
I was wondering the same thing, but then I realised: This is off-topic. There doesn't need to be a point.
I was wondering the same thing, but then I realised: This is off-topic. There doesn't need to be a point.
Still doesn't make any sense.

I mean, this guy just walks in, posts a link to a website containing images of cartoon characters and walks right back out. It makes no dang sense.

Is this His website that he is shamelessly linking to?

Did somebody ask for this link?

Even in Off-Topic general chat, why somebody would post a link to this webpage and leave without any explanation is beyond me.
I think I put this here for anyone interested in cartoons. Do I have to justify? Pac Man had his own cartoon. Should I continue referencing every video game/cartoon correlation?
Pac Man had his own cartoon.
More's the pity that licensing nightmares prevented it from being released on DVD... :( It was actually really good (and it was the origin of the theme tune that was used in Pac-Land!). It used to get re-run on Cartoon Network UK during the mid-90s, and I have very fond memories of it (I never saw it in the 80s).
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I remember it on Saturday mornings as a kid. As a 6/7 year old, I could get several keys into Pac Man.

Ms. Pac Man was also one of the best sequels ever and have fond memories of that game too.
^ I can spend hours on Ms. Pac-Man! :lol: I do hope it comes up in the Retro Offline Tournament at some point.

I could never figure out why she was referred to as "Pepper" in the TV series, though.
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I remember watching the Pac-Man cartoon and also Captain N Game Master as I recall thinking it was great seeing lots of characters from different games in one cartoon.
Ah yes, the 30 minute long commercials of the 80s were my favourites :)

I recently rewatched the entirety of Transformers, expecting my childhood memories to be destroyed by reality, but it surprisingly held up pretty well, as far as cheaply produced animation goes. There's even one episode where the Decepticons are celebrating and they become quite obviously drunk. My child self wouldn't have understood but adult me was laughing.
expecting my childhood memories to be destroyed by reality, but it surprisingly held up pretty well
That's been my experience with several shows, actually. :)

One, in particular, is Captain N: The Game Master, as mentioned above by kilowatt (its liberties with its source material be damned, it's still brilliant). It's still a firm favourite with me.
Even with the really cheap animation of those old shows (transformers, G.I. Joe, CaptN, MASK, etc.), I tend to think that they were made a bit better than modern shows of the same kind.

It may be just an impression, but I've got the feeling that they tend to make the new ones dumber…
You aren't wrong, KodeIn... Incidentally, have you noticed that when a show gets made with those older values, it tends to become a mega-hit? (Yet, I'm guessing that the companies responsible for their production haven't quite understood why yet, because they always seem to go back to commissioning stuff of a lower standard again, afterwards.)

A couple of recent such examples that I can think of are Ben 10 (which I think is generally on a quality-level akin to that of the still-excellent Batman: The Animated Series), and (to my great surprise) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the latter of which has recently gotten a *huge* following that's not at all restricted to the audience that it's primarily aimed at.

Actually, once upon a time, purely for fun, I once wrote a selection of episodes for an entirely fictional cartoon series (and it actually wasn't Mega Man related). I should try that again sometime. :lol: I intentionally based it around a retail product, and it was fun trying to think of ways to add value to the series and product for existing customers, as well as to promote the product to new ones in ways that weren't blatant or misleading, whilst penning something that would have (hopefully) been quality entertainment to watch - I can only imagine that this was, and is, quite challenging for people who actually work in that field and wish to do a good job of it (we'll overlook the ones who'll write any old schlock to promote a toy line). It was great fun.
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alright seriously....what is up with the ponies? what is the fascination with the damn ponies? i understand its some internet meme joke thing, but there is an unbelievable following with that show and its really disturbing that grown men are watching my little pony. what is it that im missing here? and dont tell me to go watch an episode as i just wont. something inside of me just prevents me from actually seriously paying attention to it, am i in a time where thats considered wrong?
^ What's up with it is that it's actually an honest-to-goodness, quality cartoon in this day and age. :p (If anyone remembers watching shows as a kid that their parents would also sit down to watch with them because they found themselves equally entertained by them, this is one of those.)

I know you say you won't, and believe me, I said that I wouldn't either when I first heard about it, but if you can bring yourself to at least do watch the pilot. From that, it isn't really hard to see why it's caught on - it's well-written, it doesn't assume that its audience is stupid or only wants to watch crudeness being perpetrated by unprofessional-looking scribbles (a serious problem with modern television animation), and it doesn't exude that whole shallow "cupcakes and sharing and giggling and fashion and light conquer all" nonsense that's marred so many shows aimed at girls over the years (in fact, those behind it stated that this was something they disliked as children, and specifically wanted to avoid).

Also, I gather that it's by the people who worked on The Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, which both also ended up with similar followings.
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yeah ok sorry im not gonna watch it, whatever happened to some transformers or smurfs cartoons? i understand the love for family guy and enjoy watching that show as well, but no matter how good a plot it might be, portraying it with a screen full of pink fluffy ponies is gonna creep me out for some reason
You're going to judge it without even watching it?

edit: and for clarification, I haven't watched it either, but I'm not the one who is calling it creepy ;)
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ok you got watch a 10 second clip of My Little Pony and imagine 20+ year old guys watching it, tell me how you feel
ok you got watch a 10 second clip of My Little Pony and imagine 20+ year old guys watching it, tell me how you feel
OK, I just watched a clip, and it occurred to me that I *was* a 20 year old person watching it. It made me feel very manly.