Craig Bashing

If we moderate "Craig Bashing" we are called freedom of speech Nazi's. If we don't we are "Craig bashers"
I didn't mean that. I've observed several moderators actively "Craig bashing" as I call it. Simply not being a freedom of speech Nazi doesn't qualify you as a "Craig basher". But I'd like to think moderators would behave better in public and not set the bad example of personal attacks and all that.
Meh =.=" I suppose it might be unprofessional to bash Craig using a moderators account. 

Moral of the story: If you want to engage in "Craig bashing",  use a 'normal' member account to do it :P
Moral of the story: If you want to engage in "Craig bashing", use a 'normal' member account to do it :P
 There's a rule against alt accounts though  - but we do have the Green Bold convention.

Maybe best just to respect the difference bettween

A Moderator said:
Craig is incompetent and has abused his customers

A Moderator said:
Craig is incompetent and has abused his customers
Craig is incompetent and has abused his customers.
I got one of the first's batch pandora from him (and parts to repair it). I don't think incompetent is the word, that's rude.

The best wording for what I think would be : Craig has issues and bad luck.

Everybody does.

His issues unfortunately are like a STD, show some (unprotected) love and you might get pimples.
I got one of the first's batch pandora from him (and parts to repair it). I don't think incompetent is the word, that's rude.

The best wording for what I think would be : Craig has issues and bad luck.

Everybody does.

His issues unfortunately are like a STD, show some (unprotected) love and you might get pimples.
Nah, he really isn't especially competent at the stuff he's set about doing, and you eventually getting your Pandora and parts for repair doesn't change that. He's done a good job obscuring information about the decisions he makes and perpetually blames anything that goes wrong entirely on other parties, so it can be hard to see it. But it's there if you look a little deeper.

Maybe the appropriate "nicer" way to say it would be he continually bites off more than he can chew and underestimates everything. But he also makes some questionable decisions that looked questionable to me from a mile away.
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Wow lots of compassion there bud. Crap does happen and the Open Pandora Saga is one of a LOT of problems.

Heck there continues to be lots of problems. Just look at the recent touchscreen issues.

I feel Craig has personally done a terrible job with his projects. That being said Craig has also had a lot of problems with these projects that were out of his control.
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Wow lots of compassion there bud. Crap does happen and hen Open Pandora Saga is one of a LOT of problems.

Heck there continues to be lots of problems. Just look at the recent touchscreen issues.

I feel Craig has personally done a Terri or job with his projects. That being said Craig has also had a lot of problems with these projects that were out of his control.
Terri is short for terrible right? Hey I'm allowed to say it, it's the Craig bashing thread.

I don't know why people are so enthusiastic to give him the benefit of the doubt on everything. He is a guy who has good ideas and poor execution. You shouldn't decide if he's competent or not based on whether or not you're angry at him or appreciate him for your Pandora or feel sorry for him because of all his debt and all the flames he gets. You should decide if he's competent or not by looking at how he's managed or mismanaged his projects so far. iCP2 is creeping up on being a year late and he's barely given any justifications for it.. because they're not there. He's tried to blame outside forces where he could but it hardly adds up to something convincing. If he had more to blame he'd be milking it for everything he could, because historically that's what Craig does. But now he's mostly just ignoring everyone.

A lack of progress is not hard evidence that he's screwing things up. But you can look at some pretty clear examples. He gave a release date which pretty much everyone else involved with or anyone with even basic understanding of what he was doing and what the timeline was agrees was incredibly unrealistic. He decides to add lighting saying it's a no risk cost but he clearly didn't really properly assess the impact because he didn't understand the cost of the LEDs OR the lead time and also appears to have gotten hit with the impact of manufacturing light pipes. And having to redesign the keymats for translucency, and being alarmed at the quotes he got several months after the fact.. he should have gotten quotes and lead times for ALL of this before even deciding to add the feature. But even aside from LEDs it's clear everything's not ready, and I just keep asking why. Even the firmware isn't ready, but we're hearing now they're having problems getting rights to the code from the nub manufacturers. Maybe they should have been sure to secure this before advertising it as totally open.

