PND : /media/MAIN/pandora/menu/teeworlds.pnd
PND_FSTYPE : Squashfs
APPDATADIR : /media/MAIN/pandora/appdata/Teeworlds
PND_CPUSPEED : <unset>
EXENAME : runscript.sh
ARGUMENTS : <unset>
[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------
Mounting : mount -t squashfs -o ro "/dev/loop1" "/mnt/utmp/Teeworlds"
rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/pnd/Teeworlds': Not a directory
Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/MAIN/pandora/appdata/Teeworlds=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/Teeworlds=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/Teeworlds"
[SUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Starting the application (runscript.sh ) ----------
Setting PATH to /mnt/utmp/Teeworlds:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games
Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /mnt/utmp/Teeworlds:/lib:/usr/lib
[50efb105][engine]: running on unix-linux-unknown
[50efb105][engine]: arch is little endian
[50efb105][storage]: couldn't open storage.cfg
[50efb105][storage]: using standard paths
[50efb105][storage]: added path '$USERDIR' ('/mnt/utmp/Teeworlds/home/.teeworlds')
[50efb105][storage]: added path '$DATADIR' ('data')
[50efb105][storage]: added path '$CURRENTDIR' ('/mnt/utmp/Teeworlds')
[50efb105][binds]: bound f1 (282) = toggle_local_console
[50efb105][binds]: bound f2 (283) = toggle_remote_console
[50efb105][binds]: bound tab (9) = +scoreboard
[50efb105][binds]: bound u (117) = +show_chat
[50efb105][binds]: bound f10 (291) = screenshot
[50efb105][binds]: bound a (97) = +left
[50efb105][binds]: bound d (100) = +right
[50efb105][binds]: bound space (32) = +jump
[50efb105][binds]: bound mouse1 (323) = +fire
[50efb105][binds]: bound mouse2 (324) = +hook
[50efb105][binds]: bound lshift (304) = +emote
[50efb105][binds]: bound rshift (303) = +spectate
[50efb105][binds]: bound right (275) = spectate_next
[50efb105][binds]: bound left (276) = spectate_previous
[50efb105][binds]: bound 1 (49) = +weapon1
[50efb105][binds]: bound 2 (50) = +weapon2
[50efb105][binds]: bound 3 (51) = +weapon3
[50efb105][binds]: bound 4 (52) = +weapon4
[50efb105][binds]: bound 5 (53) = +weapon5
[50efb105][binds]: bound mousewheelup (331) = +prevweapon
[50efb105][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (332) = +nextweapon
[50efb105][binds]: bound t (116) = chat all
[50efb105][binds]: bound y (121) = chat team
[50efb105][binds]: bound f3 (284) = vote yes
[50efb105][binds]: bound f4 (285) = vote no
[50efb105][console]: failed to open 'settings.cfg'
[50efb105][console]: failed to open 'autoexec.cfg'
[50efb105][client]: starting...
EGL Opening X11 display
EGL Getting EGL display
EGL Initializing
EGL_VENDOR: Imagination Technologies
EGL_VERSION: 1.4 build
EGL_EXTENSIONS: EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_vg_parent_image EGL_IMG_context_priority
EGL Found 2 available configs
EGL Config 0
EGL Binding API
EGL Creating Context
EGL Creating window surface
EGL Making Current
EGL Complete
[50efb105][engine/mastersrv]: refreshing master server addresses
[50efb106][client/sound]: sound init successful
[50efb107][textrender]: loaded pFont from 'data/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf'
[50efb107][textrender]: default pFont set 0x4646a01c
[50efb108][]: pFont memory usage: 2097152
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'default'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'XEN'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'XNI'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'XSC'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'XWA'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SS'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AF'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AX'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AL'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'DZ'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AS'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AD'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AO'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AI'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AG'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AR'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AM'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AW'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AU'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AT'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AZ'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BS'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BH'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BD'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BB'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BY'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BE'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BZ'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BJ'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BM'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BT'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BO'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BA'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BW'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BR'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'IO'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BN'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BG'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BF'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BI'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KH'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CM'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CA'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CV'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KY'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CF'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TD'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CL'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CN'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CX'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CC'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CO'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KM'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CG'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CD'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CK'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CR'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CI'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'HR'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CU'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CW'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CY'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CZ'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'DK'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'DJ'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'DM'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'DO'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'EC'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'EG'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SV'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GQ'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'ER'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'EE'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'ET'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'FK'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'FO'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'FJ'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'FI'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'FR'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GF'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PF'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TF'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GA'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GM'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GE'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'DE'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GH'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GI'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GR'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GL'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GD'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GP'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GU'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GT'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GG'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GN'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GW'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GY'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'HT'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'VA'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'HN'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'HK'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'HU'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'IS'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'IN'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'ID'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'IR'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'IQ'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'IE'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'IM'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'IL'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'IT'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'JM'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'JP'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'JE'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'JO'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KZ'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KE'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KI'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KP'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KR'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KW'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KG'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LA'
