Chip For Guru!

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chad78 said:
Even when he's proven wrong (and, by that I mean, when C&C actually change what they are doing to fit what was being asked for - which is rare, I know) - he makes it seem like that was the plan all along, and the all-knowing C&C cannot change, because they are always right from the beginning - and change would be admitting you were wrong (even though the release date has been changed more often than a 2 month old's diaper).
If I come to the defense of the dev team, it is because I have been in their position myself. I worked for a laptop builder/distributer for a couple years, and I was frequently caught between Asian manufacturers over whom I had no control and customers who demanded updates and fixes to which I had no access. I know what it's like to be hounded by customers who think they're entitled to something and are convinced that you're keeping it from them on purpose. I have some empathy for Craig's position in this project. That is why when people come down on him for problems and delays that are beyond anybody's control or make unreasonable demands based on some perceived sense of entitlement, I put a boot up their ass.

Craig has to be polite because this is his livelihood, just as I had to be polite to customers when it was mine. With the Pandora, I don't make a dime whether you buy one or not, so if you're acting like a spoiled brat I'm going to tell you so. If your demands are unreasonable, I'm going to tell you that too. I know you don't want to hear it, but it is the truth. There are realities in the manufacturing business that you don't seem to want to understand.

As for this "They keep changing the release date!" nonsense, it's getting old. Nobody has ever said "The Pandora will go on sale on X date." Every time anybody has given time frame it has always been qualified with a "Hopefully" or "If everything goes according to plan." Since the very beginning of this project, the one constant has been that Pandora Will Be Released When It's Ready. Any implication that anyone on the dev team has been intentionally deceptive or has gone back a promised release date is just plain false. The release date has never been moved because it has never been set. Everything so far has been estimates and projections, and those have been adjusted as the project progressed.

If the realities of new product development are too much for you to handle, then by all means, don't buy a Pandora. Buy another Nokia tablet or wait for the next big thing or start your own project, but whatever else you do, quit crying about it. Whining and throwing a fit because you have to wait for your new toy is childish. You're old enough to know better.
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chad78 said:
Even when he's proven wrong (and, by that I mean, when C&C actually change what they are doing to fit what was being asked for - which is rare, I know) - he makes it seem like that was the plan all along, and the all-knowing C&C cannot change, because they are always right from the beginning - and change would be admitting you were wrong (even though the release date has been changed more often than a 2 month old's diaper).

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if Chad says no, then no it must be. Sorry everybody else.

By the way, I'm writing this on an iphone cos I actually have one, and I think I love it. But that can't be right, can it Chad, cos you told me it was rubbish. What should I think....?
lubidog said:
if Chad says no, then no it must be. Sorry everybody else.

By the way, I'm writing this on an iphone cos I actually have one, and I think I love it. But that can't be right, can it Chad, cos you told me it was rubbish. What should I think....?
That's ok, just keep reminding yourself that you're a corporate shill and that you'll never take decent pics with it. :P

I am of course joking, if I was as successful and handsome as yourself, I'd totally get one, but I can't afford the monthly bills and it doesn't suit my skintone
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fishybawb said:
Re: Chip actually getting Guru status - you're welcome, you ungrateful bastard :P

Congrats :)

I was going to save the acceptance/thank you speech until the full mod promotion went through, but since it might be a while before Hando can log on and do it, I suppose I should say something. :P

Seriously, thanks for the support. I was actually a little surprised (and more than a little touched) that (almost) everybody was so adamantly in favor of my promotion. Thank you for taking the time to speak up and say so.

I fully intend to keep doing what I've been doing - answering questions, updating the FAQ, and trying to keep things sane. Lets just hope I don't go mad with power ;)
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Chip said:
Lets just hope I don't go mad with power ;)
That's ok, gurus have no extra power (they're not mods). ;) It is 'merely' a badge of respect to recognize someone who can be relied on to know what they're talking about (or at least that's how it used to be).
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Esn said:
Chip said:
Lets just hope I don't go mad with power ;)
That's ok, gurus have no extra power (they're not mods). ;) It is 'merely' a badge of respect to recognize someone who can be relied on to know what they're talking about (or at least that's how it used to be).

