Release DosBox EX - Ultimate

Oh, You'll love next version of DosBox EX :D  Now you'll be able to use notaz SDL and nubs/usbmouse at once..

Thanks to Mcobit for pointing that new editions of Notaz SDL have the solution for nubs+touchscreen fix

Thanks to Notaz for excellent SDL adjustments [Omap version]

Now, im going back to StoneKeep, yeah :D
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Yes if you start touchscreen version. Nub/USB MOUSE version is still present in dosbox ex because it has proper aspect ratio [i dont like it personally, but it might be useful for correct aspect ratio geeks].

In next release these options will be renamed from [touchscreen version / nub version] to [fullscreen / fullscreen (proper aspect ratio)]
Brilliant work, Commander Beef!

I immediately grabbed the new version and tested it on Dark Seed (yeah, this is the title I want to play the most right now ;) ). It still seems that there is a problem on the left click with nub.

Please let me explain:

- I run Dosbox and launch Dark Seed

- I press L + Enter for full screen (but the problem also occurs if I keep the default ratio)

- When I move the mouse with left nub, everything is fine

- If I left click using right nub, the mouse pointer generally jumps up or down. It seems the more I click, the more this jump is huge. This pattern seems to be reset when I use the stylus to click the screen, but after a few clicks with the right nub, the same behaviour happens again. So I keep clicking on things I don't want. :)

- If I right click with the right nub, this issue doesn't happen. So surprinsingly this is only related to left clicking.

Once this is fixed, it will be a pleasure to play with point-n-click games. I'll certainly make a donation for your efforts.

Thank you!
The donation version is growing on me :-)

Just one small thing for now:

commander-beef, could you leave the version number out of the filename of the PND (so that the file name is always the same)? I use custom links on my desktop (don't want the app link _and_ it's readme on the desktop) and it stops working (naturally) after an update.
Oh no, there is one more thing! Could it be that the advanced DosBox configuration is not saved when closing DosBox Ex Ultimate?
 It still seems that there is a problem on the left click with nub.

- If I left click using right nub, the mouse pointer generally jumps up or down. It seems the more I click, the more this jump is huge. This pattern seems to be reset when I use the stylus to click the screen, but after a few clicks with the right nub, the same behaviour happens again. So I keep clicking on things I don't want. :)
I also cannot move the mouse pointer at the top of the screen it goes just 3/4 of the screen..........very strange :blink:


I have two mouse games, c&c and theme park, c&c works fine with nubs but theme park doesn't
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Its the nature of that games. Some of them have different mouse refresh rate that are not follow 'standards' and nubs might be desinced here and there.

For example

Fuckd up game: cannon fodder 1 and 2

Perfect working game: stone keep

Imho its not solvable.

Btw dont forget that many mouse driven games have the abi'ity to use it without mouse (dpad + space). Youll only need to disable mouse in dosbox ex.

For example: day of the tentacle (which working perfectly with nubs btw :) )

Go figure yourself more games..

I`m having trouble with Blackthorne.  I`ve had it working once with sound and midi. But now I can`t get it running without disabling digitized sounds..

No matter what I do ( I`m choosing the default in sound setup )

It hangs on the DOS screen... unless I go into setup and disable digitized audio!

ANy ideas?   

Also I can`t find a version of 4D sports boxing that doesn`t have the manual protection check.... anyone ;) ?
Stainy try to disable ems in dos box game executable config

And check proper sb values. Dosbox ex soundblaster config is: 220 7 1