[50efb110][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LV'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LB'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LS'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LR'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LY'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LI'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LT'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LU'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MO'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MK'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MG'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MW'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MY'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MV'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'ML'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MT'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MH'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MQ'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MR'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MU'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MX'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'FM'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MD'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MC'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MN'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'ME'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MS'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MA'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MZ'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MM'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NA'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NR'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NP'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NL'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NC'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NZ'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NI'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NE'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NG'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NU'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NF'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MP'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'NO'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'OM'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PK'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PW'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PA'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PG'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PY'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PE'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PH'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PN'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PL'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PT'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PR'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'QA'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'RE'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'RO'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'RU'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'RW'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'BL'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SH'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'KN'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LC'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'MF'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'PM'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'VC'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'WS'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SM'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'ST'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SA'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SN'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'RS'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SC'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SL'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SG'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SX'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SK'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SI'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SB'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SO'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'ZA'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GS'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'ES'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'LK'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SD'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SR'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SZ'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SE'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'CH'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'SY'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TW'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TJ'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TZ'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TH'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TL'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TG'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TK'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TO'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TT'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TN'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TR'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TM'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TC'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'TV'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'UG'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'UA'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'AE'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'GB'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'US'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'UY'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'UZ'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'VU'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'VE'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'VN'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'VG'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'VI'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'WF'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'EH'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'YE'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'ZM'
[50efb111][countryflags]: loaded country flag 'ZW'
[50efb112][game]: load skin bluekitty
[50efb112][game]: load skin bluestripe
[50efb112][game]: load skin brownbear
[50efb112][game]: load skin cammo
[50efb112][game]: load skin cammostripes
[50efb112][game]: load skin coala
[50efb112][game]: load skin default
[50efb112][game]: load skin limekitty
[50efb112][game]: load skin pinky
[50efb112][game]: load skin redbopp
[50efb112][game]: load skin redstripe
[50efb112][game]: load skin saddo
[50efb112][game]: load skin toptri
[50efb112][game]: load skin twinbop
[50efb112][game]: load skin twintri
[50efb112][game]: load skin warpaint
[50efb112][game]: load skin x_ninja
[50efb112][gameclient]: initialisation finished after 11873.35ms
[50efb112][client]: version 0.6 626fce9a778df4d4
[50efb112][engine/mastersrv]: saving addresses
[50efb113][]: pFont memory usage: 2359296
[50efb113][]: pFont memory usage: 2490368
[50efb113][]: pFont memory usage: 2621440
[50efb114][]: pFont memory usage: 2752512
[50efb117][localization]: loaded 'languages/german.txt'
[50efb119][]: pFont memory usage: 2883584
[50efb119][]: pFont memory usage: 2949120
[50efb125][]: pFont memory usage: 3080192
[50efb125][]: pFont memory usage: 3145728
[50efb126][]: pFont memory usage: 3211264
[50efb134][binds]: unbound a (97)
[50efb134][binds]: bound left (276) = +left
[50efb136][binds]: unbound left (276)
[50efb136][binds]: bound mouse1 (323) = +left
[50efb139][binds]: unbound d (100)
[50efb139][binds]: bound mouse1 (323) = +right
[50efb141][binds]: unbound mouse1 (323)
[50efb141][binds]: bound right (275) = +right
[50efb143][binds]: bound left (276) = +left
[50efb146][binds]: unbound space (32)
[50efb146][binds]: bound up (273) = +jump
[50efb148][binds]: bound rshift (303) = +fire
[50efb14a][binds]: unbound mouse2 (324)
[50efb14a][binds]: bound plus (43) = +hook
[50efb15f][binds]: unbound mousewheeldown (332)
[50efb15f][binds]: bound 9 (57) = +nextweapon
[50efb161][binds]: unbound 9 (57)
[50efb161][binds]: bound 0 (48) = +nextweapon
[50efb164][binds]: unbound mousewheelup (331)
[50efb164][binds]: bound 9 (57) = +prevweapon
[50efb167][binds]: unbound 0 (48)
[50efb167][binds]: bound home (278) = +nextweapon
[50efb169][binds]: unbound 9 (57)
[50efb169][binds]: bound end (279) = +prevweapon
[50efb16c][binds]: unbound home (278)
[50efb16c][binds]: bound end (279) = +nextweapon
[50efb16d][binds]: bound home (278) = +prevweapon
[50efb19d][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
[50efb19d][client]: connecting to ''
[50efb19e][client]: connected, sending info
[50efb19e][client]: loading map, map=dm2 wanted crc=71839878
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading. filename='maps/dm2.map'
[50efb19e][datafile]: allocsize=2828
[50efb19e][datafile]: readsize=2676
[50efb19e][datafile]: swaplen=2696
[50efb19e][datafile]: item_size=2316
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading done. datafile='maps/dm2.map'
[50efb19e][client]: loaded map 'maps/dm2.map'
[50efb19e][client/network]: loading done
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=12 size=844 uncompressed=46800
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=8 size=255 uncompressed=45000
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=10 size=426 uncompressed=45000
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=11 size=804 uncompressed=46800
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=13 size=513 uncompressed=46800
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=14 size=1557 uncompressed=46800
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=15 size=273 uncompressed=46800
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=16 size=179 uncompressed=46800
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=17 size=110 uncompressed=46800
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=0 size=22 uncompressed=14
[50efb19e][datafile]: loading data index=1 size=19 uncompressed=11
[50efb19f][datafile]: loading data index=2 size=18 uncompressed=10
[50efb19f][datafile]: loading data index=3 size=12 uncompressed=4
[50efb1a0][chat]: *** 'Askarus' entered and joined the game
[50efb1a0][datafile]: loading data index=4 size=94 uncompressed=152
[50efb1a0][datafile]: loading data index=5 size=627 uncompressed=2432
[50efb1a0][datafile]: loading data index=6 size=54 uncompressed=152
[50efb1a0][datafile]: loading data index=7 size=83 uncompressed=152
[50efb1a0][datafile]: loading data index=9 size=69 uncompressed=152
[50efb1a0][]: pFont memory usage: 4259840
[50efb1b9][]: pFont memory usage: 4390912
[50efb20b][client]: prediction time reset!
[50efb217][client]: disconnecting. reason='unknown'
EGL Closed
[SUCCESS]--- Starting the application (runscript.sh ) ----------
[ START ]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
link.c:223: AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT: Inappropriate ioctl for device
rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/Teeworlds': Device or resource busy
[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
cleanup done
[SUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------
Return code is : 4