Dynarec Completed For Psx4all Project.

Tried it - poured in one.. came out the other.. :) Anyway, that's waaay off-topic.
Sounds hopeful then that the 2nd processor could (poss) be used for cpu emulation and the first one for sound (or vice versa?) - that'd be an ideal solution and hopefully trigger others to figure out designing stuffwith two threads of execution (but can't really use shared memory???).
kevcal posted on Aug 25 2006 at 01:37 PM said:
Tried it - poured in one.. came out the other.. :) Anyway, that's waaay off-topic.
Sounds hopeful then that the 2nd processor could (poss) be used for cpu emulation and the first one for sound (or vice versa?) - that'd be an ideal solution and hopefully trigger others to figure out designing stuffwith two threads of execution (but can't really use shared memory???).

You know, you have almost the same username as this one guy over on the Atari Jaguar boards, kevincal.
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In order to keep this topic going in the right direction...

OC : 250 - INTERLACE : 0 - PROGRESSIVE : OFF - UC_PSX : No Changes

Final Fantasy VII NTSC ( BIN ) [ With New Beta ] :

VSYNC : Intro 27.x/31.x, Menu 30.x/32.x ,First Cutscene 23.x/27.x , In-game 26.x/31.x, First Battle 17.x/31.x, Stats 20.x/27.x
FPS : Intro 14.x/15.x, Menu 28.x/30.x ,First Cutscene 2.x/5.x , In-game 7.x/11.x, First Battle 1.x/5.x, Stats 24.x/27.x.
FPS shows no boost at the moment :( does it seem faster or slower compared to the actual public beta?

(and, BTW, is the menu readable? in Beta 2 the in-game/combat text is perfect, but when I open the menu it seems like it has been downscaled :s )
Now you all know why I wasn't posting any stats, these would scare people... There is no need to worry, things will get much better quite soon now ;).

As for the menu being readable, I honestly can't remember, but when I test I normally take note of that kinda thing, so I'll daresay that there was no problem.
jmetal88 posted on Aug 25 2006 at 08:43 PM said:
You know, you have almost the same username as this one guy over on the Atari Jaguar boards, kevincal.
Not me I'm afraid - weird though as I did code & release 1 game for the Atari ST(e)... ;) <b>

Yeah - we don't wanna know fps-stats yet as it's been clear that there's a current fundamental problem with the dynarec on gp2x hardware that we're sure will be sorted soon.
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kevcal posted on Aug 25 2006 at 03:18 PM said:
jmetal88 posted on Aug 25 2006 at 08:43 PM said:
You know, you have almost the same username as this one guy over on the Atari Jaguar boards, kevincal.
Not me I'm afraid - weird though as I did code & release 1 game for the Atari ST(e)... ;) <b>

Yeah - we don't wanna know fps-stats yet as it's been clear that there's a current fundamental problem with the dynarec on gp2x hardware that we're sure will be sorted soon.

I already knew it wasn't you, 'cause I already asked him about it. Besides, you're from England, and I believe the 'cal' in his name is an indication that he lives in California.
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Very exciting stuff. Considering Panzer bandit is at 20fps with the beta 2 release, it looks like it will be at least 30fps with the new version.

Looks like its PSX time on the GP2X!

Fantastic work.

BTW, any chance on a frameskip?
How about a private alpha version?

I have sorted out tons of issues with the dynarec, and it's starting to get up to speed. Thanks to Tinnus and Unai I have been busy with lots of ideas on optimizing this crazy code.

Since there's not enough room in my PM box to get everyones request for helping test psx4gp2x, I'll do this...Here's a link to the "private" alpha version of psx4gp2x. It's current version is alpha 3:

*** UPDATED TO alpha 3b ***
Fixed a compatibility bug that might give a speed increase as well.

Since I want to keep this version at "low key" as possible, since it's still not working properly, it's not gp32x.de newsworthy, so the link will expire in about 4 hours. If you want it after that, just ask someone with it. :)

Things that are broken in this version:
- Save states do NOT work
- Changing games within the in-game menu do NOT work
- Compatibility might be different than previous releases, most likely theres a portion of games working on beta 2 that won't work on alpha 3.
- Sound is still disabled in this version.
- Interlacing is on by default, there's still small issues with interlacing, besides it decreases visual appeal.
- Some text in some games such as FF Tactics will be hard to read. Unai is working on fixing this.
- FF7 takes awhile to load (black screen on boot for about 1 minute) but it works. It's just skipping a splash screen. :)
- The framerate indicator is on by default so...
*** VSyncRate gives the number of frames being displayed a second! ***
*** Framerate isn't the FPS, it shows how many *unique* frames are displayed a second ***
*** The FPS is BETWEEN the Framerate and VSyncRate ***

It's hard to give a good accurate FPS since we are using optimizations for only drawing frames if they changed since the last blit.

If you make a video of psx4gp2x in action, you might want to disable the Performance Stats in the in-game menu.

Let me know how this version handles. The more info, good or bad, on it the better.

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You rock Zodttd, I'll you know what the results are for WCW Mayhem. Thanks again Zodttd.

A little help here, every time I press a button it doesnt do anything, like if I press start the game doesnt respond.
Ut oh, I must have the SIO settings wrong. I changed them just today. I'll get that fixed up. I may need you to test that game again. Is the game that won't respond to input, WCW Mayhem?

Thanks for the first bug report! :)
Yes it is WCW Mayhem. No problems Zodttd I'm sure this will be fixed. in the meantime off to playing 2.0 again LOL.

EDIT: Well I tried it again along wth MLB 98 and no luck, I pressed every single button on both games but nothing.
Weird, I tested it with about 5 games. 1 game that is sort of obscure didn't have input working. I'll try to get input working on that game, then it should work on the rest. Sorry about that.
On the plus side I do see an improvement in speed definetly, I dont wanna sound like a spoiled person but when do you think we'll get the input. I also know sound is disabled but why can you switch it on and off?
I'll test it with the new version Alpha 3b.


Fixed: There was an error in the dynarec. I'm suprised Alpha 3 even worked at all on the GP2X, as it didnt work on other platforms. :P
This version might also be faster, as the bug prevented the dynarec from being "threaded together".


I don't know how to fix the input issue on some games such as Street Fighter Alpha 3, WCW Mayhem, and others. If you find a game that doesn't take any input from the controls at all, this is a known bug. :(
I'm gonna test it right now, thanks zodttd. Ill try anyway.

EDIT: Damn nothing, well worth a try. Why doesnt it work with the controller configuration if it did before? its the dynarec right.
Here are my tests so far for GP2X:

*Note: ALL of these games worked with the previous build: OC 266

Raiden DX: Works. 15fps
Fire Pro G: Goes to Title Only. Start command not recognised. Graphics are slightly squiggled up.
Panzer Bandit: Won't Load <_<
G-Darius: Won't Load
Street Fighter Alpha 3 :Works! Start,X Command Not Recognised. 18-28fps in intro. Demo Fight 7-12 fps.
Tekken 2: Loads and then goes to Heichi VS King loading screen and freezes. WTF?

Just for fun: X-Men VS SF: Won't Load.

All of these images were .znx compressed iso files.

:unsure: I guess it is an Alpha. Don't know what's up with the compatibility though.

Oh well.