jmetal88 posted on Jul 6 2006 at 05:58 AM said:Have a nice rest!
Thanks! Now I can work and talk again.
nubie posted on Jul 6 2006 at 08:14 PM said:I don't know if you have read this topic, but the whole point behind his work here, IS TO MAKE ANY 4-BUTTON MOD POSSIBLE.tshroom posted on Jul 6 2006 at 12:41 AM said:Does the kit work with other D-pads? I wish I wouldn't have trashed my old N-gage now. lol. It was a demo unit I salvaged from a store after the hurricane.
So Yes, it will work with any D-Pad that has 4 buttons, and Radek can likely program any other need into his chips.
I can provide a custom "firmware" if someone would have special needs.
PSyMastR posted on Jul 6 2006 at 08:50 PM said:How about you guys just buy the replacement buttonpads for the QD. I know they used to sell them for my N-Gage.
QD keypads (including the actual dpad) are very easy to buy on ebay. QD has springs and contact rubbers already built in. It's one (including availability) of its bigger pluses.
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