Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

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Well, being a 33 year old male who practices martial arts at least 6h a week I'm more worried about recession than Covid-19 itself.

But I guess you all want a full report, so there be it:

On 13 march the Spanish government announced "Estado de alarma" which translates as "state of alarm" due to Covid-19. This is the "weakest" state of emergency in Spanish constitution, being the other 2: "Estado de exception" (State of exception) and "Estado de sitio" (State of siege). These can only the declared when "extraordinary circumstances make impossible the normal functioning of the country under the ordinary competent authorities". "Estado de alarma" allows the government to "limit free circulation people", "seize temporarily all kind of goods", "seize and occupy industries, workshops and all kind of properties (except homes)", "limit or ration 1st need articles or services" and "give the needed orders to guarantee correct market supply and functioning of 1st need markets". "Estado de alarma" can only be declared for 15 days each time.

I'm just explaining this for you to note how seriously is taking Spain this biological threat.

Back then there were 4209 infected, 120 death (1990 infected in Madrid).

On 13th afternoon - 14th dawn an important part of Madrid and Catalan population flees to other areas of Spain under fear of being locked down on their working localities. In Spain it's not uncommon to have a second home/family in other areas of the country (coast, small towns...). On 13th night 4 towns in Cataluña are quarantined and locked down because of an uncontrolled Covid-19 outbreak.

On 14th afternoon, with 5733 infected and 136 death, "Estado de alarma" is officially declared. The measures are basically:

All people must stay home except for: buying food supplies, pharmacy supplies, working, and other common sense things (walking your pet, take out the garbage...) which are to be done personally (not in groups)
Every retail shop must stay closed except for: supermarkets, pharmacies, and other 1st need articles.
Industries, constructions, workshops and other businesses may open if they can guarantee safety for its employees (WHO guidelines).
No restrictions to ecommerce.

Then the first days (saturday 14, monday 16) and the week before (from monday 9 on) we lived the classic supermarket chaos and toilet paper madness. I had to buy some minor things (on 9-15 week) but preferred not to go, I think the first day I went to the supermarket was the 17th at 18:00 and could buy everything I needed (no NBQ chaos buying madness for me, just some fresh things in order to eat at home...). Then that afternoon I made a big e-order to another supermarket for my parents, home delivery was for almost 2 weeks later, and pickup for about 1 week later.

So right now Spain has 24926 infected and 1350 death and is pretty much paralyzed, almost everybody is locked at home except for those of us who have to go to work (except the ones that work from home, that are pretty much fucked up too). And this is what happens when your government takes the measures it has to take a few weeks later. Imagine what would have happened if people traveling from other countries would have been quarantined when they had to or that Madrid would have been closed when they should have done so...

And now the media... this video was taken in a supermarket of Madrid on 10/03:

And some pictures:

The main entrance to the city I live at, 17/03 08:23 (rush hour):


That day at 14:27 (rush hour):


Today at 14:48:


And then you also have the "stupid things people do", like walking your stuffed dog...:

Or believing that a ffp2 mask is some sort of NBQ suit, no matter how you wear it or use it. Yesterday on the supermarket there was a person with a ffp2 mask which was clearly not well fitted to his nose, and another old lady with mask too that lifted it to pick some meat from the shelves... So there is shortage of medical supplies and people keeps on using (wasting) them without even knowing how to use them.

And more random stupidness (whatsapp sourced):


It's rather an education problem. Somehow they didn't learn thinking properly.
Thinking people are never a good thing for governments. Thinking people limit the government's power and keep governments in check. A bewildered herd that believes everything that the government and their channels tells them is much easier to manage. Modern schooling is actually very well thought out.
Are people so desperate, that they try to suffocate themselves with plastic bags?

It's rather an education problem. Somehow they didn't learn thinking properly.

Nope, it's just a matter of chaos and panic. Like locking people home and these in response raiding toilet paper from supermarkets.

If you look closely you'll notice those in the video are gipsy people, I guess they just improvised, being unable to buy masks (again, like if a ffp2 mask were some sort of NBQ suit...)

To tell you the truth, very few people know what to buy or what to do in an emergency situation, that's why you see all sort of stupid behaviors under these circumstances.

All in all, I've realized my mx-5 (miata, roadster...) is THE car for emergency confinements: you can have "fun" and enjoy the sun when actually complying with the confinement conditions :D you only have to watch out for flying flowerpots...

