Freesci Beta Testers Requested!


That Guy!
Jul 19, 2003
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Hello again,
I know I've been entirely too slow with my GP2X projects, but hey, atleast I'm trying to get it done not totally abandoning them ;) Anyways, to the info...

I've currently been working with the freesci stable code to try and get the F200 touchscreen stuff working as nice as possible, and it's going fairly well imo... but I wanted to get some feedback to see if it's working as well for other people. So feel free to PM me or email me at Hooka Aght telusplanet daught net, and I'll fire over a binary for you to test with.

Just as a heads up I'll list some of the problems I already know about:

-possible bottom lines of screen covered by vkeyboard *seems to be only on the SQ3 starting sierra logo as far as I noticed... Doesn't hinder gameplay*

-glutton needs the sound quality mucked with to get it back to the old quality, as it's skipping atm *attempted tonight and failed! :S*

-too damn loud at start (especially on the f200)

Things I'm hoping to add:

-add highlighting of special keys when used (like ctrl) *Done!*

-add ability to hold down L button and use left/right on dpad to do backspace and enter *done!*

-add autoscroll (move more than one letter when holding down direction) to make using the vkeyboard on f100 easier *DONE!!!*

*Also readded MMU Hack

*readded stupid linux bug workaround for mkdir/chdir problem :P

It should be able to detect whether you're using an F200 or F100, and adjust controls accordingly. With an F100, you use select to switch between keyboard control, mouse control or the virtual keyboard.

Hopefully I'll be able to wrap this up into an actual release and get the code into glutton also in the next few weeks.

Have a good one!
TJ Hooka

P.S. Look forward to a new interview, and maybe some other projects getting new releases also (like RACE!, if I have the time... online school needs some of my time too ;) )
Sorry I don't have a F200 to test, but this sounds really cool. I've been waiting for this emu. Looking forward to Police Quest!! :)
Great that you started working on it again, I never found out time to look at the source code you sent me... but I'll see if I find some to test it a little.

Great! I'm excited about this one. About to test Space Quest 3, Space Quest 4 and King's Quest 4 right now.

These were some of the games I was hoping to get running well on DOSBox but it struggled to do the Ad-Lib and SoundBlaster. Hopefully an interpreter will run these better on the GP2X.