Chrono Trigger

Deleted User posted on Aug 4 2006 at 07:28 PM said:
Plus, is NK's snes emu up to speed?

It's perfect if you want to see transparancy effects and don't mind overclocking and can endure some frame skip. I love it ... I can finally play E.V.O., Equinox and others with great sound. I don't mind the frame skip, maybe you would.
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Goity posted on Aug 4 2006 at 11:16 PM said:
Chrono Trigger: Possibly the only game where the writing is goodenough for you not to notice that Crono is a silent protagonist.

I have actually never noticed that... :blink:

Shikaku posted on Aug 5 2006 at 12:23 AM said:
Deleted User posted on Aug 4 2006 at 07:28 PM said:
Im waiting for perfect snes emulation before i buy a gp2x.

Then you are never going to buy a GP2X... perfect emulation is an oxymoron you know...

What is the problem in Gbc emulation?
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xinfernoofdantex posted on Aug 4 2006 at 10:28 PM said:
Shikaku posted on Aug 5 2006 at 12:23 AM said:
Deleted User posted on Aug 4 2006 at 07:28 PM said:
Im waiting for perfect snes emulation before i buy a gp2x.

Then you are never going to buy a GP2X... perfect emulation is an oxymoron you know...

What is the problem in Gbc emulation?

There are sometimes random graphical and sound glitches in gameboy emulation, if you didn't know...
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Fishbong posted on Aug 4 2006 at 04:37 PM said:
First time i played it through was on the Zodiac, because it had the first decent SNES emu on a handheld with transparencies. I played up to the future with my GP32, then stopped becaude of the cloudy buildings in the future.

I never had a SNES.... :(

Then you don't have the games your playing? :P
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Wolfsclaw posted on Aug 4 2006 at 02:46 PM said:
For the 1000th time, Chrono Trigger runs fullspeed with sound & without frameskip on the squidgesnes version with the MMU hack. And transparency is really not used often, I played through it on os9xgp @ gp32 back in the day and os9xgp also didnt have transparencies. It was a joy.
And nowadays, it even runs fullspeed on the gp2x...

If it does run full speed can you tell me how? I have the lastest uploaded to this site "ssnes 0.37" and it does not run full speed expecially withing battles and especially not with music. If it does am I doing something wrong? I however do not overclock (I don't like to overclock anything and I don't see why this has to be used to get fullspeed snes emulation or atleast close to it.)

I don't really care about transperencies but wouldn't mind it, I tried NK's mod but it runs even slower than Ssnes.

Before I get flamed or anything this is just a question/comment. I not trying to imply im an uber programmer or a jerk just asking/saying.
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Shikaku posted on Aug 5 2006 at 03:34 AM said:
xinfernoofdantex posted on Aug 4 2006 at 10:28 PM said:
Shikaku posted on Aug 5 2006 at 12:23 AM said:
Deleted User posted on Aug 4 2006 at 07:28 PM said:
Im waiting for perfect snes emulation before i buy a gp2x.

Then you are never going to buy a GP2X... perfect emulation is an oxymoron you know...

What is the problem in Gbc emulation?

There are sometimes random graphical and sound glitches in gameboy emulation, if you didn't know...

Zsnes has seemed pretty perfect to me :P.
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Deleted User posted on Aug 5 2006 at 08:01 AM said:
Shikaku posted on Aug 5 2006 at 03:34 AM said:
xinfernoofdantex posted on Aug 4 2006 at 10:28 PM said:
Shikaku posted on Aug 5 2006 at 12:23 AM said:
Deleted User posted on Aug 4 2006 at 07:28 PM said:
Im waiting for perfect snes emulation before i buy a gp2x.

Then you are never going to buy a GP2X... perfect emulation is an oxymoron you know...

What is the problem in Gbc emulation?

There are sometimes random graphical and sound glitches in gameboy emulation, if you didn't know...

Zsnes has seemed pretty perfect to me :P.

sorry i shouldnt have quoted the GBC post, but I was talking about snes
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Mudi posted on Aug 5 2006 at 01:27 PM said:
zsnes isn't perfect though, there are games with documented glitches.
Such as in Yoshi's Island, the large stone platforms that shift vertically in some boss levels are screwed up.

