that was "just triggered" by COVID-19.
Have you heard of the
nocebo effect? (the opposite of the placebo effect)
Some people
worry so much, that they get sick, even if they actually have nothing.
Some lovebirds die of a broken heart hours after their mate died.
PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC NEWS IS PANIC! The covid test also gave false positives (ELIZA) and was "untrustworthy".
While you worry, your natural immune defenses go down. Depressed people have lover natural defenses. In winter time, we all get the winter blues.
Young people do not worry so much about death. Old people are scared shit of death, they know it's coming and worry sick about it.
(well, not all, but those who do not worry, actually celebrate life and have higher immune defenses, and live longer)
Look, all I am saying is... it could be a mental trigger. *
One in three people has cancer during their lifetime.
Cancer is a mysterious and complicated disease, with many different types and causes. Researchers are still trying to track down all of the environmental effects that can lead to the disease, as anything from what someone eats to where they live determines the probability of developing cancer. A...
So what are we doing to build up the Ozone layer back what it was 100 years ago?
Not much, the electricity generating windmills actually have gas in them that leaks with normal usage. That gas is much more damaging to the ozone layer than carbon-fluor-thingies (the old hairspray gas).