You aren't wrong, KodeIn... Incidentally, have you noticed that when a show gets made with those older values, it tends to become a mega-hit? (Yet, I'm guessing that the companies responsible for their production haven't quite understood why yet, because they always seem to go back to commissioning stuff of a lower standard again, afterwards.)
A couple of recent such examples that I can think of are Ben 10 (which I think is generally on a quality-level akin to that of the still-excellent Batman: The Animated Series), and (to my great surprise) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the latter of which has recently gotten a *huge* following that's not at all restricted to the audience that it's primarily aimed at.
Actually, once upon a time, purely for fun, I once wrote a selection of episodes for an entirely fictional cartoon series (and it actually wasn't Mega Man related). I should try that again sometime. :lol: I intentionally based it around a retail product, and it was fun trying to think of ways to add value to the series and product for existing customers, as well as to promote the product to new ones in ways that weren't blatant or misleading, whilst penning something that would have (hopefully) been quality entertainment to watch - I can only imagine that this was, and is, quite challenging for people who actually work in that field and wish to do a good job of it (we'll overlook the ones who'll write any old schlock to promote a toy line). It was great fun.