Drmd Compatibility List


Jan 19, 2004
Donny, England (follow signs that say craphole)
I noticed topics on Drmd compatability so i decided i would add some compatibilty lists to my site, starting with Drmd.

It will be set out in a table like this:

Title¦Sound ¦Graphics¦Speed ¦Bugs
PCM¦OPL 133¦166

I need info for each game. Can people post the games they have tested with all the catagories please. I will do some myself but i dont have every rom in the world.

I also plan to do more lists for different emulators when this gets running so please tell me what emus ya wanna see compatabilit lists for :)

:) Thanks in advance :)
I will help you (but today i haven't time)
But there is a thread with a compatibility list! there you can get infos too.
question: what do you mean with PCM?
and my gp32 can just go up to 156 mhz! maybe i should write this in my test.
or don't you need me when i test it with 156 mhz? <_<

I can test it anyway with 133mhz! ;)
I use goodgen for the name of the game title and this setting:

Sound ON
GFX 8Bit
Tripple buffer Enabled

Soleil (E) (French)
Region EUROPE (needed if you want play with :))

132 > 16.30fps
156 > 23.71fps
166 > 33.97fps
Sound OPL is good (some little noise)
Sound PCM /
GFX good (I see a little bug on the enter name screen at beginning)
game work fine for me

Zool (E)
Region EUROPE (same prob :))

132 > 30.44fps
156 > 41.03fps
166 > 48.22fps
Sound OPL good (some little noise)
Sound PCM /
GFX very good
game freeze the gp32 on some jump part
For the sound part, I think DrMD emulate "only" the YM chip
I dont hear Z80 instrument, and no PCM sound (SEEEEGAAAAA in sonic :))

Need Reesy to be sure :)
For the sound part, I think DrMD emulate "only" the YM chip
I dont hear Z80 instrument, and no PCM sound (SEEEEGAAAAA in sonic :))

Need Reesy to be sure :)
I agree with you Jycet.
z80 emulation is not really emulated yet or "only" partially because of the lack of "Seeegaaaaa" as you said and the lack of drum instrument in every game.
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