E3 2017

I'll for sure be tuning in over the next week to see what is coming from everyone. Not really invested much in any one company or system, just looking forward to great games.

My most current gen system would be a N3DS and Vita, so of course I don't expect much in regards to those two handhelds, since they are winding down. I'll for sure get an NS down the road, once it is redesigned, or improved upon, but as always, "N" always offers something of interest. I'll probably be getting my son one soon, over the next few months, so he'll for sure be interested in what is coming.

My next console buy may be the PS4 this holiday if I can get a good enough deal, and Sony always brings good quality titles, even though they may be years away still. LOL

And MS is normally my least favorite show to watch, as I'm just not that in to most of what they offer(Forza, Sports, Etc.). Their games can be cool, but they normally offer some tech advancement, that is just of no interest, so that's what I'm not so much interested in, but they should have some decent titles.

And with a possible Atari resurrection the table, this may be a pretty good E3. But I'm not super excited, as that normally leads to huge disappointment, so I'm staying casual this year.

I'll for sure be tuning in over the next week to see what is coming from everyone. Not really invested much in any one company or system, just looking forward to great games.

My most current gen system would be a N3DS and Vita, so of course I don't expect much in regards to those two handhelds, since they are winding down. I'll for sure get an NS down the road, once it is redesigned, or improved upon, but as always, "N" always offers something of interest. I'll probably be getting my son one soon, over the next few months, so he'll for sure be interested in what is coming.

My next console buy may be the PS4 this holiday if I can get a good enough deal, and Sony always brings good quality titles, even though they may be years away still. LOL

And MS is normally my least favorite show to watch, as I'm just not that in to most of what they offer(Forza, Sports, Etc.). Their games can be cool, but they normally offer some tech advancement, that is just of no interest, so that's what I'm not so much interested in, but they should have some decent titles.

And with a possible Atari resurrection the table, this may be a pretty good E3. But I'm not super excited, as that normally leads to huge disappointment, so I'm staying casual this year.

Thanks for your reply.

I'm actually most excited for Microsoft because of Scorpio. They'll probably unveil what it's all about tomorrow. It's getting crazy expensive to be a current-gen gamer on PC and even then 4K performance is spotty. If 4K on Scorpio delivers (and there are good games for it) I might consider a purchase.
Thanks for your reply.

I'm actually most excited for Microsoft because of Scorpio. They'll probably unveil what it's all about tomorrow. It's getting crazy expensive to be a current-gen gamer on PC and even then 4K performance is spotty. If 4K on Scorpio delivers (and there are good games for it) I might consider a purchase.

I agree, the Scorpio looks amazing, and MS has the funds to make it right. I actually built a gaming PC years ago, and I never used it, so yeah, console gaming is where it's at for me. I don't see getting a Scorpio anytime soon if at all, as I just don't have a need for the latest and greatest when I've got an old HD TV, and never play online, so basic "slim" systems normally meet my needs. But I'm always interested in what is brought to the table, and by who and what it can do. And the Scorpio looks amazing to say the least, so I'll be tuned in as well.


I actually liked EA's show. The new Need for Speed looks just like a Burnout game (as I understand, some of the people at Ghost Games are former Criterion people). Also, it sounds like Battlefront II will have a single player campaign. Good news for people who like Star Wars.

I couldn't care less about the sports games though. Although obviously FIFA and Madden sell gangbusters every year and help keep EA afloat.

Microsoft's conference is today!
huh, on several forums I use the exact same avatar picture as that twitter user.
You know how it is, if it's just that one picture, then it might just have been a random occurrence. Maybe you two do not actually avatate alike after all.
Thanks for your reply.

I'm actually most excited for Microsoft because of Scorpio. They'll probably unveil what it's all about tomorrow. It's getting crazy expensive to be a current-gen gamer on PC and even then 4K performance is spotty. If 4K on Scorpio delivers (and there are good games for it) I might consider a purchase.

So, was the XBOX ONE X all you hoped and dreamed it would be?

The price is way to high for my blood, but I guess for those who want a "high end" gaming console, it may foot the bill. I didn't see to many games I was interested in either, but I also nodded off midway through the show, so I may have missed something. Glad to see Cuphead finally got a release date, as I've been watching that one since it was first announced.

I think I'll still look in to the Xbox S for under $200 down the road, as most of the X features would be cool, but not required.

$499 does sound highish when compared to the Xbox One S at $250 . I guess it will come down in price over the next year
No interesting exclusives on Xbox besides Forza for me. And they really lost me as a customer when they cut support of the official 360 forza wheel with the xbox 1 (which was a fanatec wheel at around 300€). So I am sticking with my 360 and anything else I look at Nintendo or Sony.

Price is OK considering Vapor Chamber cooling, 4K bluray drive and huge SoC. Pretty sure that it is way higher in production cost than the ps4 pro.
And if you own a 4K TV, you probably have the money to buy this. Still cheaper than a 4K gaming rig, I think.

I guess we need to wait for Ps4 Pro vs Xbox X videos to get a feel of the hardware power.
So, was the XBOX ONE X all you hoped and dreamed it would be?

