Doctor Who

Actually as Dr. is a time traveller he could easily come into contact with the Master in one of his previous incarnations....

Oh, and from the point
One of the things I have to meantion is, one of the key laws of a time lords is not to medle in time once it has happened
from whose point of view? Is it only once the Gallifreyan's know about it or is it once it has happened to anybody - which turns the timelords into observers only in EVERY case - it would probably mean they couldn't raise a hand to help themselves if someone somewhere knew they had been destroyed...

I love Paradoxes....
The amount people know about Doctor Who is amazing, bordering on scary. I just sit back and enjoy. :) .Just enjoy it for what it is, Saturday night child scaring (hiding behind cushion) light entertainment. :o

Has anyone notice post time is not on British Summer Time yet!!!!!!
Pecaloja posted on Apr 5 2005 at 10:21 PM said:
The amount people know about Doctor Who is amazing, bordering on scary. I just sit back and enjoy. :) .Just enjoy it for what it is, Saturday night child scaring (hiding behind cushion) light entertainment. :o

Has anyone notice post time is not on British Summer Time yet!!!!!!
1. What, Billie Piper been scaring you? She'll do that......
2. You neec to manally set up the time, go into settings
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Twitch does a Doctor Who Marathon, starting with the very first season - fascinating- . ^^

I'm actualy not really into Doctor Who since a) the show never really aired in germany until the 2005 reboot and b) even the new seasons appear still a little bit trashy for my taste. ^^ However, I respect the idea, the fandom and the great music.I know the most basic stuff about the Whoniverse but still have no clue how the heck a Sonic Screwdriver actualy works. XD
And the TV movie about the creation of that show in the early 60s was really good. :)
However, great move from twitch to show the early seasons, I've heared that some of the old episodes are still missing and vanished over time. Some were found and restaurated, maybe Twitch will show these?
They aired episodes in germany before the big gap tho.
I watched some of the old ones, even the destroyed which are only still pictures with terrible audio. I really like the old story lines compared to todays sci fi. It is less generic, less overthinking, less background that i dont want to know anyway.
In the UK the BBC are trying their best to make money out of the old episodes. I managed to watch some old 70s and 80s serials on some old msn video player a few years back, and it convinced me more than ever that I didn't really want to be paying cold hard cash for any of that stuff. I know I watched the repeat of the very first episode a year or two back (though sadly in that case they didn't broadcast the entire serial), and I think I saw the second serial at some point in the mid 90s. But currently, you have to spend hundreds of pounds to get anything like a complete collection.

They used to release thematically linked, but rather useless if you were trying to watch them in sequence or anything, collections of serials, but since then they seem now to be releasing individual three-four-five episode serials on individual DVDs. Unfortunately they're still selling these for normal DVD prices, while I'm only willing to really spend a few quid on such old tat. Seems I could also use amazon video if I signed up for prime, but they make the mistake of mislabelling each serial as a whole season, while back in the day we got two or three big serials per series, and per serial they're not actually much cheaper, unless you can decide after the first episode (sold for less than the completing episodes, cheekily enough) to give up on a serial.

To be fair to the BBC, I can understand them wanting to get some money back against the money they spend reanimating some of these missing old episodes (the still pictures with taped audio were the previous generation, now they've creating moving albeit animated pictures). Also, a lot of the cliffhangers don't work on DVD format if you haven't got a week between watching the episodes to forget the previous week's action. I can remember one Peter Davidson one where the cliffhanger is of him reaching within 50 meters of ground in an out of control plane or missile or something (I forget) but begin the next episode and he easily gains control more than 150 meters from ground.
I didn't knew these old episodes were in this serials-fomat with various mini-story arcs over a single season. Interesting way to split a TV Show and for sure nothing new. ^^

They aired episodes in germany before the big gap tho.
I watched some of the old ones, even the destroyed which are only still pictures with terrible audio. I really like the old story lines compared to todays sci fi. It is less generic, less overthinking, less background that i dont want to know anyway.
Yeah, I remember in the early 90's, RTL showed some Doctor Who Episodes from the late 80's, last Doctor before the long gap until 2005 I guess. They also showed the Doctor Who Movie from the 90's if I rememebr correctly. But without all the older sessions and knowledge, it was a very confusing experience. I remmeberr I had NO idea what was going on in that strange brithish show, it felt like you had missed around 500 Episodes or so... which is very true... xD
I can't find any earlier British TV dramas that split stories over multiple episodes the same way Dr Who did, although it's fair to say that in the early series, there were only really two or three span serials at most, and rather a lot of single shot episodes. I should probably check radio, but even to this day everything on the radio is either episodic or serials, and not this curious mix of the two (although it's harder on the radio without having sets or being able to see different actors and costumes to be able to indicate a change from one story to the next, and it's far more common to have serials that last for anything from 2 to about 8 episodes on the radio for some reason).

FWIW, I don't think you're ever really meant to know what the sonic screwdriver works. Occasionally there's things it can't do which might persist over a series, but it generally is a get-out for scriptwriters who write a dangerous system without a clear idea of how to get out of it, or as a way to hurry the plot along, or occasionally as a cool gadget. But what it can and can't do depends on which doctor wields it, which serial it is, and what the plot demands.
Its just sending a high power 1 MHz signal with fine tuned cut outs to transmit energie to an object. Easy peasy.
Its just sending a high power 1 MHz signal with fine tuned cut outs to transmit energie to an object. Easy peasy.
Cool, can you build me one? :D

I also noticed, the Doctor never seems to fight physicaly, fascinating how he was able to solve every problem just with his mind. ^^ Ok, and with his Sonic Screwdriver.
And a sword.
Which episode are you referring to there? I remember on which I think was set in mediaeval times, although I can't remember which doctor was in it (either Baker or Davidson), and I think both Adric and Romana were in it which should narrow it down if I could be bothered, but I don't recall him using a sword in that.
OK, I take everything back...WTF?!?! :confused:


Hmm... maybe I missed some interesting stuff because of not watching that show? :oops:
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Levi he lost a Hand in a sword fight. Not sure if he hold a sword himself tho.
THAT hand however is one of the most important items.

Levi he lost a Hand in a sword fight. Not sure if he hold a sword himself tho.
THAT hand however is one of the most important items.
Oh, New Who, and worse than that it's pretty much the height of RTD's soap opera period. Best expunged from history, that filth. Just save the early Moffat episodes, before they mined him for ideas.