Commercial Games

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A lot of people seem to be making their choices in a context more bent towards seeing the Pandora as if it was a full size system or gaming rig. The Problem is that it`s not. It`s a portable, granted it`s a powerful one but it`s still a portable and one that has very litle exposure so in many ways it`s only a bit of a step up from a cell phone or a super low end laptop/nebook with linux, which means: sure, you could get maybe some simple multiple platform games like World of Goo or even a mobile game like Ashphalt GT, but expecting something released for a current gen system sensibility is the height of ludicrousity.

I could see tomb raider only because it`s on everything from Gametap to GBA, and Eidos needs any money the can get for the aging hobag. I could even see some of the DS games that have been shoveled on to it lately but I`m not going to expect a Devil may cry or any mascot game that hasnt already had a mobile version released yet to give the pandora a second look.

When I look at the list of games a device like gizmondo got,

I see some familliar names but they arnt big names (at least not really anymore) Stuff like Worms or SSX, but you still need to have a company to do the port. They arnt going to give it to a high quality studio to maximize the system or give special content to it. If anything we`d be lucky if they put up a single screen of text to explain the story and hit you with the first level within 10 seconds of pressing start. At that point you just hope your character is even in 3D and that they didnt cheap out with mode7 style effects rather than build a real 3d environment

You get what you pay for and if you only pay for a half ass port that`s what you`ll get. And at last check There was barely enough money for even building pandoras so lets try to be a little more realistic about what can be ported cheaply and quickly to them, because that`s all we`re likely to get.
'PoisonedV' said:
'conso' said:
My top titles:

the realistic ones:
cletus clay
zeno clash
world of goo
castle crashers
the blob
bullet candy (robotron-clone, like geometry wars is, but not a geometry wars-clone)
emerald city confidential

The unrealistic ones
3d-jump-n-runs like sonic adventure or Psychonauts
GTA3+-like tiltes like GTA(3,VC,SA), saints row, true crime, total overdose, Postal 1/2/3 and even The simpsons: Hit and Run
Football games in the style of FIFA/PES
ahm... and... little big planet ^^
realistic ones
>castle crashers
>zeno clash
i lold, especially since your unrealistic title 'total overdose' would be far more likely than any of the other ones

my bad, "realistic" should probably be indy (prey was added because of the linux-port). I didn't check system dependencies and company policies.

What makes "total overdose" more likely?
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Ah. ni THAT case I understand completely, i was thinking as far as the engines and libraries. Yes, those games would be much more likely. Anyway, total overdose is made by a small development company and eidos is hurting for cash.
PoisonedV said:
Ah. ni THAT case I understand completely, i was thinking as far as the engines and libraries. Yes, those games would be much more likely. Anyway, total overdose is made by a small development company and eidos is hurting for cash.
And right at the moment, to Eidos, we look like more of a cash sink. Publishers that size can't effectively utilize such small potential userbases (They need sales that look more like 50k units sold or larger at $30-50 a unit sold storefront...).
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'zacaj' said:
Half Life. The Pandora could easily run it, and its got some of the best mods ever
Would be awesome but I don't know if valve would port it ???

'TJFBryant' said:
Not a bad idea actually.
I've noticed that the other hand helds get decent publicity and exposure when musicians take them on tour etc.
Maybe porting something like eJay or one of the other console friendly music apps, will help to get Pandora a bit of the lime light :)
PandoraRadio ftw!Already on Iphone/Itouch.

'Drack' said:
Commercial publishers and developers are likely to wait until Pandora is shown to be a successful platform with plenty of users willing to pay for their games.

That being said, I think pestering Konami, Capcom, or Sega might result in some great games. All three have been making great games lately, and I know all of those companies are no strangers to mobile gaming, having plenty of titles out on portables already.
MGS anyone :P ?

