Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

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other than straight up lies
Could you please be more specific. Do you hint at that there is no ozone hole, or that cancer rates are not higher than last century? Or something else?

That's not what the BBC are reporting.
So, what are they reporting? linkie please. ^.^

While the tests are fairly useless at present in telling who has it
Well, I rather have false positives, than false negatives (having it, and the test not registering as having it). So I wouldn't call it useless per se.

then when you die you can and have been recorded.
Remember the time before we knew aids? All recorded deaths were from something else. Still are, actually, as aids does not kill you.
Could you please be more specific. Do you hint at that there is no ozone hole, or that cancer rates are not higher than last century? Or something else?
Your claim about their being gases in wind turbines that are worse for the environ,ment than chloroflurocarbons. Obviously it costs energy to make them, and the latest problem I've heard of is that they have no idea yet how to recycle the blades which are made out of carbon fibre and fiberglass, but that's a relatively small problem to have, and in terms of the energy cost, that is only an offset against the massive amounts of free energy they create in use.

So, what are they reporting? linkie please. ^.^
You ask, and I provide.
If some timed bombs are put around the city for some kind of terrorism act, to destroy some buildings... and some pedestrian dies because of a wall over their head at the time of the explosion, the death is because of a falling wall !
No one died because of the explosion, no one died because of terrorists !

So it's all normal !! Every year people dies because of falling walls !! It's statistics !!

@PowerGod: Yeah, I see your point too. (and I mean the sarcasm, to actually point the opposite of what you wrote)

@levi: At this time, there are 2.655 people in Italy in the Intensive Care Unit. Real people, of flesh and bone. So they are there, but what if the fear-porn show around it is all smoke and mirrors?
addendum: and each 3 seconds, on average, an infant dies of hunger somewhere on this planet. But that's not headline news.

Your claim about their being gases in wind turbines that are worse for the environment than chloroflurocarbon
The gas is called SF6 (Sulphur hexafluoride), and I provide a link to the BBC website, since you find them reliable:

However, the significant downside to using the gas is that it has the highest global warming potential of any known substance. It is 23,500 times more warming than carbon dioxide (CO2).

Just one kilogram of SF6 warms the Earth to the same extent as 24 people flying London to New York return.

It also persists in the atmosphere for a long time, warming the Earth for at least 1,000 years.

What the article does not say, is that the gas escapes during normal usage, and the turbine needs to be refilled with it if you do not want dangerous explosions.

Another excerpt:

How damaging to the climate is this gas?
Concentrations in the atmosphere are very small right now, just a fraction of the amount of CO2 in the air.

However, the global installed base of SF6 is expected to grow by 75% by 2030.

Another concern is that SF6 is a synthetic gas and isn't absorbed or destroyed naturally. It will all have to be replaced and destroyed to limit the impact on the climate.
At least CFC's get naturally destroyed over time. Like radioactive material. The SF6 is like non-degradable plastic.

edit2: Related to wind turbines:
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The gas is called SF6 (Sulphur hexafluoride), and I provide a link to the BBC website, since you find them reliable:

What the article does not say, is that the gas escapes during normal usage, and the turbine needs to be refilled with it if you do not want dangerous explosions.

At least CFC's get naturally destroyed over time. Like radioactive material. The SF6 is like non-degradable plastic.
Ah thanks, I'd forgotten about the SF6 issue. At least the EU is trying to put a limit on it.

It's not really comparable to CFCs since it's a greenhouse gas, while CFCs are not considered as such. The main problem they present is clearing holes in the ozone layer, which was a separate environmental problem which has thankfully been somewhat resolved since the 1980s (although reportedly China was releasing loads of this, at least before the current shutdown).

But yeah, I see where you're coming from now, and it is an issue to be aware of for sure.

The government of Italy, as everyone knows, has locked down the whole country of 60 million people. So how many Italians have died from COV? Even by the standards of the useless and misleading diagnostic tests?


As far as the Italian Higher Institute of Health knows, at this point:

Maybe two.


Try to wrap your mind around that.

Good luck.

translated source

Umm wat.

Try 627 deaths in Italy. JUST Today.

4032 deaths in Italy in total

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Try 627. JUST Today.
And there is the crux of the problem. The figures do not match. So who is lying? The Italian Doctorate that analyzed each death certificate and came to the conclusion that diminished oxigen intake due to the flu caused another illness a patient had to flourish and kill it's host... and classify the cause of death being that "another illness", or that other team that bunch them all up and say it's the flu's fault.
Germans prove to be just as stupid.
Is that the money every Aussie gets or something individual?

Individual, as long as you've been working in Australia...
Superannnuation: a definition

Australian Taxation Office defines super as “A system where money is placed in a fund to provide for a person's retirement.”
Hm, for over 20 years my mom is telling, that in Australia there'd be something like a basic income. She bases that on talking to the son of a friend, who married into Australia back in the 60s. Said son's friends mostly wouldn't work, since (supposedly?) there was no need to. He did though, but primarily just because he wanted to.
Maybe she got something wrong. Did two decades ago (or maybe still?) the welfare system allow for not working at all and still being able to have a place to live, food on the table and pay the bills?
I may have the dates wrong, but I think it's about ten years since Finland started it's basic income programme. That's died a death now, so to me the idea of it rolling out around the world isn't likely to happen any time in the next few decades at least.

I don't know how accessible this is across the world, but here's the UK scientists advice to government and anyone else interested: https://assets.publishing.service.g...w-on-behavioural-and-social-interventions.pdf
The Saarland dit this „Mandatory Vaccations „ thing, or more like „Everyone have to stay at home, as long it’s not for Work, Shopping of needed things, Medical, or Sport
So I can still biking, but I think this will have to take place on Sunday Morning maybe 6 AM when nobody is out ..

Whit best regards, Matthias

Oh, come one... that video is already approved of being full of false assumptions:

Just take a look at Italy which has the highest death rate because their hospitals are over their capacity for quite a while now and tell them this virus is nothing but a normal flu...

Yes, for most out there, the virus isn't serious. Most of us probably won't even get any serious symptoms (and we should all be happy about that).
BUT for all the humans who GET the serious symptoms, it's pretty much death unless they can be treated in a hospital.

And if we don't try to slow down the infection rate, more serious cases will happen and the hospitals are over their capacity... which will mean certain death for a lot of them.

So yes, the virus itself is nothing to panic about. It's nothing like the virus from 12 Monkeys which will eradicate most of the human civilization. The only thing to be concerned about is how fast it spreads - and that's why we should all stay away from other people for a while.
Just so that we will still have enough capacities to treat the serious cases. It's as simple as that. No apocalypse this time.
With all those conflicting stories it's hard to know what to believe. The mainstream news from my country routinely lies about what happens in other countries and thus is not a reliable news source. And the internet is just a mess of conflicting news. I'm not going to believe anything until I can actually confirm it personally and until then I'll just be counting on my above average health to keep me safe.
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