Release DraStic Nintendo DS emulator

Because it and only it needs things the emulator doesn't support entirely like cartridge decryption, and you need to do a bunch of crap to load it.
exo you the man thanks again for all the hard work and time put into this. just don't get burned out with all the requests / repeat requests.

ps thxs to you also neelix
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I experience the same thing as Zero3K, but using any app, it'll happen. I think it might be an issue with the d-pad. It happens with my 1Ghz pandora, I didn't have that problem with my old Rebirth one.
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I experience the same thing as Zero3K, but using any app, it'll happen. I think it might be an issue with the d-pad. It happens with my 1Ghz pandora, I didn't have that problem with my old Rebirth one.
I have a Rebirth Edition Pandora. Also, the Nubs don't have this issue when the deadzone for them is set correctly.
I finally had time to try this (I did not vote in the emulators section). Crazy Machines runs flawlessly so fa. I was pretty amazed when it said I should blow to make the baloon move ... I was like "great, how's that going to work with the Pandora", but still started blowing at the screen and it worked (I didn't expect the microphone to work) :lol:

Great job!

I hope some day I'll be able to play Trackmania on the Pandora with this. In principle it works, it just is way too slow (1 GHz edition). Considering that 3D is basically not supported yet I'd say it looks quite promising, though. Even if it will never work I'd say it rightfully won the competition ;)
I think that a safer bet would be to play Trackmania while emulating Windows ;)

That said, the library of flawless games is astounding.
Bug: While running with great speed @600 MHZ, Age of Empires - The Age of Kings only show flickering units and dialog-panels (right in the first level of the first campaign)

Another one: in Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes: The rotating wait icon (for example on the battle-loading-screen) is still drawn surrounded by a violet square
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Bug: While running with great speed @600 MHZ, Age of Empires - The Age of Kings only show flickering units and dialog-panels (right in the first level of the first campaign)

Another one: in Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes: The rotating wait icon (for example on the battle-loading-screen) is still drawn surrounded by a violet square
Where can I find an official list of ID number of games ?

I have some roms (not dumped by me) where Drastic don't show them...
I don't care what release ID ROM dumpers gave the game, so you're wasting your time trying to find out. If that's what you're referring to.

If you mean game ID then it's supposed to show up in the file menu if you press Y twice, assuming you aren't overriding the game database with something bad. If it doesn't, it'll still get printed to the pndrun file when you load the ROM.
I was meaning the game ID, it doesn't show in the emu for those roms...

Looking at the pndrun there's a line "Found in database:" with an ID after the filename, is this ? But it's longer than 4 numbers (like I see in the compatibility list wiki) it has 8 digits

the only other number with 4 digit is the "Maker code"
That's what I'm saying, the number people have been putting in the wiki is a ROM dumper ID which is not a good thing to put in. The 8 digit one is the one you want.