Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

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@Wrath Of Khan That is GOOD news! It means that there are more people infected than reported, and with the current death rate; it means that the real death rate is way way way lower than all this panic justifies.

It also increases the chances that (puts on aluminum foil hat) it IS a designer virus. As the virulence is then waaaay higher than normal coronavirii.
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If you ban going outside to exercise, but allow people to go to the shops to buy food, then people will go to the shops when they don't need food. I think it's much better to allow people to go outside, with some measures to keep them spread out.
@HelenF Exactly. You see runners at 5 AM now, just to run those nice routes frequented by all runners. But at 5 AM, there is no one yet.

In some cities, you have restrictions on cars, depending on their license plate number (so all cars that start with a certain letter or number are allowed/not allowed). Maybe we could use the slave social security number for that. Of course, this would need to be policed, so we make it an electronic tag. And to avoid family members switching their tags... we'll implant them! There!
You wont be able to get into a supermarket without that tag that opens the entrance gate for you.
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:disclaimer: I'm sleepy and I might be rambling a bit.

@Linux-SWAT Is your shop closed by the way? I assume so.
In the US some 'technology services' related shops can stay open, it's a bit vague what is/isn't important for keeping the country running though.
If you need to work from home, you need to have a working computer/phone etc.
All my local shops are closed though, rules differ per country.

The government should be transparent, backed by facts and have one unified message. If we would all have to stay indoors and work there without a pandemic, we wouldn't be buying out shops like you see now.
And I disagree you shouldn't buy a bit more, most people don't stay at home 24/7 so you need to buy some more stuff. That includes some toilet paper (but not all of it), some food, and other necessary stuff so you can actually stay indoors.
And face masks work, else they wouldn't be used. But they are in high demand so only people who really need them should be using them.
If I would think they would save my life by wearing them, I would probably have some to. The only reason I would buy some now is to donate them to my local emergency services, if I could buy any and if they wouldn't be confiscated during shipping.
We were running out of masks, and other supplies, in my region and companies and people donated masks to the emergency services.
People want to help, but still the government should be arranging these things. Just buy the damn masks, better 2*expensive masks then none.
They are throwing money at banks, companies like it's candy. How expensive can these supplies be, even when they are marked-up. Is it 100 million instead of 10? Who cares, we reserved billions to soften the economic impact, just count this as saving the economy instead of humans.

In some cities, you have restrictions on cars, depending on their licenseplate number (so all cars that start with a certain letter or number are allowed/not allowed). Maybe we could use the slave social security number for that. Of course, this would need to be policed, so we make it an electronic tag. And to avoid family members switching their tags... we'll implant them! There!
You wont be able to get into a supermarket without that tag that opens the entrance gate for you.
It would be much easier to send every household a letter with a big number on it, 1 to 7 (Mon-Sun). Have a simple check on it, like it's the last digit of your house number or something (I know that's 10 instead of 7, but it's an example of 'easy').
Bring the letter with you when you go out limiting household groups already, if you don't have it or you are not allowed to go out you can be given a fine (announce something ridiculous, so people talk about how stupidly high it is, but in reality give lower fines if any).
Optionally have an app so police can check the validity of your letter, or in case you 'lost it'. Police only areas where there are problems, you can have shops/others check them if they want.
If you ban going outside to exercise, but allow people to go to the shops to buy food, then people will go to the shops when they don't need food.
They will get a nice salty fine for that, then won't do it again because it worsens the next time.

Is your shop closed by the way? I assume so.
Yes it closed... like 6 years ago X^D
It wasn't mine btw,.

And I disagree you shouldn't buy a bit more
Of course, but not 20 packs of rice to feed a single person :^)
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Meanwhile over the USA, people are taking planes, comfortably sitting next to each other:

View attachment 35887


--ADDED: yesterday's USA numbers were 32518 cases and 401 deaths.

Yep and The President plans to open businesses next week...
Directly from somemone who works in a 2X00 m^2 supermarket in the east of France:
- When unmasked people see masked people, they tend to extend their security distances (one of the numerous benefits of wearing a mask beside avoiding/remembering not to touch our face, blocking some of our inhale/exhale, showing care and respect, etc.).
Reportedly, wearing a mask leads to you touching your face a lot more, becase every time it slips you need to adjust it, or just because it tickles your face. I personally find wearing gloves a better way to prevent me from touching my face.
Reportedly, wearing a mask leads to you touching your face a lot more, becase every time it slips you need to adjust it, or just because it tickles your face. I personally find wearing gloves a better way to prevent me from touching my face.
You're wrong, each time your hands want to go to your face, you remember that you have to be careful.
Good masks, like the ones that should have been ready for the medics since January, don't slip.
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Grabbed some funny movies to try to have some laughs, the net seems a bit erratic and I had two suspicious crashes.
A question of listening hobbits.. uhm.. habits. I can totally relax listening to Ska - not Ska-Punk, though.
Marley? Wouldn't an old Bob be Ska then? ^^
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