Now for my suggestion...Tribes.Free and fun.Well the first one is free.Tribes 2, on the other hand, is not but, would be an awesome addition to the pandora Online FPS library.Also, other games made by the tribe makers make nice ports.Maybe Unreal 2?The pandora also needs some good mmo's and casual mmo's as they attract many players and are fun.
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'arp' said:
what about
Savage 2
and bobs game
did you even read the website of bob's game? comon man.
also savage 2
Processor - 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo / AMD 3500+ or faster
RAM - 1.5 Gb or higher
Video Card - 256 MB GeForce 7800+ or Radeon X1900+
Linux, Windows 2000, XP, Vista
Network Connection Required (Broadband)

't3hmadhatt3r' said:
Now for my suggestion...Tribes.Free and fun.Well the first one is free.Tribes 2, on the other hand, is not but, would be an awesome addition to the pandora Online FPS library.Also, other games made by the tribe makers make nice ports.Maybe Unreal 2?The pandora also needs some good mmo's and casual mmo's as they attract many players and are fun.
I'm not sure if it's free, but it's been 'reclaimed', though I'm not sure if its just really welldone fanstuff or something similar to quakelive.
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'PoisonedV' said:
'arp' said:
what about
Savage 2
and bobs game
did you even read the website of bob's game? comon man.
I dunno, website looks pretty convincing. It does say 'brace for epic Reggie' on the front, that's the proof right there.
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I meant at several points it had said 'pandora', besides thats not really a commercial game that already exists anyway. its just not really relevant
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Bob`s game isn`t a commercial game but he`s put so much work into it that it`s not so far off from that. The only major difference is that Nintendo refuses to grant him an official dev kit so that he can really be a true commercial "developer" that can pitch titles for them to publish.

If he stopped trying to go big by going to nintendo he might have success as an indy developer and actually be able to sell it as a commercial game. Considering the amount of fame he`s been able to generate on his own I think he`d have quite a few people willing to support his project especially when the websites that were covering his project get wind of where the project ends up.

But I guess it`s still a discussion for another time anyway.
'WizardStan' said:
The alternative is waiting until it goes open source, someone outside the company does the port, and anyone wanting to play it has to somehow combine the new executable with the existing data from the game they have to install first on their computer, and likely the only people that would know about it are those that were already watching and/or waiting on the project.
the OpenPandora team waits until the engine goes open, pays a few money to a good developer to make a port, then knoks at the door of ID software and tells them:
"Hello, we have your engine ported to the Pandora. Would you like to do some free money and get some free reputation by just selling your good-n-old Doom 3/Quake 4 game after reducing the textures/models and lowering a little the shader effects?"
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One more thing that came into my mind just now: how about paying to port torque? That would make a whole lot of games portable to pandora with one strike.
'conso' said:
One more thing that came into my mind just now: how about paying to port torque? That would make a whole lot of games portable to pandora with one strike.
This is what the 2D engine requires:

C++ Compiler
All platforms require an installed C++ compiler in order to build the engine. TGB is compatible with the free Microsoft Visual Studio 2005/2008 Express and Apple XCode.

Windows-based Computers
Minimum Requirements:
Windows XP/Vista with latest service packs
1.0 GHz processor
512 MB RAM (1GB for Vista)
OpenGL or DirectX compatible accelerated 3D video card

Recommended Requirements:
Windows XP/Vista with lastest service packs
2.0 GHz processor
nVidia or ATI accelerated 3D video card

Doesnt seem very possible to me.


What I like to see is (not really commercial games)

Throw in some money to make a good N64 emulator
Throw in some money to port Quake 3: (team) Arena
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'craigix' said:
If we could throw some money at having a commercial game or two ported over which ones would they be and why?
Not sure if this has been mentioned already but I'd like to see games making use of the touch screen. Obviously Scummv games are on the cards but. But ports or rewrites of commercial PC titles such as Myst, Riven and the Broken Swords wold be welcomed.
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'Pook' said:
But ports or rewrites of commercial PC titles such as Myst, Riven and the Broken Swords wold be welcomed.

The first 2 Broken Swords are in ScummVM.
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'Phawx' said:
Jebus Cakes I just want my Pandoras already! I *seriously* need to stop coming to these forums. I was hoping I could tide myself over with all of the off-topic sillyness we've been enjoying and wait for the CNC case to arrive.

