Compatibility List For New Drmd

Looking foward to Kirby! :)

Kirby Superstar for SNES has the best Kirby sprites.
I made a Kirby skin for Well Of Souls, if you want it, just say so.

I'm not sure if I'm going to do Kirby from Kirby Superstar or Dreamland 3. I can't decide which shading I prefer.

The frank interview is well worth a read, other highlights include Yamauchi-san describing Nintendo’s current President, Satoru Iwata, creator of Kirby as “a bit dated, and let’s be honest, homosexual”.

Sorry, almost entirely unrelated to this thread but I thought I'd mention it anyway :ph34r:
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I've installed an issue tracker thingamejig on my site.

DrMD issue tracker

The idea is to test games and report issues like crashes, sound probs, speed issues etc.

It looks more complicated than it is so don't freak out.

You can create your own logins to add and report.

eventually we should have a broad list of common issues and working/non working games.

This should help Reesy fix stuff and iron out those cyclone bugs.

IMPORTANT (i think)
When reporting stuff make sure you select the correct DrMD version you are using.

If you have any suggestions for addtiotional feilds let me know.

I've only had a limited time to mess around so its still untidy.

heh funny he mentioned that I was actually thinking of making a SmashGP char.

You don't need any hardcore 'dev' knowledge for this right? Or a 'dev environment' on your computer? Like, anyone could just do this in windows?

I never played the sonics enough in V.1 to have known that the water effect worked fine in them... was kinda bummed when I played Sonic 2 in v1.5 and saw that, but very glad to hear it's back to being nearly fixed.

Reesy - do you know of other games that are effected by this? Is it just an issue with 'transparencies' and the way the genesis handles them? I'm not sure what else the genesis used raster effects for...

Would this issue have anything to do with the vertically scrolling airship level in Gunstar Heroes (asking because I saw you mentioned Gunstar as a game that was affected by this)? I don't know how to describe the problem without writing a page, but as Gunstar allows you to select your level, it's very quick to start the game up and pick that level (it's the 3rd level out of four selectables when you start) and instantly see what I'm talking about, if you haven't already seen it.

The way I understand it is that the GP32 scans the screen vertically rather than horizontally like TVs do. The Genesis would switch the pallette on a certain horizontal scan line sometimes and have the horizontal retrace time (time that it takes the electron beam in a CRT to return to the beginning of next line) to do it. On the GP32 though since the scanning is done at 90 deg the pallette would have to be calculated every pixel which would be VERY slow. There is no luxury of having the retrace time to do the pallette switch either. So the best option is to disable raster effects all together. You won't get that annoying flicker this way but the color will not change for water etc, so it is a compromise.

There are actually alot of games that use this for a water effect, as it looked better than the "screen door" dither pattern. The good thing though is most of them paint a "water crest" sprite at the waterline so most of the time you can see where the water starts.
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16bpp works perfectly with sound off. So if I were Reesy, I'd leave it the way it is,
and focus on trying to speed up the sound core. With a faster sound core, 16bpp could work at the right speed.
DaveC - many thanks for the detailed explanation.

So there might not be a way to fix the water transparencies then, w/o slowing things down big time?

Has anyone tested Gunstar Heroes in the Musashi core? Wondering if the graphics bug with the airship in the airship level is a cyclone bug.

Also, by any chance has anyone tested the score bug (shinobi III, Rocket Knight Adventures, where the score just keeps going up and up infinitely when you pass the first level) in Musashi?

EDIT: I think I've defected to Blah's point of view as well... I never knew that the 16 bit mode handled effects like the water transparencies perfectly... now that I know that I kinda miss it :D :P is he right that speeding up the sound core could bring the 16 bit mode up to the speed of the 8bit mode?
DaveC - many thanks for the detailed explanation.

So there might not be a way to fix the water transparencies then, w/o slowing things down big time?

Has anyone tested Gunstar Heroes in the Musashi core? Wondering if the graphics bug with the airship in the airship level is a cyclone bug.

Also, by any chance has anyone tested the score bug (shinobi III, Rocket Knight Adventures, where the score just keeps going up and up infinitely when you pass the first level) in Musashi?

EDIT: I think I've defected to Blah's point of view as well... I never knew that the 16 bit mode handled effects like the water transparencies perfectly... now that I know that I kinda miss it  :D  :P  is he right that speeding up the sound core could bring the 16 bit mode up to the speed of the 8bit mode?

Doubtful that you would get that kind of increase with an ASM sound core. It is just too cpu intensive. I remember Reesy saying that the ASM sound core may or may not increase the speed of the emu much.

And I think Reesy said that the score bug in Cyclone has been fixed. I haven't run across it yet though. There is an odd bug in Battle Frenzy where the walls will go to a point, some sort of math error. That is still there.
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I am not a coder so I am not sure if it is possible but there may be a way to cheat with the rasters. If the emu detects a palette switch at a certain pixel location on the first line rendered maybe it could copy that new pallette info across to every pixel in that column without re-calculating everything(remember horizontal is vertical on the GP32)? It would still be slower though as it would have to calculate for every pixel in the first GP32 scan line, then copy it across before the screen is refreshed though, but it would still be faster than doing every single pixel on the screen. Maybe that is how it is done now, I don't know.
Just some more information:

Beta 4 is out (private), and the games who suffered of sound running too slow (e.g. Quackshot) now run fine :)
From games I've tested the ones that reboot the gp32 are games likely to use on cart memory slots

One good test to back this up is ATP Tour Championship Tennis

works fine in exhibition games but reboots when you go on an ATP tour and use one of the save slots.
Hey reesy, How much money did you get so far? :P ;) . Ill send you my 10€ soon (as soon as they arrive on my paypal account.)
those who wanted brightness control will be happy to hear the latest private beta has just that,... so get donating! it's so cool
w000t!!!!! (do people still say w000t anymore? I feel so behind the times!)

Well, with Beta 4 apparently Reesy has fixed the score bug, so now when you beat a level in Shinobi III, Moonwalker, Rocket Knight, the score wont bug out and just keep tallying infinitely.... SWEET!!

This was one of the last three big bugs on my personal list of "I HOPE he fixes this one!" :D

I gotta give much props to Ryleh too though, and Ryleh if you happen to be reading this I'll be kicking a donation your way soon as well!
Reesy - I saw you mention in another thread that the last Betas had some kind of minor sound bug. I was meaning to email you about something like this... I only noticed it in one game. Sonic 3, in Beta 1.5 and 2, the sound was perfect, but then in Beta 3 I noticed something happened with the sound, not bad, but noticeable... it almost sounded like one of the 'instruments' had changed (as in to say, it was a flute sound but now it's a clarinet sound... just an example though the sound really was nothing either like a flute or clarinet).

Just wondering if this has anything to do with what you mentioned in the other thread?
Sweet :D not that it was ruining the emu or anything :P I only noticed that one sound in Sonic 3
Olypic summer games freezes just beofre events start...
shame i really like that game, olypic gold barcelona doesnt start at all..