Can I get a concise status update?


Still Fresh
Oct 10, 2012
I've not been checking these forums lately as I gave up waiting patiently years ago and just assumed one day my Pandora pre-order would ship. Today is the three year aniversary for my pre-order and I wonder what's going on? Can someone sum it up for me?
the board manufacturer from before is crap. theres a new manufacturer in germany. craig gave ED the control over the pandora pcb as the manufacturer is few blocks away. ED offers options to upgrade your order from craig to ED. ED has units in stock. craig takes preorders for every pandora ever announced
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the board manufacturer from before is crap. theres a new manufacturer in germany. craig gave ED the control over the pandora pcb as the manufacturer is few blocks away. ED offers options to upgrade your order from craig to ED. ED has units in stock. craig takes preorders for every pandora ever announced
That's almost a Haiku..
I believe now that if you want you could also upgrade your order now and have it shipped within a week. but if you've been waiting three years the queue should be clearing within Two Months anyway.
I believe now that if you want you could also upgrade your order now and have it shipped within a week. but if you've been waiting three years the queue should be clearing within Two Months anyway.

Unless you already paid to upgrade a month or 2 back... then you're left in the lurch again.
Don't know about Craigs queue - and he probably can't tell right now as well, as he just sent emails a while ago offering to upgrade, wait or a refund... AFAIK about 150 want to upgrade, don't know about refunds, but all in all, this will rearrange his queue and make the remaining 1st batchers left a lot less.

In my queue there are about 40 first batch and 120 second batch orders left, so we're getting there :)
Sorry, I should have clarified from Craig's shop :P

Thanks ED.
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