Very Active Member
I just finished making DosBox EX Ultimate for Raspberry Pi 2 [it will work with Pi1 but i didnt tested it a lot..] with custom dosbox build. For now this version works on Raspbian without dispmanx SDL so it's a little bit slower on RPi 2 than OpenPandora. I expect a bigger speed up after compiling dispmanx SDL.
Still there will be two versions of Dosbox EX for RPi/RPi2, basic one and donators edition.
BTW. DosBox EX contains DosBox EX Downloader as well for Raspberry Pi / Pi2
For now only screenshot..
Users that are interested in DosBox EX for RPi/RPi2 can contact me at: streak - [ @ ] - ,as usual.
StreaK // C-B
I just finished making DosBox EX Ultimate for Raspberry Pi 2 [it will work with Pi1 but i didnt tested it a lot..] with custom dosbox build. For now this version works on Raspbian without dispmanx SDL so it's a little bit slower on RPi 2 than OpenPandora. I expect a bigger speed up after compiling dispmanx SDL.
Still there will be two versions of Dosbox EX for RPi/RPi2, basic one and donators edition.
BTW. DosBox EX contains DosBox EX Downloader as well for Raspberry Pi / Pi2
For now only screenshot..

Users that are interested in DosBox EX for RPi/RPi2 can contact me at: streak - [ @ ] - ,as usual.
StreaK // C-B
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