Have I mentioned I fucking HATE DELAYS. What a terrible situation. I wish I was completely ignorant to the Pandora and only found out about it when they will be shipping. They needed all of our money to make it happen however, but god damn.
I hate to laugh at your pain but this entire thread is ridiculous. Another example of craigix starting a thread and turning away. Does he seriously expect the GP2X community to start emailing commercial developers when the Pandora is still without a prototype, release date, SDK, completed GUI and drivers? But its good to know that you LOVE DELAYS because there will certainly be more to come.

But heres the real laugh. For craigix to lure any real commerical developer to Pandora he needs money. He will have to make a plea to the community to donate to the developers fund. So in fact the community will be paying TWICE for a commerical game. Once for the developers fund and a second time for the game all on what was originally intended to be an open source gaming system. The irony.
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'kattle87' said:
the OpenPandora team waits until the engine goes open, pays a few money to a good developer to make a port, then knoks at the door of ID software and tells them:
"Hello, we have your engine ported to the Pandora. Would you like to do some free money and get some free reputation by just selling your good-n-old Doom 3/Quake 4 game after reducing the textures/models and lowering a little the shader effects?"
wow, that would be great! But for this to happen, good site for developers with slick and easy (to install) SDK would be .... quite useful.
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'DisgruntleElf' said:
I hate to laugh at your pain but this entire thread is ridiculous. Another example of craigix starting a thread and turning away. Does he seriously expect the GP2X community to start emailing commercial developers when the Pandora is still without a prototype, release date, SDK, completed GUI and drivers? But its good to know that you LOVE DELAYS because there will certainly be more to come.

But heres the real laugh. For craigix to lure any real commerical developer to Pandora he needs money. He will have to make a plea to the community to donate to the developers fund. So in fact the community will be paying TWICE for a commerical game. Once for the developers fund and a second time for the game all on what was originally intended to be an open source gaming system. The irony.
I hate to say it, but it comes across as a diversion to tide people over the latest delays.

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'DisgruntleElf' said:
'Phawx' said:
Jebus Cakes I just want my Pandoras already! I *seriously* need to stop coming to these forums. I was hoping I could tide myself over with all of the off-topic sillyness we've been enjoying and wait for the CNC case to arrive.

Have I mentioned I fucking HATE DELAYS. What a terrible situation. I wish I was completely ignorant to the Pandora and only found out about it when they will be shipping. They needed all of our money to make it happen however, but god damn.
I hate to laugh at your pain but this entire thread is ridiculous. Another example of craigix starting a thread and turning away. Does he seriously expect the GP2X community to start emailing commercial developers when the Pandora is still without a prototype, release date, SDK, completed GUI and drivers? But its good to know that you LOVE DELAYS because there will certainly be more to come.

But heres the real laugh. For craigix to lure any real commerical developer to Pandora he needs money. He will have to make a plea to the community to donate to the developers fund. So in fact the community will be paying TWICE for a commerical game. Once for the developers fund and a second time for the game all on what was originally intended to be an open source gaming system. The irony.

I've been sending out emails for about a year now... Also, I don't think you get the point of an open system. Nobody forces you to buy commercial games or give money to the dev fund. Also, I'm pretty sure that the dev fund is still supposed to fund free and open source development.
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'DisgruntleElf' said:
'Phawx' said:
Jebus Cakes I just want my Pandoras already! I *seriously* need to stop coming to these forums. I was hoping I could tide myself over with all of the off-topic sillyness we've been enjoying and wait for the CNC case to arrive.

Have I mentioned I fucking HATE DELAYS. What a terrible situation. I wish I was completely ignorant to the Pandora and only found out about it when they will be shipping. They needed all of our money to make it happen however, but god damn.
I hate to laugh at your pain but this entire thread is ridiculous. Another example of craigix starting a thread and turning away. Does he seriously expect the GP2X community to start emailing commercial developers when the Pandora is still without a prototype, release date, SDK, completed GUI and drivers? But its good to know that you LOVE DELAYS because there will certainly be more to come.

But heres the real laugh. For craigix to lure any real commerical developer to Pandora he needs money. He will have to make a plea to the community to donate to the developers fund. So in fact the community will be paying TWICE for a commerical game. Once for the developers fund and a second time for the game all on what was originally intended to be an open source gaming system. The irony.

high five
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