Hey all,
My topic seems a little like something that would probably throw most forum people in a "use the search" fit but I hope you'll wanna read this and comment anyway
I'm pondering wether to buy a GBA or a GP32... First off, let me say that I don't care about copying games being illegal, I don't mean to start a discussion about it, just stating it to get the context right as to what I'll be using these things for.
I've been doing a LOT of reading on the GP32, and I've borrowed a friend's GBA for a couple days to try it out... and here's my pros and cons for both as far as I can tell.
GBA + 256mbit flashcart:
+ lots of original commercial games available, working 100% (barring some withs pecial hardware) (big plus)
+ size and form. It's so tiny it makes it REAL easy to take with you, and it doesn't really look like a gameconsole which is good for at work
- size and form. Is also a disadvantage imho, because my hands are somewhat bigger than those tiny japanese hands it was probably designed for. Also the power switch in the side can sometimes really iritate the skin of my hand under my index finger.
- screen. Backlight is good, but sometimes I still think it might have been a bit brighter (slight minus in normal operation, bigger minus combined with emulation)
- emulators? Well only a - because the GP32 seems so much better at them. I've only tried pocketnes on the GBA I borrowed, it seemed to work okay, but cutting out about 1/3 of the vertical lines doesn't always work so well. Also of the few games I tried I already found several graphic problems.
- size of the flashcart. 256 mbit really is not a lot, about 2-4 GBA games fill it up. There's bigger versions but they get expensive.
+ I can just buy this stuff here in my own country (the Netherlands)
price would be about 250 euro I'm estimating for the GBA SP + flash kit.
- basically no commercial games.
+ scene seems to make up for that though with lots of homebrew games and ports. Still I don't expect this to come anywhere close to the original games for GBA.
+ emulators. It seems there's quite a few more emulators for the GP32, and I get the impression they work better too. As I understand not too much should be expected from GBA emulation? If that were to work alright, there really is no contest
Anyone know if advance wars plays on it? 
+ batteries, being able to just use multiple sets is really nice.
+ screen: bigger and brighter I understand, also in resolution, letting the emus play in native res (yay)
+ it looks a lot more comfortable to hold than the GBA SP (unfortunately noone I know has a GP32 so I can't try it :unsure
- I'm less convinced about the sturdiness of the device and warranty if it gets broken than for the GBA...
+ it's just way cooler
as in, noone's gonna have their eyes pop out from a GBA, but a GP32 might just do that... attention is good 
- as I understand, the joystick isn't really ideal.
+ SMC cards, it's a shame they can't go over 128 MB but even that blows the GBA cart out of the water, especially since these things are cheap and you can just get several.
+ seems more interesting to try and code some stuff for
155 euro, 184 after taxes (called customs to check) from liksang...
224 euro, for a 166 mhz one from GBAX (currency converted at a site other than GBAX)
Then I'm estimating add some 50 euro for batteries and SMC card.
I'm not too sure where I'd order yet, I mean I'd like to order at GBAX if only to support Craig since he seems really active in this community. But as for the GP32, the 166 mhz guarantee seems to also guarantee it definately wont clock above 180 either (or it'd be sold as 180). Unfortunately the 180 versions can't be ordered atm, but then, that'd get quite a bit more expensive too...
The one from liksang is quite a bit cheaper, but it seems like a gamble... it might not overclock above 133 well at all, then again it might go over 200.
I'm not much for gambling so I'd probably go for GBAX though
Anyone care to comment how much it actually helps to be able to go beyond 166 with 16 bit emulators?
I can't get both
Finances wont allow it (actually getting one is questionable already but dammit I deserve a new toy B))
So... I'll have to make up my own mind of course, but does anyone have any comments on the above? Am I seeing anything majorly wrong?
Whew, that turned out big... big cheer for those of you having read all that :rolleyes:
My topic seems a little like something that would probably throw most forum people in a "use the search" fit but I hope you'll wanna read this and comment anyway
I'm pondering wether to buy a GBA or a GP32... First off, let me say that I don't care about copying games being illegal, I don't mean to start a discussion about it, just stating it to get the context right as to what I'll be using these things for.
I've been doing a LOT of reading on the GP32, and I've borrowed a friend's GBA for a couple days to try it out... and here's my pros and cons for both as far as I can tell.
GBA + 256mbit flashcart:
+ lots of original commercial games available, working 100% (barring some withs pecial hardware) (big plus)
+ size and form. It's so tiny it makes it REAL easy to take with you, and it doesn't really look like a gameconsole which is good for at work
- size and form. Is also a disadvantage imho, because my hands are somewhat bigger than those tiny japanese hands it was probably designed for. Also the power switch in the side can sometimes really iritate the skin of my hand under my index finger.
- screen. Backlight is good, but sometimes I still think it might have been a bit brighter (slight minus in normal operation, bigger minus combined with emulation)
- emulators? Well only a - because the GP32 seems so much better at them. I've only tried pocketnes on the GBA I borrowed, it seemed to work okay, but cutting out about 1/3 of the vertical lines doesn't always work so well. Also of the few games I tried I already found several graphic problems.
- size of the flashcart. 256 mbit really is not a lot, about 2-4 GBA games fill it up. There's bigger versions but they get expensive.
+ I can just buy this stuff here in my own country (the Netherlands)
price would be about 250 euro I'm estimating for the GBA SP + flash kit.
- basically no commercial games.
+ scene seems to make up for that though with lots of homebrew games and ports. Still I don't expect this to come anywhere close to the original games for GBA.
+ emulators. It seems there's quite a few more emulators for the GP32, and I get the impression they work better too. As I understand not too much should be expected from GBA emulation? If that were to work alright, there really is no contest
+ batteries, being able to just use multiple sets is really nice.
+ screen: bigger and brighter I understand, also in resolution, letting the emus play in native res (yay)
+ it looks a lot more comfortable to hold than the GBA SP (unfortunately noone I know has a GP32 so I can't try it :unsure
- I'm less convinced about the sturdiness of the device and warranty if it gets broken than for the GBA...
+ it's just way cooler
- as I understand, the joystick isn't really ideal.
+ SMC cards, it's a shame they can't go over 128 MB but even that blows the GBA cart out of the water, especially since these things are cheap and you can just get several.
+ seems more interesting to try and code some stuff for
155 euro, 184 after taxes (called customs to check) from liksang...
224 euro, for a 166 mhz one from GBAX (currency converted at a site other than GBAX)
Then I'm estimating add some 50 euro for batteries and SMC card.
I'm not too sure where I'd order yet, I mean I'd like to order at GBAX if only to support Craig since he seems really active in this community. But as for the GP32, the 166 mhz guarantee seems to also guarantee it definately wont clock above 180 either (or it'd be sold as 180). Unfortunately the 180 versions can't be ordered atm, but then, that'd get quite a bit more expensive too...
The one from liksang is quite a bit cheaper, but it seems like a gamble... it might not overclock above 133 well at all, then again it might go over 200.
I'm not much for gambling so I'd probably go for GBAX though
Anyone care to comment how much it actually helps to be able to go beyond 166 with 16 bit emulators?
I can't get both
So... I'll have to make up my own mind of course, but does anyone have any comments on the above? Am I seeing anything majorly wrong?
Whew, that turned out big... big cheer for those of you having read all that :rolleyes: