Who saw the last episode of dr.who? what did u think about it?
refractor posted on Jul 14 2006 at 09:29 PM said:Though I hated Billie Piper's music with a passion, I think that she was actually a very decent Dr. Who companion and it was a shame that she felt she couldn't continue doing it. Nonetheless, the whole story arc of the Dr. falling in love with Rose, and the more general touchy feely, sensitive aspect of the two "new" series has been rather tiresome. They just seem to be belabouring the point rather too much, just to "appeal to a wider audience" (i.e. women).
Doctor-wise I preferred David Tennant to Ecclestone, though I'm not entirely sure why. I guess he just seemed to pull off the dichotomy between the cheekiness and the hardness better.
I really hope that the new companion is as good as Billie, and that some of the sappiness disappears into the void between dimensions.
lol2232 posted on Jul 14 2006 at 09:29 PM said:I really liked Rose its lame shes gone it made me angry they only had 13 episodes this season.
Don't get me wrong. The love-interest, or more "sensitive" aspect is fine, but shoving it down my throat wasn't necessary. I can infer stuff like that fairly readily even without the over-emphasis and I presume that other people can too. As for the men thinking that sci-fi is just for them, I'd argue that it was the opposite; most women automatically think that sci-fi is not for them, and that's why there isn't a larger female sci-fi audience. In most of the decent sci-fi series there's enough plot, character, and outright geekiness to keep both sexes interested.WarmFluffyUK posted on Jul 14 2006 at 10:40 PM said:I don't think having a little love interest is a bad thing. I am though a little fed up of men thinking Sci Fi is just for them. I think the series has appealed to a wide spectrum of people, men, women and children. Leave it as it is I say, the formula really works and I have totally enjoyed the new series!
I think that it brings a little realism the the characters, and should remain as it is.refractor posted on Jul 14 2006 at 09:56 PM said:Don't get me wrong. The love-interest, or more "sensitive" aspect is fine, but shoving it down my throat wasn't necessary. I can infer stuff like that fairly readily even without the over-emphasis and I presume that other people can too. As for the men thinking that sci-fi is just for them, I'd argue that it was the opposite; most women automatically think that sci-fi is not for them, and that's why there isn't a larger female sci-fi audience. In most of the decent sci-fi series there's enough plot, character, and outright geekiness to keep both sexes interested.WarmFluffyUK posted on Jul 14 2006 at 10:40 PM said:I don't think having a little love interest is a bad thing. I am though a little fed up of men thinking Sci Fi is just for them. I think the series has appealed to a wide spectrum of people, men, women and children. Leave it as it is I say, the formula really works and I have totally enjoyed the new series!
WarmFluffyUK posted on Jul 14 2006 at 08:40 PM said:Actually there was only 13 episodes in the last season too!
lol2232 posted on Jul 14 2006 at 10:07 PM said:WarmFluffyUK posted on Jul 14 2006 at 08:40 PM said:Actually there was only 13 episodes in the last season too!
Exactly! Which means the second season should have more
I agree, I think David Tennant has little quirks, very much like Patrick Troughton in some ways.nickspoon posted on Jul 14 2006 at 10:08 PM said:Tennant was a really good Doctor, I thought.
Oh that's easy:WarmFluffyUK posted on Jul 14 2006 at 11:06 PM said:On another note, what do you think the four words the Face of Bo is going to tell the Doctor. What's the big secret? I have a niggly feeling the Face of Bo is a time lord.
LOL, or even "I am your mother!"refractor posted on Jul 14 2006 at 10:16 PM said:Oh that's easy:WarmFluffyUK posted on Jul 14 2006 at 11:06 PM said:On another note, what do you think the four words the Face of Bo is going to tell the Doctor. What's the big secret? I have a niggly feeling the Face of Bo is a time lord.
"I am your father".
Followed by:
"Noooooo!!!" screamed the Doctor.
Actually Tom Baker is still my favourite Doctor. And he is also the longest running doctor to date! He really did have something about him, I think he lived the role! As an alien his persona was toally believable, he was kind, comical and angry, all at the same time. For me the story that showed him off best was "The Genesis of the Daleks", it also had the stupidest line Davros ever said in it... When the Doc and Davros are chatting, the Doctor's hand wonders over the controls of Davros's chair, the conversation went:craigix posted on Jul 14 2006 at 10:42 PM said:It was good, but too late for me, whole new series jumped the shark with 'love and monsters' for me.
I've been downloading classic episodes recently, i'm sorry but no one is anywhere near as good as Tom Baker.
Maybe they had better writers back then, I just don't know.
That said my fave episode is probably the 5 doctors which Tom Baker isn't in.
Shikaku posted on Jul 14 2006 at 06:09 PM said:Random question, but craigix where is your avatar from?
I think it was Ed Wood. I remember from the last time somebody asked.TelcoLou posted on Jul 14 2006 at 11:15 PM said:Shikaku posted on Jul 14 2006 at 06:09 PM said:Random question, but craigix where is your avatar from?
It looks an awful lot like Desi Arnaz ...
... oh, and Tom Baker was the best doctor.
Hanz™ posted on Jul 14 2006 at 06:43 PM said:I think it was Ed Wood. I remember from the last time somebody asked.TelcoLou posted on Jul 14 2006 at 11:15 PM said:Shikaku posted on Jul 14 2006 at 06:09 PM said:Random question, but craigix where is your avatar from?
It looks an awful lot like Desi Arnaz ...
... oh, and Tom Baker was the best doctor.