Ce Testing

And for the most important argument of them all (that I already mentioned here:


if you have to execute a program with full user permissions everytime you want to see an applications icon, something is horribly, HORRIBLY wrong. The application could do anything when you pass it the --show-blablabla parameter, including stealing all your bank info and deleting all your files.

EDIT: this post got horribly messed up for some reason...
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A thought just occurred to me. Could an ISO image be formatted as an EXT2 file system? In which case files could have an execute bit set. Doesn't make torpor's solution as I understand it any more correct, but it does get rid of one of the problems with it.
On the other hand, ISO probably doesn't work like that.
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WizardStan said:
A thought just occurred to me. Could an ISO image be formatted as an EXT2 file system? In which case files could have an execute bit set. Doesn't make torpor's solution as I understand it any more correct, but it does get rid of one of the problems with it.
On the other hand, ISO probably doesn't work like that.
You could, but it wouldn't be compatible with a few things. CDs weren't built for multiple partitions, which would be what you need to make an ext2-filesystem. If I had made the PND standard, I wouldn't have chosen ISO, but instead ext2 with a nice GUI to write to it, but I guess that we need windows compatibility etc so that wouldn't have been an option...

But CDFS will be enough for our needs I think. We won't need the execute bit anyways, most probably; we'll just have to default all files in a PND to non-executable and make the file in the PXML execute without +x.

EDIT: btw, CDs do NOT have the FAT file system on them, but rather the iso-9660 standardised format.
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'dflemstr' said:
'WizardStan' said:
A thought just occurred to me. Could an ISO image be formatted as an EXT2 file system? In which case files could have an execute bit set. Doesn't make torpor's solution as I understand it any more correct, but it does get rid of one of the problems with it.
On the other hand, ISO probably doesn't work like that.
You could, but it wouldn't be compatible with a few things. CDs weren't built for multiple partitions, which would be what you need to make an ext2-filesystem. If I had made the PND standard, I wouldn't have chosen ISO, but instead ext2 with a nice GUI to write to it, but I guess that we need windows compatibility etc so that wouldn't have been an option...

But CDFS will be enough for our needs I think. We won't need the execute bit anyways, most probably; we'll just have to default all files in a PND to non-executable and make the file in the PXML execute without +x.

So wait, are the PND files ISOs or ZIPs? Half of you guys are saying ISO and the others are saying renamed ZIP. Which is true?

-God Ginrai
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God Ginrai said:
So wait, are the PND files ISOs or ZIPs? Half of you guys are saying ISO and the others are saying renamed ZIP. Which is true?

-God Ginrai
I have worked with and looked at the code (see my sig), so hear me when I speak the ultimate truth: They're iso-9660-images with a PXML and an optional program icon appended to them.

EDIT: I am unable to type today.
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Also the pnd doesnt actually get mounted when scanning but we only read the pxml/icon from the end.
Actually mounting each file in the scanning state would probably be way to slow while this method is FAST.
dflemstr said:
To clarify a few things: a PND is an ISO image with the pxml appended to it. This allows for CRAZY FAST reading of the config, especially compared to having to load a program, execute it, wait for output etc. just to get the config.

Vimacs said:
Also the pnd doesnt actually get mounted when scanning but we only read the pxml/icon from the end.
Actually mounting each file in the scanning state would probably be way to slow while this method is FAST.
Why don't people read what I write... :(
Or I didn't mention the mounting, but still :P
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'dflemstr' said:
'dflemstr' said:
To clarify a few things: a PND is an ISO image with the pxml appended to it. This allows for CRAZY FAST reading of the config, especially compared to having to load a program, execute it, wait for output etc. just to get the config.

'Vimacs' said:
Also the pnd doesnt actually get mounted when scanning but we only read the pxml/icon from the end.
Actually mounting each file in the scanning state would probably be way to slow while this method is FAST.
Why don't people read what I write... :(
Or I didn't mention the mounting, but still :P

Because people dont see your name at the 'meet the developers' list at openpandora.org/blog
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Mithrildor said:
Because people dont see your name at the 'meet the developers' list at openpandora.org/blog

Hm, yeah that might be a reason, but I have never seen that list before so I guess that there are others who also haven't.

But I designed the new PXML format so I should know these things :P (I didn't touch the PND stuff but I'm quite familiar with it after all those debugs ... :S)
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Vimacs said:
I designed the .pnd format, so stfu :-)
Well, you weren't here to answer (a couple of pages ago), so I felt like I could instead ;)
Anyways, how the heck did we ge into this discussion? :P

Weren't we talking about the CE testing? Any news on the new case design?
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'dflemstr' said:
Well, you weren't here to answer (a couple of pages ago), so I felt like I could instead ;)
Sure you can.
Its just that your last post sounded to me like you are trying to wisearse me :-)
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Okay so I concede that the .PND wrapper is going to be a good solution. I'm glad you guys convinced me, because I didn't know too much about the .PND bundle approach, and thought that there were just going to be .pxml files all over the place to deal with.

This means that I can just distribute my game as a single-file download, so thats good for me .. very happy about that, actually.
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