Also this lock down has its good things:
->Fuel prices are in free fall.
->Electricity costs are falling.
->Dog adoptions are the highest ever.
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Could someone please make a Meme Picture where they horde Pyrae instead of Toilet Paper??
Shure the Plaque-Okalypse is something you shouldn’t make jokes about it, but on the other hand, you can’t survive it whiteout a bit of humor ^^

Whit best regards, Matthias
Would require a bit of time to either render a bunch of them, or fake some boxes. Meanwhile, here is a quick one:

The slogan could be: The Pyra comes with 2 nubs and one toilet paper roll.
Pyra sold out after being bundled with one roll of toilet paper.
East of France is preparing for the disaster:

The doctors working in hospitals say "stay at home".

Military enters the party:

Hopefully all the paperwork was done properly by good looking anticipating people so we are able to order some more masks:

Curfew in some cities:


Tell the kids to be doctors... Best wishes to the healthcare people.
Let's see how them and the police/army fight the virus now that the politic have failed.
People helping people, because money helping money has proven to be of no use.
Oh, come one... that video is already approved of being full of false assumptions:

Just take a look at Italy which has the highest death rate because their hospitals are over their capacity for quite a while now and tell them this virus is nothing but a normal flu...

Yes, for most out there, the virus isn't serious. Most of us probably won't even get any serious symptoms (and we should all be happy about that).
BUT for all the humans who GET the serious symptoms, it's pretty much death unless they can be treated in a hospital.

And if we don't try to slow down the infection rate, more serious cases will happen and the hospitals are over their capacity... which will mean certain death for a lot of them.

So yes, the virus itself is nothing to panic about. It's nothing like the virus from 12 Monkeys which will eradicate most of the human civilization. The only thing to be concerned about is how fast it spreads - and that's why we should all stay away from other people for a while.
Just so that we will still have enough capacities to treat the serious cases. It's as simple as that. No apocalypse this time.

The apocalypse is basically going to be financial though. Right now the US is pushing through more than a TRILLION dollars in stimulus, and ~800 billion in quantitative easing (read buying stock so the market doesn't collapse). So about 2 TRILLION in total or 8% of our countries entire national debt, and that is after a SINGLE WEEK. Additionally there will be even more stimulus.

Add on to that for the past 11 years companies in the US have thought stocks would always go up and so they have basically squandered away all earnings assuming they could leverage stocks. The Federal Reserve is now having to provide loans to these companies otherwise we would see the complete collapse of our economy. Problem is these companies don't have collateral for the loan so the Fed has changed rules to allow stock to be the collateral.

As an example here are just a few of the **industries** that need bailouts: American Auto makers, Hotels, Cruise Ship industry, Movie industry, Airlines, Banks... I could go on. Basically it is everyone. We aren't even two weeks into being shutdown....

It gets even worse as US GDP is expected to be negative for the year, and with the amount of money they are throwing around hyperinflation will become a real issue.

Right now in addition, the Department of Labor has postponed unemployment figures and told all the states that they cannot disclose them. We are estimate to have millions of jobs lost.

To summarize: The US Gov is taking stocks for loans, buying up tons of stock, printing money and millions are out of jobs right now..... We aren't even close to being through this...It will take decades to repair all of this.
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Add on to that for the past 11 years companies in the US have thought stocks would always go up and so they have basically squandered away all earnings assuming they could leverage stocks.
The managers should bleed then proportionate to the payments they've received. And the companies rescued, should get nationalized.
The managers should bleed then proportionate to the payments they've received. And the companies rescued, should get nationalized.

I absolutely agree. The problem is it is almost every major industry you can think of.

Some more: Uber, Lyft, all the Vegas Casinos,Tesla will be there in a month or so. It just doesn't stop.

They all suck and would all be nationalized which isn't really the role of the government. But if we let them fail our economy falls.

I am legit concerned, both about my parents making it through this and this looming mess
There are still very long lines/queues to grab toilet paper (1 bundle per customer) here in Australia :(

If WWIII comes now it'll be about toilet paper for sure. People will remember our century not as the Golden Age but as the White Age (calling it Toilet Paper Age is too undignified; we have to make it ambiguous). These lunatics are going to deforest the Amazon Rainforest if this keeps up.
To summarize: The US Gov is taking stocks for loans, buying up tons of stock, printing money and millions are out of jobs right now..... We aren't even close to being through this...It will take decades to repair all of this.

These days are maybe the days when China takes over US as world n°1 power.
Would they send doctors and tons of equipments to Italy and other countries, they will become respectable (in the classic WWII allies good vs evil scheme point of view).
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