Release DraStic Wiki Helper


Forum Addict!
Jun 20, 2011
Here a little app to make easier filling the DraStic Compatibility List.

1) Start DraStic and load all the games that you want to add to the wiki (in the same session), and then close it

2) Launch DraStic Wiki Helper and follow instructions, it just asks for the playability and comments for every game you lauched before, all the other parameters are taken automatically

3) A mousepad window will open with the text you can paste on the wiki

It's still up to you to search if there are duplicates on the wiki list. (You can order by Game ID to find them)

I'm working on a different interface for now, but the auto wiki update is still far away to be finished...

If you find some strange results, please show me the "/tmp/pndrun_DraStic.out" file.
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Very good initiative. I haven't tried it yet but it's an excellent idea in the first place. 

Ideally, as you mentioned, the data should be forwarded to the server and the wiki updated automatically, but this is definitely more work. 

Is it possible to reapply this script to other emulators as well ?
Is it possible to reapply this script to other emulators as well ?
The drastic log is VERY complete, and I can get all the info from it, the others emu I tried doesn't have so much informations on the logs.

Maybe I'll do something for PCSX-rearmed that has the game id on the log, but many info should be inserted by hand.
I don't have any use for this, but congrats for that simple yet (theoretically) very effective tool - I hope it will be put to a lot of use.
@ekianjo: do you still have problems with the proposed rom size ? I wasn't able to reproduce the problem, my guess is that you can have a corrupted game_batabase.xml in drastic