Burger King Prank...

Coke all the way. It's true that it's dental effects are over exagerated, and I was drinking 2 or 3 litres a day for a few years, and my teeth are still pretty good, bar one is chipped on the left.
Mark posted on Jul 18 2004 at 03:36 PM said:
Wild animals need to eat meat to survive. I don't. I don't like how things are bred to be killed. It's sick. These are living creatures with feelings and emotions.
Not anymore *chew*

Sorry, I had to :P

PinkSpider and Mark, I could argue with you as I don't understand some of your ideals, but who am I to question other peoples' beliefs? Fact is, I am going to eat a hell of a lot of meat and I approve of you not doing it, because then there's potentially more for me :lol: Should we ever meat (huahuahua! I am so fuckin' funny.), I'd gladly invite you over for vegetarian dinner ;)

And, concerning cola: I like Jolt.
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Mark posted on Jul 18 2004 at 08:33 PM said:
Coke all the way.
After years of Colamastery I have found the drinks to be useful for different situations. Pepsi just seems to win it. It's more artificial sure, with none of that vegetable extract garbage, and tastes sweeter, but damn the taste is addictive. Much more than Coke, which I have now grown to despise for some reason. It always tastes too familiar, like they're trying too hard to make it taste good, when it already is. Anyways I'm having difficulty as you can plainly see as tastes are hard to describe in words. Never mind.

What I find more worrying is that you or I can drink a litre or more of Cola a day and NOT get tired of the taste. I know you can say the same about tea or coffee but still... it's just ridiculous!
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PinkSpider posted on Jul 18 2004 at 10:05 PM said:
Premier Cola all the way... tastes almost like Coca Cola and it only costs 95p. No artificial sweetner crap in it either ^_^
LOL reminds me of Topper's Cola, a cola that was about 15p a litre and sold at the king of all overcheap convenience, LIDLs. Man it was foul. Me and my friends used to joke about how it was 95% sugar, the rest water, and it really did taste like fizzy water with a bit of sugar thrown it. Cheap though, so it was a good ration to take with us to a trip in France where they refused to sell us fizzy drinks and we had pocket money of £3/week.
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sam fisher posted on Jul 18 2004 at 01:48 PM said:
Chicken makes me throw up. I cannot eat egg yolk because it makes me through up. I cannot eat anything inside of an animal as it scares me. And I don't like dead things. I don't mind bacon or ham until I remember where it comes from. I would like to become vegitarian but my mum would never let me. Also I have a virus that makes me tired (something similar to something called glandular fever) So I need loads of vitamins. I can drink 4 litres of coke with out getting any sort of energy burst..
wow...not to be a dick or anything...but...it sure f***ing sucks to be you! sheesh...al there gp32 troubles...now this! :rolleyes:
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thebluenewt posted on Jul 19 2004 at 12:32 AM said:
Sorry Coca Cola is the best at everybody knows it
I really hope you weren't serious with that argument.

"Smoking... 46 million Americans can't be wrong!"
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Warning kids. Here's what many years of coke abuse has done to my teeth.

...Addictive stuff, it really is. I try to stick to diet now but I just gotta have a hit of the 'real thing' from time to time.

I used to buy crates of 24 from asda when I hired games from block buster, and they'd be gone in less than 2 days!! :(

I'm so ashamed ;) but I have a feeling you guys will understand :P
...Still, it has it's advantages. I had a bridge put in, but since the removal of a supporting wisdom tooth a couple of years ago, I can now flick it out with my tounge.

Which means I can do this:

Cool huh?
Coke-wise, I'm betting most of you haven't tried the Karibean Kola that's turned up in the last year or two. If you haven't, do so - its one of the most flavourful cokes I've ever had. Think mostly coke, but with a hint of coconut, and a slight tang of Dr. Pepper. I think... its been a while since I had the stuff. Anyway. You should try it, if you can find it.

Veggetarian-wise, no-one mentioned that a lot of veggie food tastes at least as good as meat-based food, and often better (though of course there are a LOT of things you can do with meat that are absolutely lovely). I'm not a vegetarian, but my mum is, which means I experience a fair bit of home-made veggetarian food. And I must say, its a pretty tall order to make something nicer than a lentil roast or a batter pudding or for that matter, a soufle with meat as opposed to without.
pubjoe posted on Jul 19 2004 at 02:37 AM said:
...Addictive stuff, it really is. I try to stick to diet now but I just gotta have a hit of the 'real thing' from time to time.
I agree, and I'm sure most people here will too. When you mention to people that you think you're addicted to Coke they laugh and think you're trying to be cute.

I swear I've woken up in a cold sweat at 3 o clock in the morning, shaking badly. I pulled a can of coke up from under by bed and I was fine a few minutes later.

Must be the caffine or something.

Right, I need alot less coke. Ribeana toothkind and pure ornage from now on.
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Rico posted on Jul 19 2004 at 12:39 AM said:
thebluenewt posted on Jul 19 2004 at 12:32 AM said:
Sorry Coca Cola is the best at everybody knows it
I really hope you weren't serious with that argument.

"Smoking... 46 million Americans can't be wrong!"
The fact that lots of people smoke means that lots of people like smoking.

The fact that coke is the most popular cola drink means that more people like it than like Pepsi.

See, it's a great argument! :P
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i cant remember the last time i had coke. i used to drink loads of the stuff but my teeth started to get yellow so now its all about the tea and water. and coca cola is the original and best.

infact im about to have a nice Pizza with Jelapino's and Onions

LMAO for that comment im gonna see if i can find a steak pizza.
A few days I was trying to sleep and kept thinking about drinking Pepsi...resisted urge, but it could be a worrying premonition! This calls for a poll.