First thing.. /me hugs DaveC
Seocnd thing.. I'm an extreeemely positive person; it just brings me down every time I check boards I see DaveC trashing something

(Maybe I'm overperceiving it, but I don't think so, as everyone seems to note once in awhile that hes bitter.)
Third.. it just seems like always anything but the GP32 is being trashed; never saw a positive word from him about anything but the GP32 as long as I can recall.
Any time something new comes along, its 'what that thing can do to destroy my beloved gp32".
So thats where the fanboyism comes -- anything not gp32 is a threat _to the gp32_. Hence, theres no objectivity.
ie: On zodiacgamer/emuboards and here.. nothing can be trusted, since its pretty much always slanted.
So, furthering the thought -- no one can ever ask DaveC anything, because he will bend everything to the pro-gp32 "rose tinted glasses" outlook.
Others are often not so far bent over, and can even be balanced -- I like to think for instance that I can argue pro-gp32, pro-palm, pro-pocketpc, pro-NDS at leisure, as they're all good. (I'm rarely pro-Sony, since they're corporate assholes who've personally screwed me a half dozen times, as they've screwed everyone whose ever bought a Sony product
So .. where am I going?
All I'm asking for is.. DaveC -- can you try and be more balanced when comparing things? Or let people know your lean.. its unfair to diss something, and not tell someone you're always going to do that. (ie: Trashing the zodiac, the nds, the psp, the gba.. theres a pattern
In a personal opinion, you can always say "this and this and this, within the domain that you know I love the gp32 the most". But if someone asks you to compare and contrast, you should not say "well, that device sucks due to the screen", when really you should say "the screen sucks compared to the gp32 which I think is the best". At least once a week you present an unbalanced comparison I bet
ie: When making a 'review' or comparison, you have to reveal your slant.. or better yet, try not to have a slant. "Editorial lean" is an industry term.
Be objective. Be balanced. Reveal all points _imparitally_.
I suppose I'm just bneing a hardass, since I should always just assume everything you say has that lean, but it angers me since other people don't kow that when they see your posts.. it takes awhile to suss out. Yet time after time I see in various websites you giving advice wihch is completely slanted and misleading. Its terrible and disservice sometimes.
(Not all the time I'm sure, but all the posts of yours I remember are the evil ones
At the same time, I'm not trying to personally attack you.. maybe that one part of your online self just rubs me the wrong way. A community needs your passion, and you've personally helped a lot of gP32 folks I think.. since you're more informed than a lot of people.
Like someone said above.. you're the glass-half-empty guy.
But damn, it brings me down.
I don't know why I'm posting, except to say that over the months, I've gotten to the point I'm nearly afraid to read your posts, konwing you'll likely trash something
Maybe I should use the MB feature to go throgh your posts and see.. maybe I'm making somethign out of nothing and its 1 in 10 posts. But my gutt feeling is its 1 in 2 posts "I read" (the threads that interest me perhaps?)
At any rate, please don't be offended or hate my gutts, thats not my goal. (I don't know what my goal is, except it burns my nuts