It Is Your Birthday.
Well the game pales in comparison to the REAL MGS games (I thought sons of liberty was brilliant
), but it's an interesting puzzle game.
F U man, you're not the real OmarNawaz! :angry:PRO EVO ON PSP KNOCKS ALL DS GAMES OUT!
Darkman, I have to disagree with you on that. Sony marketed the PSP as a games device (that can play movies) from day one. It even looks like a ps1 controler with a screen on it. Even now most all their commercials are geared towards game play, like the line of "Nut" commercials. The only mention you hear of UMDs are on movie commercials: "...now available on dvd and umd". Most of my friends who own a PSP initially bought it for games, then later on bought a few movies after they got bored.
I could have possibly kept mine for movies, but i dont like the UMD format for reasons I wont get into here. I'd much rather buy the actual DVD, and take a few hours to convert to divx for play on a device such as the gp2x.
Just my opinion of course.
edit: BTW, calvin and hobbes kicks ass.
i don't know what stores you've been going to, but every game store, every EB, Gamestop, Exchange, i've been to has tons of games and a few UMD's. But i do agree with you mostly. What they should've done is made the demo UMD have some playable demos. Throw in a couple of those and walla. But yeah, if you saw my PSP setup, its geared towards the movies than gaming, i got the thing that has the two big speakers on the side. I only have 2 games because, well, there's nothing for this system i want to play. I am very disappointed in the games, but i think they are getting better. Depending on what you like there are some very good games for it. To say your not taking out of the box because of the games is just dumb. Why would you pay full price for something and not use it and 2 years down the road when its half the price with twice the games pull it out. C'mon, we're not dumb here.