When people say there's no incompetence here I just scratch my head.. But it's not really some grand insult, no one's competent in everything they try to do all the time. It's called making mistakes. I have no problem admitting I make mistakes, for example I made lots of mistakes with DraStic. It's just a matter of acknowledging it.

As for abusing his customers, that'd be in the form of very poor communication. People defend it by saying he has nothing to report.. how could he go months without nothing to report? If it's something as mundane as "we can't any progress done because we're waiting on X, Y, and Z" that's something to report.
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Firstly i'll say its threads like this that keep this community interesting, aswell as all the software development and technical assistance people provide. its good that we all have freedom to express our own opinions on things like this and shows that we really are a close community.  Personally this kind of thing is always interesting and somewhat amusing to me (although perhaps that is the wrong word given the subject of this particular thread).

What i dont find amusing is how Craig has treated this community and his customers. How ED has had to bail Craig's customers out, at great personal cost. On-the-other-hand i've also seen great kindness from the wider community regarding donations for preorders etc. which is yet again more evidence we have a great community here.

I do know that this mess is not entirely of Craig's making but he is largely responsible for the majority of the situation as it stands, and if someone has a legitimate grievance with Craig then thats fine and they should be allowed to express that in anyway they choose (within the rules of this forum of course) I dont believe such comments can be called bullying when the supposed "target" is not aware nor is he likely to be aware of such comments given that he has disavowed himself from the community. I'd also suggest the negative feelings that inspire such comments are likely to remain until he shows his face here again and can answer some of the questions people have.  I'd even go as far as to suggest some people might be willing to forgive him, if he gave them straight answers to legitimate questions in a timely fashion.
@Exophase That's a pretty good summary.

While *some* of what has happened with the ICP2 and Pandora is not Craig's fault, how he's chosen to handle both situations is entirely his fault. He's lied, regularly and seemingly without remorse. He's taken money people gave him in good faith then used it for other purposes and abandoned them. He's fought publicly with those who were trying to help those people out. He's been arrogant and alienated people who have backed and supported him. He's broken promises and ignored those he owes considerable amounts of money/product to. 

In my opinion Craig doesn't deserve people sticking up for him here because he's either too much of a coward or cares too little to step forward and do it himself. He could, at any moment, choose to change this situation for the better. But as long as he doesn't I think it's a good thing to have this kind of discussion out there, even if some think it's bashing, so that Craig has less opportunity to pull this crap all over again.

In short, if Craig continues to treat everyone else like shit, all he can expect is shit in return. And keeping that shit in the public is for the benefit of all.
Craig used to stick up for himself all the time here. I don't think it helped anything. Frankly, I find him ignoring the boards completely as being more positive then getting in shouting matches where he plays the giant victim and calls everyone out as fault (along with some choice insults). The last time he did that his target was ED.

What he needs to do is give constructive, detailed, thorough, and timely updates on the exact status of everything. And that's more or less all most people are asking for. Because while he probably should have had the thing out by now or should have been able to give people refunds to at least some degree he can't do that and probably couldn't tell people more than "sorry, I can't do that."
detailed, thorough, and timely updates on the exact status of everything
The wording you use is the exact opposite of Craig. I highly doubt this guy is capable of managing a project in the tiny details. The fact that he always finds new issues is a sign that he does not think through at all. I even doubt he has any kind of project plan, timeline or whatsoever. That's precisely why he cannot give a status of the project. 
He is a guy who has good ideas and poor execution.
Exactly. Good ideas, poor execution.

Although his ideas are not always that good. Remember his plans for the Pandora 2, how it would be a full HD Android device with 8GB of RAM - maybe he meant gigabits though ;)

And his execution is poor, but it could be worse. It's poor in terms of timing, planning, keeping safe margins in estimates, and so on. But at least something happens and eventually the product gets produced. There are enough projects out there that don't reach that stage.
But at least something happens and eventually the product gets produced. There are enough projects out there that don't reach that stage.
That's true. But as far as products that they customers have all already paid for go that's pretty rare.