Very, very few emulators strive for perfect emulation, let alone acheive it.
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Zsnes is one of the near-perfect emulators out there. It will probably never be perfect, since fixing some glitches and such are just not worth the amount of coding time. I honestly couldnt expect more from an emulator though, its simply amazing all things considered.

That said, i still prefer original hardware 99% of the time. Emulation is a way for me to discover great games which i might never get a chance to play otherwise. If i like a game enough, i ALWAYS buy a real copy if its within my means. I have a huge collection, but unlike most collectors i play everything i own.
Sorry this was not on topic at all....
Some people take the "perfect emulation" term too seriously. You know what the person that says it (usually) means. It's a hell of a lot easier than saying extremely high compatability, all major hardware features emulated to a very, very playable state, and at a speed that is essentially the same as the real thing with no frameskipping. Maybe "near perfect" would be more accepted by those that are sensitive to the word "perfect"? I agree with the previous poster that ZSNES is "near perfect" for my tastes and I actually prefer it to the real hardware due to added features and convenience.
For the guy that made this post, believe it or not i never played Chrono Trigger im still debaing on wich SNES emu to use and still reading about this MMU hack i could never figure out. But anyways im looking to finally try this game if it doesn't work well on the gp2x ill try it on the snes xbox emu. I also heard this game called Earthbound is pretty good as well anyways i hope they both play well it would be nice to have a good RPG on the go :)
Yeah, Crono Trigger is one of my all time favourites. My brother bought it when it came out, imported from the US for 899 SEK (about 89 euro$) Sertainly got me thinking that MegaDrive may not be the ultimate gameconsole after all :P Then I played another round of Gunstar Heroes and got my selfe together again :lol:

Off topic: WEEE, will get my GP2X next week!!!
MagusZ posted on Aug 5 2006 at 07:21 AM said:
If it does run full speed can you tell me how? I have the lastest uploaded to this site "ssnes 0.37" and it does not run full speed expecially withing battles and especially not with music. If it does am I doing something wrong? I however do not overclock (I don't like to overclock anything and I don't see why this has to be used to get fullspeed snes emulation or atleast close to it.)

I don't really care about transperencies but wouldn't mind it, I tried NK's mod but it runs even slower than Ssnes.

Before I get flamed or anything this is just a question/comment. I not trying to imply im an uber programmer or a jerk just asking/saying.

Please I want to know too, I tried with sound and overclocking @ 266mhz, with the last snes nk modded version with mmuhack (,0,0,0,5,1659 ) and it 's not fullspeed at all (especially in battles), a poor 12-15 fps average...

thank you

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_DiGiTaL_ posted on Aug 6 2006 at 07:22 AM said:
For the guy that made this post, believe it or not i never played Chrono Trigger im still debaing on wich SNES emu to use and still reading about this MMU hack i could never figure out. But anyways im looking to finally try this game if it doesn't work well on the gp2x ill try it on the snes xbox emu. I also heard this game called Earthbound is pretty good as well anyways i hope they both play well it would be nice to have a good RPG on the go :)
Well i just have to try earthbound then :)
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demether posted on Aug 9 2006 at 11:04 AM said:
MagusZ posted on Aug 5 2006 at 07:21 AM said:
If it does run full speed can you tell me how? I have the lastest uploaded to this site "ssnes 0.37" and it does not run full speed expecially withing battles and especially not with music. If it does am I doing something wrong? I however do not overclock (I don't like to overclock anything and I don't see why this has to be used to get fullspeed snes emulation or atleast close to it.)

I don't really care about transperencies but wouldn't mind it, I tried NK's mod but it runs even slower than Ssnes.

Before I get flamed or anything this is just a question/comment. I not trying to imply im an uber programmer or a jerk just asking/saying.

Please I want to know too, I tried with sound and overclocking @ 266mhz, with the last snes nk modded version with mmuhack (,0,0,0,5,1659 ) and it 's not fullspeed at all (especially in battles), a poor 12-15 fps average...

thank you


I don't think it is full speed, maybe he was just saying by "full speed" reasonable speed, because I can't get it to fullspeed with all the requirements. In SSnes if you overclock you can get it to near fullspeed but only with the lack of transperencies.

Well thats as fas as I one else has answered the question in the thread.
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