Dell Alienware: Concept UFO handheld/portable console (Windows gaming PC)


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I'd be nervous buying one, I had an Alienware Laptop (MX11 R2) and the driver support from Dell was horrendous. I think we had one graphics card update in total while nvidia kept producing updates for the nvidia half of the dual graphics card and plastering warnings about the update not being suitable for dual systems everywhere, Dell just didn't seem interested. There ended up being forums dedicated to which updates where safe to apply and what problems there were (if any). God knows what they'd be like supporting this.
The Switch games are customized for the Switch.
Using a Windows Tablet and running games on them won't be the same in my oppinon.
But the freedom you gain (mods, more games) is a huge advantege on the other hand ...

Even to this day, I'm still watching heaps of Dell UFO YouTube vids to tide me over while I wait for more official info about the MAX.
Not for me. I want to get away from x86 (high hopes for Risc-V) and I don't want Win10.
Where are the vents? I see those five holes at the top of that image, but I suspect they're more likely to be charge indicator lights than any means of ventilation.
That's just the make-one-controller-out-of-two-joycons piece.
I don't know why they used hard angles on the design but the kickstand looks great, similar to a Thinkpad Tablet
For reference, here's how my tablet + ipega thing looks like.

Side note #2:
I've replaced the tablet in my previous setup with a Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8", this is a 5 years old tablet but I think it's still fantastic!
PC Streaming on its gorgeous OLED screen is perfect. It can also do decent native retro emulation - 4:3 ratio so in fullscreen!
I've also purchased a Super Famicom skin from ebay. Shots bellow.
I'm still using it with the ipega 9083 but there is now an alternative for tablets: The ipega 9167 which seems more compact, not tested.

