Hm, then it's something skeezix needs to take a look at, maybe he's got some idea.
Did anyone else have issues with Dig Dug?
Did anyone else have issues with Dig Dug?
Yeah, I agree. I haven't played it since the first time, once I found out about this "bug".Digdug should just be taken off c4a, until it can be made to work right.
Who the hell wants to have to delete a damn file every single game?
Had you deleted the digdug.nv file before playing the 2nd game, that didn't register? If your score persisted (in the in-game scoretable) this would suggest the nv file was still present - try deleting digdug.nv in the c4a-mame nvram folder, and see if you get the same problem as Kumaki.Tested DigDug and indeed 2nd game wasn't registered. Maybe you should delete the hi file too. As far as I know c4a shouldn't remember your scores and in this case it does.
Nobody really understands the Compo4ALL spec except skeezix Kumaki. People are trying to help the project (including yourself) and would like a solution. Just wait for skeezix to get in thread but I'm guessing he's busy with real life stuff.Hadn't tried.
I still want digdug to be fixed right.
And by someone who knows what the heck they are doing.
do not ask me to do all sorts of expirimental things about which I know nothing. Just fix the problem and get back to me when it is done right.
I do not know what I'm doing when I start messing with things I do not understand, and I have no idea what anyone is trying to prove asking me to do things I don't understand...and which could maybe screw up my profile.
I mean, even if it DOES work on a different card on a different install (assuming I could do it without screwing my profile) how does that help me or anyone to solve the problem on the main card?
I don't know the internal workings of c4a but it seems strange that I have tested the hi file for DigDug in PanMame, score is captured in that hi file and suddenly in c4a the hi-score is saved as nv file and no temporary hi file is created for DigDug.Just a question of priorities .. I don't look into .nv at all right now; its possible hi-to-text does and/or is flaky.. We use that system for a lot of games to save me redoing all their work... But it is flaky sometimes.
As you already mentioned before, this is needed to be able to solve the 'continue issue'. That is also high on the feature requests list, so I think a good choice.So, given a limited time budget .. What do i work on first?
I choose new c4a build with faster sync cycle![]()
Personally I don't think desktop or r-pi should be a priority yet unless you are hoping to get help from other developers from those communities. IMO in the current state the software doesn't scale very well.I need to check play stats .. Is our playerbase or number of plays declining? It might be we are reduced playcount as novelty wheres off? Membership driving is hard given limited pandora ownership..
Maybe i need to get desktp and r-pi prioritized...