I Need Some Help Deciding On The Gp2x


Still Fresh
Jun 21, 2007
I have been looking at the GP2X for awhile now but one big thing is stopping me from just buying it right now... the ability to play the 2 must have roms for me...

Super Robot Wars 3 and Chrono Trigger

but the question isnt that easy or it would be a plain yes...

For Super Robot Wars 3 I have a translation patch that will make the game English which I need to play it because I know zero as far as reading Japanese.

For Chrono Trigger I have played it many a time and I stumbled upon a patch/hack to make the game "Hard Mode" and I would really like to play that on a hand-held.

So what im asking is for someone who really knows alot or enough about playing SNES roms on the GP2X to try it on their GP2X and tell me if it will run Super Robot Wars 3 with the translation patch and Chrono Trigger with the "Hard Mode" patch correctly, or if you already have either of these games and use them on your GP2x like this tell me how they work and if they do.

If you dont want to look for the links to the patches for these games or the Roms but are willing to help me I can post the links if im allowed to (I dont know off hand because im new to this site)

Thank you so much for any help you can give me and hopefully it is all good news and i can order mine A.S.A.P. :D

Also if someone could also tell me if they can get the "Crimson Echos" patch from Chrono Compendium to also run on Chrono Trigger on the GP2x would be much appreciated.

Thank you for all your help.
Hi and welcome,

With regards to the posting of links and the subject of roms, Translations or otherwise, It`s best if you do that through PM-ing (Personal Messaging) the person (Third button from the bottom left of everyone`s posts, Labled "PM"), Just to be on the safe side.

Btw, Hope you get the info you need.

we'll i've heard that chrono trigger has a misty top layer, that doesnt become transparent as it should, all you have to do is remove the top layer (hold a button and move joystick) and it should play fine
im guessing the patched snes file works fine, no reason why it shouldnt
For Chrono Trigger, You can use Reesy's PocketSNES (http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,5,2043) which supports transparencies. You will need to overclock but is very playable. I finished it without running into any issues.
freddykreuger666 said:
im guessing the patched snes file works fine, no reason why it shouldnt
I agree.

And there are 2 SNES emulators anyway just in case you have an incompatiblity problem, but these are very rare.
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so if i download those 2 emulators and i can get the roms to work corectly on them on my PC then they should work corectly on the GP2X?
Spikeninja said:
so if i download those 2 emulators and i can get the roms to work corectly on them on my PC then they should work corectly on the GP2X?
The roms should work fine bar some minor graphical compatability issues.
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those patch files are supposed to be run on the rom in order to alter the code, but newer pc-based emulators will load the ips and do the patching in ram for the sake of convenience. i don't see why any of the snes emus would have a problem unless the patch was written very poorly. you just have to patch the rom instead of leaving the file separate.
can anyone please try either of those games patched on their GP2X and tell me if they work because i really dont want to buy the GP2X and then find out that neither of the games will run correctly patched.
Are you gonna play those two roms forever? $200 seems like a waste if so :)
Alex. said:
Are you gonna play those two roms forever? $200 seems like a waste if so :)
... well, I actually bought a gamecube JUST to play Animal Crossing, so I can understand :P
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well i figure what reason does anyone have to lie to me i hope thats not too trusting, and i found the GP2X for $175ish and i just hate to play roms on my computer #1 because i have to use the keyboard, and #2 because i hate to sit in my computer chair, so the ability to play translated games and hardmode Chrono Trigger on a hand-held or use the tv adaptor to play them on the tv too seems like a good enough reason to me lol plus im sure with the allure of playing them on the hand-held ill find plenty more roms to play but these are the 2 most important right now becuase both are fairly long, plus i have Seiken Dentsu 3 sitting on my computer too XD
TelcoLou said:
Alex. said:
Are you gonna play those two roms forever? $200 seems like a waste if so :)
... well, I actually bought a gamecube JUST to play Animal Crossing, so I can understand :P

I got my gamecube just for Donkey Konga and my dreamcast just for shenmue. so I too understand :lol:
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I don't see a reason for .ips patches to not work. I have succesfully patched several SNES-games through IPSWin 2.0 and they work fine on my GP2X handheld.
If the base rom is compatible, then the patched rom _should_ work fine too.
what about the save files? can i just move all my save files for the games from my computer to the GP2X somehow and just continue my current games? or do i need to start over from the beginning?
i think srm files should work (in game saves) but i can't confirm as i've never had to do it myself. usually i find it more fun to just start over, or pick a different game.