True, but now I am a full mod. :D

Thanks again guys for all your support.
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Well then, congrats Chip. Remember the little people who helped you get where you are today! :P

chad78 said:
I don't want Chip to be awarded for bootlicking. Every time someone says anything against the Pandora - or the way the Pandora is being handled - or that anything that Criag & Co. are doing could be improved or changed or enhanced in any way - Chip jumps up and takes one for the team.

It's annoying - and to get promoted for that kind of behavior is sickening.
This warrants a response.

Chad, it is my opinion that Chip was not promoted for "bootlicking" or for defending the creators of the Pandora on occasion, but for consistently being mature and helpful to newbies and longtime members alike for months now (i.e. things like this).

There are dozens of people here who fawn over the Pandora's creators a lot more than he does, which is why I doubt that that was the reason.
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I just watched Chad's you tube blog about his ranting. I loved it! Basically he says that if you see him ranting on a forum, and people disagree with him, then it is his fault because he didn't make his point clearly enough. If he had of done, then there would have been no argument, cos he is always right!

I know I am hijaking the thread, but really Chad you are an absolute idiot. So much so that you are almost amusing. Do you realise this?

Really pleased for Chip. He is always helpful and calm!
lubidog said:
I just watched Chad's you tube blog about his ranting. I loved it! Basically he says that if you see him ranting on a forum, and people disagree with him, then it is his fault because he didn't make his point clearly enough. If he had of done, then there would have been no argument, cos he is always right!

I know I am hijaking the thread, but really Chad you are an absolute idiot. So much so that you are almost amusing. Do you realise this?

Really pleased for Chip. He is always helpful and calm!
[edit] - I never once said I was always right - what I said was if I did a better job explaining myself, there wouldn't need to be walls of text explaining myself. [removed insult]

Will everyone stop trying to wind chad up, and chad, will you stop being so agressive back, we really don't want to have to ban you again. - Squidge.
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chad78 said:
lubidog said:
I just watched Chad's you tube blog about his ranting. I loved it! Basically he says that if you see him ranting on a forum, and people disagree with him, then it is his fault because he didn't make his point clearly enough. If he had of done, then there would have been no argument, cos he is always right!

I know I am hijaking the thread, but really Chad you are an absolute idiot. So much so that you are almost amusing. Do you realise this?

Really pleased for Chip. He is always helpful and calm!
[edit] - I never once said I was always right - what I said was if I did a better job explaining myself, there wouldn't need to be walls of text explaining myself. [removed insult] This forum is pretty much a huge circle jerk anyway.

Rather than ranting and name calling, why not just explain your position more clearly, no wait, that's the problem isn't it.
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chad78 said:
Will everyone stop trying to wind chad up, and chad, will you stop being so agressive back, we really don't want to have to ban you again. - Squidge.
How about banning some of the assholes who keep attacking me?
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chad78 said:

chad78 said:
Will everyone stop trying to wind chad up, and chad, will you stop being so agressive back, we really don't want to have to ban you again. - Squidge.
How about banning some of the assholes who keep attacking me?

I wouldn't be against this. Everyone needs to cool off a bit.

lubidog said:
I know I am hijaking the thread,

Yes you are, and by so doing you gave Chad the choice of replying to the argument I made in my post, or replying to someone who called him an idiot. And he chose the easy option. Now let's try to return to the other one...
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My God, he does leap to the aggressive doesn't he?

Ban me if you want, sorry I hijacked the thread. Just can't believe the arrogance of this man!

So, PM me Chad if you want a fight! I'll not be publicly baiting him any more!

And sorry Chip for jumping in on your victory thread!
Can we close this thread?
Chip got his Guru (and mod) status, so there's really no need for it to be here anymore.
I have a feeling bad things will come if it stays open.
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