deleting my stupid posts


Jun 23, 2011
Andover, UK
Just wondering is it possible if a member posts a stupid response then realised after how stupid that post was, can they delete there response from the board. I often miss read posts and put stupid irrivent comments on the board usually completely unintentionally, and was wondering if there was anyway I could remove them myself rather than waiting for a moderator to pick up on them. I can't seem to find an option to do so.
You can click the 'edit ' button under your post whilst logged in.. might let you delete too or if not just edit out the text. That should do the trick
I don't think normal users can delete, but we can edit the post to '<please ignore>' or such like
I like to leave my stupid posts out in the open for everyone to see. I hate self-censorship. Usually I'll just edit something in about how stupid the post was. :P
I don't make stupid posts.

I like to leave my stupid posts out in the open for everyone to see. I hate self-censorship. Usually I'll just edit something in about how stupid the post was. :P
Same here (though more often I'll state that I was previously in error in a subsequent reply, rather than touch the original - I mostly just edit my posts for typos and forgotten info). It's human nature to make errors and to have foibles - to try to hide that is to try to deny what we are.
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