eek:)

Any areas I can help in I will try

post your mail address if you need the 4.12 codec as I have it hear it might be of use to you????
(or just get the right codec off divx-digest? :))
Might be a 28.5 kbs user, lol :eek:)

I have it here and ready if anyone needs it though :eek:)

i have cable

anyway i encoded correctly and such, using the regedit way *EZ for me*
It's 28MB for a 24:32 film, about 156kbs and such
Glad you sorted it out Thunder, It is a pain but once you have it its sweet its a few click operation :eek:)

My settings are ok but vary depending on what im encoding, Anime, CGI, slow movie, fast movie, tv episodes etc.....

Normaly get 160Mbs to about 18-20 with nice quality
Encoding OGM files takes a while. My method (which has worked so far):
  • Disable audio processing. Set video to 'direct stream copy'
  • Extract the video
  • Go to the audio options (assuming you are using virtualdub-mod, select the audio stream you want)
  • Extract this as a WAV
  • NOW oped the separate AVI and WAV files in virtualdub, select the WAV as the audio source, and set up your encoding settings
  • Encode, and play on GPcinema
  • Enjoy!
NOTE: looking at the stream info in the audio stream selection dialogue usually tells you which stream is english/jap/etc audio, and which subtitles are which. I don't know how to encode subtitles, but I assume you would add them in as a filter when you extract the video.
well yo cannot extract without VirtualDubMod that runs OGM files, and i duexe them out into ogg files then convert them to MP3 with winLame *maybe i should use APDubb ro whatever i have already installed* and then reinsert them on 2nd pass

i use 2pass first pass 192kbs with no sound, then with sound 2nd pass second i do 128 kbs, and have 441000hz high quality 16bit sound and mpeg3 24kb/s 11000hz sound compression

*both passes rezised to 320x240 and framerate lowereerd to 15FPS