The price is way to high for my blood, but I guess for those who want a "high end" gaming console, it may foot the bill. I didn't see to many games I was interested in either, but I also nodded off midway through the show, so I may have missed something. Glad to see Cuphead finally got a release date, as I've been watching that one since it was first announced.

I think I'll still look in to the Xbox S for under $200 down the road, as most of the X features would be cool, but not required.

I was actually a bit disappointed. Not by the hardware... it sounds super powerful. I was disappointed by the games. The only ones I'm interested in are Forza 7 and the Dragonball Z fighter. Maybe Sea of Thieves because I grew up with Rare games on N64.

It's clear MS spent a lot of money to get exclusives but they're pretty boring exclusives.
I was actually a bit disappointed. Not by the hardware... it sounds super powerful. I was disappointed by the games. The only ones I'm interested in are Forza 7 and the Dragonball Z fighter. Maybe Sea of Thieves because I grew up with Rare games on N64.

It's clear MS spent a lot of money to get exclusives but they're pretty boring exclusives.

That seemed to be what I took away as well. High powered system, with no games of interest, or at least ones that made the purchase of $500+ worth my time.

The S model with a few games at $200 or under is good enough for me, as 60fps is great, but I'm playing Zelda on the Wii U currently, so if I can play a game like that with it's up and down frame rates, I can play just about anything. LOL Graphic imperfections and frame rate drops are a fine trade off for me, especially with the difference in price.

I guess we need to wait for Ps4 Pro vs Xbox X videos to get a feel of the hardware power.
We really don't. It's effectively an RX 470/570 versus an RX 480/580.

The only thing that kind of complicates those calculations is the Playstation Pro's sophisticated interlacing trick, but in principle that makes its effective render target 1440p versus 4K for the XBox One X. Ironically that tends to mean if you're not concerned about the softening of that interlace trick, the Playstation Pro is more powerful than the XBox One X as it has more power relative to its render target meaning more render options will tend to be turned on, aka higher graphics settings.

Microsoft is pulling a shell game with this, much like they did last gen with people in denial about the actual capabilities of their XBox 360s:

A XBox One X with a 4K resolution target is going to resemble, and usually be inferior to a PC with a RX 480/580 GPU set at 4K with all the proverbial graphic settings dials turned down until it reaches the targeted frame rate. Consoles have weak CPUs and to the extent the various tricks are relevant they're tricks to mitigate those weak CPUs tendency to bottleneck the GPU.

If you own a decent PC with a nVidia GTX 1060, AMD 480, or better you have no reason to give this thing the time of day unless there is an exclusive and you want this hardware for that exclusive. Now add on to that, that in 2018 Samsung and TSMC are looking to more from 14/16nm FinFET respectively to their respective 7nm FinFET processes, which will represent a pretty significant increase in performance/$ from the current market.
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Well, so far, I would say the Shadow of the Colossus "remake" or whatever it is, has been the best thing I've seen so far. I never finished the original, so that will for sure be one of my first PS4 purchases, no question.

I've been pretty underwhelmed up to this point, although Beyond Good and Evil 2 finally becoming official was nice, but based on what was shown, I don't expect that for another 10 years, so nothing to get to excited over.

The "N" direct is coming up in a few hours, so I'll see what their bringing to the table. I'm sure Mario Odyssey will get the bulk of their showtime, since it is their killer title for the holidays. I'm not worried with that, as "N" has always delivered great titles in the 3D Mario line. Although Sunshine was kind of hit or miss, it did have some good concepts overall.

So I'm looking forward to a new game that may be early 2018, or the summer of next year. Something like Metroid, or some other cool new game. So let the countdown begin.

land -> world -> galaxy -> odyssey
now that's a journey, literally

And they practically went from SPACE to ODYSSEY. I see what you did there, N.

What's next, maybe mario dimensions? Oh, wait, that's a fangame waiting to be sued off the radar :)
The new Wolfenstein looks amazing. I have a hard time thinking iD Software could have made such a story-dense game before being bought by ZeniMax. It's almost like they're an entirely different company. Who knows, maybe they are (without John Carmack and all).
The new Wolfenstein looks amazing. I have a hard time thinking iD Software could have made such a story-dense game before being bought by ZeniMax. It's almost like they're an entirely different company. Who knows, maybe they are (without John Carmack and all).
Outside of game engine work, ID software hasn't been directly tied to the Wolfenstein series for some time, the last game they were directly involved with is Wolf 3D: Spear of Destiny. The prior games were done by Raven Soft, Grey Matter, Splash Damage and now the latest games have been Bethesda.
I'm already planning to build a Mini-ITX Ryzen PC for ~$500 (if I wanted 4k, then ~$620, which is the X at launch+1yr Xbox LIVE+a brand new game for it), so when I saw the price for the XBOX ONE X, I laughed. Yet another MS console that will no doubt be more expensive over time than a decent up-to-date PC. Plus, no interesting games for it yet. Nothing that can't already be had, anyway.

Also MONSTER HUNTER MF'IN WORLD!!!!!!!!! I need it in my life.

Nintendo better bring some goddamn heat, because nothing's topped Monster Hunter for me yet.