More mods?


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
I think that there should be more mods with the ability to edit and delete posts so that we can get rid of posts like this one:
A lot of the time, I see threads like this, and they are up for a long time and I can't do anything because no mods are on. Then I just wait there, waiting for someone to delete the thread, which usually takes a long time. The longer it is up, the more this gets out. I saw this thread a couple of seconds after it was made (I refreshed the page and saw it) and I could have easily deleted it within that time so nobody would have had to seen it. I think we should get some more mods to monitor posts like these, and I think I should also be one of those mods. Thanks.
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Thats a really good idea, because that guy and some other people are just stupid and make an account just to post warez info. I mean shit, he should be banned (I dont expect him to post anything else anyways) and that topic should be deleted.
Unfortunately, there is the odd time when there are no mods on, and there will always be times like that. From what I can tell by the content of the post, Rico has had his way with it already, but maybe should have made it more clear that he has (if you havent Rico then I apologise matey!).

Sometimes, editing the post has more effect than just deleting the topic, as it shows that we mean business. Basically, it makes the poster look like a fool, whilst at the same time showing that we dont put up with that sort of stuff. Also, deleting the post often results in it being reposted, often multiple times, and poeple dont learn from it.

I will delete this one this time, as it's caused so much concern (and rightly so!)


EDIT: Just seen that Rico has already issued a warning to the guy, so yes, it was Rico's fine handywork. If you ever see the words "moronic asshole" in a thread, you can usually assume Rico has been there :P
Oh, and you can also ICQ me as I'm online nearly 15 hours a day.
I'll do something as fast as I can when I see such topic!

My ICQ number is: 15691903
I disagree.

Shortly after the post was released, I edited it to invalidate his request. Most of these guys seem to spot that their post was deleted and recreate it; by merely editing it, many people don't even realise the change. I've had people take a look at a topic full of the posters insulting themselves :) and not realising anything had been edited. Surely good news.

In this case unfortunately I disabled the guy's posting for 3 days. That probably tipped him off, but it was a snap-reaction. Anyways he doesn't seem to have posted again.

- Rico
Lol you're doing what your avvies doing to rule breakers.. (giving them a good beating)
Ok this may sound a bit crazy, and its just an idea, but how about making an 'offshore' roms link site? In the sense that if anybody ever asks for them again we tell them to not ask again and then PM them with a word we use for roms instead of the word itself i.e pizza, and then direct them to a site with rom links on it hosted entirely by someone else who wouldn't mind being shut down repeatedly. Eventually people would pick up the idea and this site wouldn't get in trouble for using the word pizza repeatedly.

Of course I realise it's completely stupid and alot of people wouldn't want to conform because of the moral standpoint, but if we ensure that there is no GP32 warez going on then it wouldn't be too bad.

I also realise that my grammar isn't at its best at the moment so if people want this clarified then just yell.
trooper posted on Dec 28 2003 at 07:07 PM said:
:wacko: :lol:
Ill have a pint of what he had luv. :D

Was only a suggestion, and if you want a pint of what I've been having then head to you kitchen get a glass, and turn the one marked cold.
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turn the one marked COLD VODKA. j/k :P i don't really think anything illegal would get this site in trouble. it's about gp32 warez specifically, and the fact that the gp32 community is against it (as opposed to stealing from huge international companies).
I know you have said they are not needed but if you are looking for a new mod i will be happy to step forward.

I have been a mod at many sites including Gameplay and Challenge (Yeah the UK TV station) so i have a good grasp of whats ok.

If i am ever needed just PM me :)
If you see bad post(s) just click the "! Report" button on them... AFAIK that messages all mods so as soon as one comes, they can delete/edit it...